
With names from mythological features currently rising in the U.S. Top 1000, now is the perfect time to look at ancient myths and legends for baby name inspiration. Whether you opt for a popular classic or a unique, lesser-known moniker, the names of goddesses and other figures from religion and mythology the world over are rich with history and meaning.

Greek Goddess Names

  • Athena is the name of the Greek goddess of war, wisdom, law, and justice.
  • Aura means “soft breeze." She is a Greek titan, a child of Gaea (earth).
  • Cassandra was a Trojan princess and a famous prophet.
  • Clio is the Greek muse of history and poetry, and the name is derived from the Greek word for glory.
  • Helen was the Queen of Troy and was rumored to be the most beautiful woman in the world.
  • Irene is the Greek goddess of peace.
  • Iris, meaning "rainbow," is the goddess of the sea and sky.
  • Phoebe means “shining and brilliant.” She is another titan.
  • Selene is the Greek goddess of the moon.
  • Thalia is the Greek muse of comedy, whose name means "to flourish."

Temple of Apollo in Delphi earleliason / Getty Images


Roman Goddesses

  • Aurora means dawn, after the Roman goddess of the sunrise.
  • Diana is the Roman goddess of the hunt, and her name means "divine."
  • Juno is the patron goddess of Rome, whose name means “queen of the heavens.”
  • Laetitia means happiness and is the name of the Roman goddess of joy.
  • Lara is a nymph in Roman mythology whose name means "citadel."
  • The name of the Roman Goddess of childbirth, Lucina means "light."
  • The name Luna comes from the Latin word for "moon" and is the goddess of this celestial body.
  • Maia is the Roman Goddess of Spring; the month of May is named after her.
  • Minerva is the Roman Goddess of wisdom and invention.
  • Victoria is a Roman Goddess named after the Latin word for "victory."

Roman forum mammuth / Getty Images


Goddesses of Norse Mythology

  • In Norse mythology, Brynhildr was the wife of the legendary warrior Gunnar.
  • Eir is the Norse goddess of healing and medicine, whose name means "mercy."
  • Elli means “old age” in Old Norse and was the name of a woman who wrestled and defeated Thor.
  • Freya is the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and war.
  • Heidi is a variant of Heidrun, a figure in Norse Mythology whose name means “bright and clear."
  • Hilda comes from the Old Norse Hildr, which is the name of a valkyrie, who carried warriors to the afterlife.
  • Idunn is the Norse goddess of spring and immortality.
  • Kara is the name of a valkyrie whose name means curved.
  • Sif means "bride," and was the wife of the Norse god Thor.
  • Skadi was a giantess associated with winter and skiing who married the god Odin.

Gorgeous Goddess Names for Your Little Girl


Egyptian Goddess Names

  • Amaunet comes from Amunet, an Egyptian goddess whose name means “the hidden one.”
  • Anuket means "embrace" and is the deification of the Nile River in Egyptian mythology.
  • Isis is the Egyptian goddess of the sky and nature.
  • Meret, whose name means “the beloved,” is an Egyptian goddess associated with singing and dancing.
  • Neith is the Egyptian goddess of hunting, weaving, and war, whose name means "water."
  • Nephthys is the goddess of the air, death, and mourning and the wife of the god Seth.
  • Nuit means "sky," after the Egyptian goddess of the heavens.
  • Qetesh is the goddess of fertility and ecstasy, a name derived from a root word meaning "holy."
  • Sekhmet is a warrior goddess whose name means "power."
  • Meaning “that which is ordained,” Shai is the deification of the concept of fate.

Egyptian gods FotografiaBasica / Getty Images


Hindu Goddesses

  • Aditi is a Hindu goddess whose name means "boundless."
  • Aruna is the Hindu goddess who drove the sun across the sky.
  • Devi means "goddess," after the Hindu mother goddess.
  • Indira, another name for the goddess Lakshmi, translates as "beauty."
  • Jaya means "victory," and is a form of the Hindu goddess Durga.
  • Kamala means "lotus," and is the name of one of the Mahavidyas in Hindu mythology.
  • Lalita means "playful, charming, desirable" in Sanskrit.
  • Mina means "fish" and is the name of the daughter of the Hindu goddess Ushas.
  • Priya, the name of a daughter of King Daksha, means "beloved."
  • Radha means "success," and was the name of a consort of the god Krishna.

Statue of Ganesh Castello-Ferbos / Getty Images


Celtic Names in Mythology

  • Ancasta is a goddess of Roman Britain.
  • Meaning "invincible," Andraste is the Briton goddess of victory.
  • Aveta is a goddess of birth and midwifery.
  • Divona means "divinity," and is the goddess of a sacred spring.
  • Epona is the Celtic goddess of horses.
  • A name from Arthurian mythology with Celtic roots, Isolde was a princess made famous by Wagner’s opera.
  • Naria is a goddess of good luck and blessings who was worshipped in Switzerland.
  • Rosmerta means “great provider," and is the name of a Gallo-Roman goddess of fertility and prosperity.
  • Sirona is a Celtic goddess associated with healing, wolves, and children.
  • Suria is the deification of flowing water.

Celtic cross mammuth / Getty Images


Goddess Names from Irish Lore

  • In Irish mythology, Aoife was a warrior princess whose name means "beauty."
  • Meaning “exalted one,” Briget was the goddess of fire, poetry, and wisdom.
  • Clíodhna is a beautiful goddess whose name means “shapely.”
  • Deirdre was a tragic character in Irish legend who died of a broken heart.
  • According to legend, Ériu is an Irish goddess who gave her name to Ireland.
  • In Irish mythology, Fionnuala, whose name means “white shoulder,” was transformed into a swan.
  • Gráinne is the name of an Irish grain goddess.
  • Meaning "intoxicating," Maeve was a warrior queen of Connacht.
  • Niamh was the daughter of the sea god; her name means "bright."
  • Sionann is the goddess of the river Shannon.

Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland Mlenny / Getty Images


Polynesian Goddess Names

  • Ihi is the Tahitian goddess of wisdom and learning.
  • Kohara means “a flash of lightning,” and is the goddess of tuna.
  • Meaning "tame," Lake is the goddess of the hula.
  • Lea is the goddess of canoe builders, who takes the form of a bird.
  • Lilinoe is from Hawaiian mythology and means “fine mist.”
  • Mahina is a moon goddess, after the Hawaiian word for "moon."
  • Meaning "moon" in Maori, Marama was the goddess of the moon and death.
  • Pania, from Maori mythology, is a figure of the city of Napier.
  • Rearea is the goddess of joy in Tahitian mythology.
  • Meaning "white," Sina is a name prominent in Samoan mythology.

Statues in Rapa Nui Mlenny / Getty Images


Japanese Goddess Names

  • Amonazako is a goddess whose name means “heaven opposing everything.”
  • Amaterasu, whose name means “shining over heaven,” is a Japanese sun goddess.
  • Hariti is a goddess of love and the protection of children.
  • Himiko, a Japanese empress and shaman queen, means “sun daughter.”
  • Inari, meaning “carrying rice,” is a Japanese spirit of foxes, agriculture, and prosperity.
  • In Japanese mythology, Izanami is the creator goddess.
  • Jiraiya means “becoming oneself,” and is a character from Japanese folklore.
  • Marici is a deva associated with light and the sun.
  • Nakisa is a short form of Nakisawame, the Japanese goddess of spring water.
  • Sakuya was a princess in Japanese mythology whose name means "blossom."

Itsukushima Shrine in Hiroshima Junko Kimura / Getty Images


Goddesses of Near Eastern Mythology

  • Anat is a Semitic goddess of fertility, hunting, and war.
  • Astarte is the Greek form of Astoreth, a Phoenician goddess of love.
  • Cybele is a Phrygian mother goddess associated with fertility and nature.
  • Inanna means "lady of the heavens,” from the Sumerian goddess of love and fertility.
  • Ishtar is a Babylonian goddess associated with love, war, and fertility.
  • Meaning “of the night,” Lilith is a demon in ancient Assyrian myths.
  • Nanaya is a goddess worshipped by the Sumerians and Akkadians.
  • Nuha is an Arabian goddess of the sun.
  • Meaning "serpent lady,” Tanith is the Phoenician goddess of love, fertility, the moon, and the stars.
  • Tiamat is the personification of the sea in Babylonian myth.

Babylon Dion Lefeldt Rezaei / Getty Images

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