
Braided hairstyles have been around for thousands of years. They're adaptable to any occasion, from school to workouts, to evenings out with friends, or for more formal occasions like weddings. For every recognized braid style you’ll come across, there are many more adaptations to choose from. The best way to find the perfect braided wedding hairstyle is to experiment with several wedding coiffures. Choose the one that delivers the look you’ve dreamed of and looks best with your facial features and hair type.

Textured, loose side braid

Boho side braids or twists are a romantic option for a bride or her attendants. Not only does the style look beautiful with all hair types, but it’s also easy to accessorize with sparkling hairpins, dried or fresh flowers, or other types of stylish hair decorations. This coiffure meshes with any type of wedding dress. It’s also functional, keeping your hair out of your face throughout the wedding festivities.


Braided headband

Braided headbands create an excellent wedding hairstyle. Front braids work beautifully with updos and add a touch of vintage charm and elegance. Try variations of the Dutch braid, which stands out instead of hugging the head. A lace braid, which is similar to a half-French braid, is an intriguing option and works well for braiding long bangs so that they frame the face.


Faux hawk braid

If you prefer to keep things bold and edgy, you’ll love the endless choices and variations of the faux hawk braid. Try a tucked Dutch braid or French braid faux hawk to add a glamorous twist. If you prefer to wear your hair loose and flowing, consider the half-up braided version. The mohawk braid starts at the front and follows a line along the top of the head to the crown while the remaining locks remain free. Adjust the height and width of the braid to achieve the look you want. Merge the braid with a high ponytail just past the crown to achieve an even more unique and chic creation.


Crown braid and its variations

Whether you’re seeking a fairy tale vibe or something more glamorous, the crown braid checks off all the boxes. Unlike some other styles, the crown braid, or halo braid, circles the entire head. Use Dutch braids, French braids, or twisted versions of either. Try a breathtaking double crown braid by combining French braiding on the top braid and fishtail braiding on the lower braid. If you’re seeking a more youthful style, try loosening up the braids to create a bolder look.


Milkmaid braids

For a classic look that never goes out of style, try milkmaid braids. This three-strand braid is super versatile and works with most types of hair. Dress it up by adding a low-lying chignon in the back. Start the braid further back from the forehead, closer to the crown of the head, and frame the face with some loose strands of hair for a romantic look.


Braided chignon

Sophisticated and polished, the braided chignon is a go-to for weddings and other special occasions. It features a low-set bun in the back. Braids start at the front along the outline of the face and are worked into the hair in the back before creating the chignon. Add dried or fresh flowers or other hair accessories into the braids and at the top of the chignon to add a touch of romance or whimsy.


Waterfall braid

Super trendy, fanciful, and enchanting, the waterfall braid has been one of the top braiding styles in recent years. Its cascading waterfall effect looks intricate and complicated, but it’s easy for anyone who knows how to French braid. It creates circle, horizontal, or diagonal plaits through the hair, leaving loose strands to cascade like a waterfall in a stream. Best of all, waterfall braids complement just about any style of wedding ensemble you choose.

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Celtic braid

One of the most enduring braided styles, the Celtic braid, starts from the temples or just above the ears. They’re thinner than most other braids, about the same thickness as a pencil, and are the basis from more elaborate styles, such as the Celtic knot braid and the Celtic braid headband. It works well on short, medium, or long hair and an array of different hair textures. Try variations such as a Celtic knot ponytail. You can also find a selection of Celtic-inspired hair clips, sticks, and barrettes to top off your hairdo.


Loose French braid

The classic French braid has so many variations; it’s impossible to list them all. Creative hairstylists and those who love to experiment with their own hair are constantly inventing new versions of this braid, melding modern concepts with time-honored ones. Loose-style braids are more contemporary. If you’re seeking something a bit more adventurous, try the upside-down French braid. Instead of braiding downward, you braid upward from the nape of the neck to create an updo. The finishing touch at the top can be a messy bun, a bundle of curls, or an elegant bow braid.


Classic fishtail braid

Straight, stylized, and fun, the classic fishtail braid is a boho variation of the French braid, yet it can also be super glamorous. To see its lasting fashion worthiness, just check out the runways and fashion layouts over the last few years. The feature that sets fishtail braids apart is the elaborate pattern changes according to the thickness of the strands used. Looser strands tend to be more interesting and contemporary. Fishtail braids mesh easily with half-up ‘dos, milkmaid braids, side ponytail braids, and an array of other types.

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