
Throughout at least 5,000 years of recorded history, reading has been integral to sharing and receiving knowledge. It's also celebrated as a gateway to inspiration and creativity. This vital skill has been the subject of vast research, which confirms its significance for present and future generations. Reading is fundamental to academic, career, and cultural achievement, but its advantages extend far beyond information gathering. Books of all genres and formats could help us stave off stress, become more understanding of others, and even add years to our lives. Immerse yourself in these benefits of reading.

Builds Empathy

Understanding the mental states of others is essential to cultivating relationships and, ultimately, societies. Indulging in books can help increase your comprehension of other people's emotions and motivations, according to University of Toronto researchers. These scientists noticed that reading fiction correlates positively to higher scores on empathy and social awareness tests.

young girl with friend empathy SDI Productions / Getty Images


Curbs Behavioral Issues

Reading to children not only imparts language and literacy skills, but it can also help reduce troublesome behaviors. A 2016 study found that three-year-olds who received reading intervention exhibited significantly less aggression and hyperactivity than those who did not. A 2018 follow-up study observed that participants were still less likely to have difficulty with attention and other behavioral problems.

father reading with daughters Stígur Már Karlsson /Heimsmyndir / Getty Images


Value for Visual Impairment

A UK study noted that partially sighted and blind people read more often than the general population. Reading provides an appealing alternative to activities that are no longer feasible. Many visually impaired readers use digital formats and audiobooks. The study’s authors found that reading groups were especially valuable as an opportunity for socialization.

visually impaired woman reading Henfaes / Getty Images


Bibliotherapy for Depression

Today, an alarming percentage of children and adolescents experience depression. Emotional disorders during youth often lead to poor academic and vocational performance, substance abuse, suicide, and higher risk for other mental illnesses in adulthood. Bibliotherapy, the use of written materials for psychological benefit, shows potential as a cost-effective, easily accessible, and private means of promoting emotional healing.

According to a meta-analysis in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, bibliotherapy alleviates the time burden of clinic visits for psychotherapy and the stigma of publicly seeking treatment. It has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing depression in young people. However, its benefits hinge on the participants’ motivation and compliance with program materials.

girl reading happy Pollyana Ventura / Getty Images


Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

A Rush University Medical Center study suggests that reading can halt cognitive decline. Intellectual activities such as reading make the brain work more efficiently, even affecting age-related neurological disorders. Other research found that older adults who exercise their brains with reading and mentally challenging games are significantly less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

People with Alzheimer’s disease typically have elevated levels of beta-amyloid protein. Mentally stimulating activities such as reading and writing could reduce these levels, according to Berkeley researcher Susan Landau. The Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability reported that lifestyle interventions including reading enhance cognitive function in at-risk adults.

elderly couple using tablet FG Trade / Getty Images


Lengthens Lifespan

People who make time for reading may enjoy a longer life, which they can use to do even more reading. A Yale University study discovered that book readers were 20% less likely to die over the 12 years of research compared to non-book readers. This study indicated that books were more beneficial for longevity than magazines and newspapers.

senior woman reading Hispanolistic / Getty Images


Deeper Learning with Paper Books

Some reading experts believe that physical contact with pages improves recall. In a study published in the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, participants better remembered reading selections on paper than those on digital formats. Other European studies also found that students retained more of what they read from paper compared to e-books. Cognitive scientists say that tangible pages impart more than nostalgic appeal. Paper is a subconscious source of information with visual and tactile stimuli. For many readers, physical pages serve as anchors for fuller comprehension.

reading paperback book MesquitaFMS / Getty Images


Relieves Stress

Stress is a major health concern worldwide, impacting the well-being of children and adults. It leads to hypertension, anxiety, depression, and many other serious illnesses. Research by the University of Sussex suggests that just six minutes of reading relaxes the body and mind by up to 68%. Neuropsychologists discovered that becoming engrossed in a book, regardless of genre, can reduce heart rate and blood pressure.

relaxed reading baona / Getty Images


Promotes Good Sleep

Johns Hopkins researcher Dr. Rachel Salas stated that humans are the only mammals that intentionally lose out on sleep. Sleep deprivation heightens the risk of premature aging and developing memory and concentration problems, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and depression. Sleep experts recommend implementing a destressing routine that includes reading to train the mind for bedtime and induce a restful state.

woman in bed reading JohnnyGreig / Getty Images


Budget-Friendly Entertainment

Books can transport us anywhere in the world, and beyond, for little or no cost. Compared to the expense of movies, carnivals, or amusement parks that offer one-time experiences, reusable books can cost pennies on the dollar and libraries and used bookstores can make reading a free entertainment option for short or extended escapes from the challenges of daily life.

family reading Lorado / Getty Images

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