In some Asian cultures, the liver of certain animals is considered a delicacy. It's often stir-fried with noodles and vegetables. In other societies, this organ is discarded because of the preference for muscle meat. However, the benefits of this nutrient-dense superfood are often overlooked. In general, organ meats are packed with proteins, vitamins, minerals, and the liver of pigs, chicken, duck, and cow are some of the most nutritious.
Vitamin B12 is perhaps the best reason why we eat liver. This vitamin helps in the formation of red blood cells. It can also improve cellular functions. A deficiency of the vitamin can lead to many disorders. The nervous system especially needs this vitamin to support metabolic processes in the body and for brain health too.
Your liver is the detoxifying organ of the body because its primary role is to filter out waste and toxins from the blood and out of the body. Furthermore, this organ has other duties too. These include metabolizing substances and making proteins needed for blood clotting. To do all these, our livers will need some assistance. Folate, which is a B vitamin, helps in many cellular functions. It also supports in the detoxification process. For our livers to function normally and adequately, we need to eat animal livers. Since animal liver contains almost the same nutrients as our livers, it's an ideal food to support the defined functions of our own.
The liver is also an excellent source of natural vitamin A. You can find the nutrient in high concentrations in this organ. Vitamin A can act as an antioxidant and aids in reducing inflammations by fighting off free radicals that enter the body. Aside from eye health, the vitamin is also good for skin and thyroid health. It's vital in gene regulation, strengthening of bones, supporting the immune system, and more. The body can directly use vitamin A in the form of retinol. This vitamin is only found in animal-based foods.
The liver is an excellent source of protein. This food group we all know is responsible for building muscle mass which is very important, especially for aging people. Aside from building tissue, protein also aids in the recovery and repair of tissue after some strenuous activities. Children should eat more protein because they're in their developmental years and they need it the most. Protein will also help in many other body processes.
People struggling with anemia are usually deficient in iron. Liver could provide them with an excellent source of this mineral as well as vitamin B12 and folate. The potent combination of these three is what you will need to combat anemia naturally. Iron is an essential mineral that one should ingest. You can consume it either in food form or supplements. It's also great for vegetarians, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
CoQ10 is a relatively new substance that is similar to vitamins. It is produced by the body and used by cells to provide energy that's needed for cell growth and maintenance. It also functions as an antioxidant, which protects the body from damage caused by harmful molecules. CoQ10 has been associated with different health benefits. It supports cardiovascular health and improves blood pressure and vascular health. It also decreases the effects of free radical damage, reduces stress and more. It's in animal organs, especially the innards, where CoQ10 is abundantly found. In humans, CoQ10 production decreases as we get older. The consumption of liver is the best way to replenish our supply of CoQ10.
The liver is an excellent source of B vitamins. Aside from B12, we also have folate, biotin, and vitamin B6. All three of these vitamins help in cellular functioning and a process known as methylation. This is an epigenetic mechanism used by cells to control gene expression. Other nutrients that the liver supplies in smaller quantities are copper, chromium, selenium, and zinc. All these combined have significant benefits for your metabolism. It is good for your endocrine and central nervous systems.
For many years now, the liver has been extensively used by doctors as a natural medicine in the treatment of many diseases. One particular German Scientist, Dr. Max Gerson, created the Gerson Protocol or Gerson Therapy. It primarily involves the use of liver. He used the therapy to treat diseases the natural way. These included cancer, heart problems, digestive disorders, and tuberculosis. Because of its bounty of vitamins and minerals, the beef liver became the primary protocol of the Gerson Therapy in the treatment and healing of his patients. The therapy aimed to help regenerate health by supporting metabolic functions, by reducing oxygen deficiency in blood and by increasing the intake of antioxidants.
The nutrients that liver contains, aside of course from the vitamins and minerals, it is the best food for expecting mothers. The food will provide key nutrients required for reproductive health and the development of the fetus. Pregnant women and nursing mothers need more of these nutrients. They're essential to sustain the growth and the development of their infants, especially the brain and the internal organs. Also, folate is necessary because it can help prevent the development of congenital disabilities. As their body's demand for iron increases, pregnant women are at a high-risk of iron deficiency. They will need more foods rich in iron to replenish their supply. Iron has a part in blood oxygenation, and the lack of this gas will not be suitable for both mother and child. Liver and other organs from grass-fed animals are an excellent source of protein and iron required during pregnancy.
Many enzymes have copper as a functional component. The body needs copper compounds (cuproenzymes) in energy production and for synthesizing collagen. It also helps keep the nerves healthy and metabolizes iron. Some of the copper-dependent enzymes can make antioxidants. They can protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. The body only needs a minuscule amount of copper as a daily requirement.
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