
Fashion looks come and go, and the older you are the more you see recycled styles. There is a saying that if you wore a trend the first time, you can't wear it when it comes back into fashion. Is that true? Like many rules about fashion, it depends. There are few hard and fast rules to follow with fashion, but there are some common mistakes that women commonly fall into as they age.

Look at yourself objectively

Aging is part of living, so don't waste time thinking about how you looked when you were younger. Instead, take a look at yourself objectively when deciding what you want to wear. Recognize when a haircut or dress style that always worked for you is no longer flattering. Instead of letting it get you down, take the opportunity to try something new.

Mature women outside together. simonkr / Getty Images


Cautiously recycle trends

If you lived through wide-legged, low-rise jeans in the '90s, does that mean you can't wear them again? What about platform sandals? The rule that you can't wear a trend the second time around should be taken with a grain of salt.

The mistake you don't want to make is wearing items you saved from the time. Wide-legged, low-rise jeans may make a reappearance, but there are sure to be modifications that update the look. Whether it is a darker rinse, wider hem, or another subtle change, the new style won't exactly mimic the look. Pulling your vintage jeans from the back of your closet will instantly date your look.

Female artist sketching out a design to transfer to fabric via screen printing. FatCamera / Getty Images


Let go of your signature look

Whether it is a haircut or statement necklace, having something that defines your look isn't always bad. The mistake creeps in when you fail to update the look to work with changes that are a normal part of aging.

As your hair grays, the texture can also change. Even if you color the gray, your formerly sleek bob may start to look unruly. Or perhaps you find that instead of wearing reading glasses occasionally, you need to switch to wearing glasses full-time. Selecting a pair of statement frames can add interest to your face, but may compete with your signature necklace.

Thoughtful senior woman looking at dress Morsa Images / Getty Images


You don't need to cover up

Wear what makes you comfortable. There is no age that requires you to put away the leggings or wear a swimsuit with a skirt attached. With age comes confidence, and you can broadcast that however you like. For some women, that means continuing to dress like they always have, while for others it means finally putting comfort ahead of fashion.

Senior woman in bikini. Aja Koska / Getty Images


Update your undergarments

Our bodies change as part of the aging process. No matter how fit you are or how consistent your weight, you will probably notice a shift in how your body carries weight as you age. Check the size of your bras as well as what condition they are in. If it is time to get a new size, invest in quality pieces. Even if your size remains the same, the material stretches over time, which affects support and comfort. An ill-fitted bra makes you look heavier and can create the frumpy profile you are trying to avoid.

Woman shopping for bra. sergeyryzhov / Getty Images


Swap out your jeans for a fresh cut

Your grandparents may have never worn jeans, but women over 50 today still embrace the trend. Jeans have become a wardrobe staple, and you never need to give them up. Not all jeans are created equal. A little stretch is good, it makes the jeans more comfortable and creates a forgiving profile. Too much stretch is bad. While they may look great when you slide into them, as the day wears on they will sag, giving your rear a droopy look and leaving you tugging at them every time you stand up.

Shot of woman's shoes as a couple walk along a pebble beach towards afternoon sun. Man out of focus in background wearing rucksack. Mike Harrington / Getty Images


Don't try to hide the signs of aging

Aging is a normal part of life. Trying to cover up parts of your body that show signs of aging can do the opposite, making you look uncomfortable and out of place. For example, a loss of elasticity in the neck is a normal part of aging. Trying to hide it with a turtleneck will only draw attention to the area. Instead, go for a v-neck, showing a little decolletage. Skip the choker and wear a necklace that lays below the neck of your shirt.

street life anandaBGD / Getty Images


Evolve from wearing black

Wearing black has its advantages. It is easy to coordinate, it is slimming, and once you have a go-to uniform, you don't have to think much about what you wear. However, as you age, it is common for your coloring to change. Sticking with black can make you look washed out. Build your wardrobe around a color that is just as neutral but more forgiving. Deep plum, navy, and dark brown are all excellent options.

Mature woman in navy suit. filadendron / Getty Images


Don't neglect your feet

People tend to go one of two ways with shoes as they age, sticking with what they know or diving into comfort. Updating your shoes is an easy way to elevate your entire look. If you are ready to lean into comfort, explore your options beyond athletic shoes and orthopedic sandals. There are many stylish choices on the market. Look for a cushioned footbed, wide toebox, and heels that are low enough that you feel secure walking. Uncomfortable shoes will affect your stride and posture, making it hard to project the confident look you hope to project.

Mature, well-dressed woman wundervisuals / Getty Images


Update your accessories

You may look in the mirror and realize that some of your favorite accessories are looking dated. While the smart move is to take them off, don't neglect to replace them. Accessories are an easy way to spice up an outfit and create a finished look. They are also an inexpensive way to elevate your outfit.

Well-accessorized older woman. alvarez / Getty Images

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