

Your skin changes over time. Stress, lifestyle decisions, and the sun can make it feel tired and rough, not to mention numerous skin conditions that can affect nearly all of us. That's why skin treatments are not ‘one size fits all.' If you have been struggling with skin issues, and creams and antibiotics aren't helpful - or if you can't tolerate side effects of medicine - you could consider treatments that are provided by professional dermatologists.


From general dermatology services to special laser procedures, there is a treatment that can significantly improve your skin. Some of the most popular skin conditions that can be successfully treated include acne, contact dermatitis, skin lupus, connective tissue diseases, genetic disorder, congenital skin problems, blistering diseases, and T-cell lymphoma, to name a few.


Several types of medical procedures - for example, light therapy and chemical peels - may be helpful. Moreover, acne bacteria can be killed with heat energy and pulsing light. Special treatments also shrink oil glands to decrease oil production.


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