With well over 500 episodes and counting, many strange and rare items have come through the Pawn Stars doors. Though fans tune in each week for a variety of reasons, some of the best moments on the show are when an object is worth an incredible amount of money. While the Harrisons may not always purchase them, it’s always interesting getting a look at the world of high-value trading.
One of the best parts of shows like Pawn Stars is when a seller isn’t aware of an item’s value. In one episode, a seller came into the shop with some jewelry they received from a relative. After showing the spider brooch to Rick, he quickly realized it was a Fabergé piece and worth far more than she thought. An expert valued the spider at roughly $80,000 and Rick offered $15,000, hoping to make a profit. Fabergé has since claimed that the spider is a fake, meaning that the $15,000 payout is far beyond its actual worth.
Brock Williams, former New England Patriots defensive back, showed up at the shop hoping to make a deal for his Super Bowl championship ring. These rings are already rare, but the 2001 rings were the first time the rings exceeded the NFL’s rule on expense limits. Consisting of 14-karat white gold and featuring 143 diamonds, this ring is a thing of beauty. Rick purchased it for $2,000 as collateral for a loan. However, Brock never returned for it and its value now sits between $30,000 and $100,000.
A customer walked into the shop carrying several bags of silver that he had been keeping in a storage unit for almost a decade. From coins to bars, everything was pure silver. After weighing them, the Harrisons found that these objects totaled over 3,300 ounces or 200 pounds. They purchased the silver for $110,000 and have since managed to make a profit by selling and repurposing the metal.
Plenty of coins have made their way through the store, but few are as amazing as the “Ides of March” coin. A collector brought in this 2000-year-old coin that depicts two daggers and the words “EID MAR”. The daggers are clear references to the murder of Caesar and the words are a short form of the Roman words for “Ides of March.” The collector knew the coin’s value and requested $150,000. Rick brought in an expert who agreed with the price, but they never struck a deal.
Guitars are usually some of the most expensive items to come through the shop, thanks in part to the legacies of their owners. In one episode, a seller brought in a beautiful Gibson SG and said it belonged to his Aunt Mary. The 1961 Gibson Les Paul SG actually belonged to Mary Ford, wife of Les Paul and one half of their legendary musical duo. Not only was the owner of the guitar a famous musician in her own right, but she was also married to its namesake and designer. An expert confirmed the story and valued it at close to $150,000, though the store purchased it for $90,000.
Pawn Stars has gone beyond waiting in the shop for exciting finds in recent seasons. Rick and the crew will often travel to private sellers to find more unique and rarer items. One of the best and most expensive discoveries was some original artwork from the childhood classic “Where the Wild Things Are.” The seller originally asked for $350,000 for the drawings but later made a deal for $250,000.
When it comes to music legends, few can compete with Jimi Hendrix. Needless to say, Hendrix’s guitars are worth a fair share. Thanks to the serial number on the back, an expert was able to confirm Hendrix owned and played this 1963 Fender Stratocaster. With an estimated value of up to $1 million, this beautiful guitar instantly became one of the most expensive items to come through the shop’s doors. Rick lowballed his offers and the guitar’s owner walked away to find another seller.
After 20 Billboard number one hits, selling over 600 million albums, and 60 years of radio play, there’s no doubt that The Beatles are one of the greatest musical groups of all time. All of that success began with signing a little piece of paper — their first official contract. A seller brought in the original contract, complete with signatures from all of the Beatles and their manager. The seller wanted $1 million for it and the shop had to pass.
Over 90 million people tuned into the police pursuit of O.J. Simpson’s white Ford Bronco. Because of the situation surrounding it, this car is perhaps the most infamous vehicle in America. A seller brought the Bronco to Rick, asking for $1.25 million. Rick decided against purchasing it and the car is now on display at the Alcatraz East Crime Museum.
On the 500th episode of Pawn Stars, the crew decided to do things a little differently and intentionally went after high-value items. Among them was the three-piece suit that George Washington wore over 250 years ago. The private seller, who purchased the suit at an auction, wasn’t looking to sell but said he might consider it for $3 million. After dropping it down to $2.5 million, Rick ultimately chose to pass on this piece of American history.
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