Arugula belongs to the family Brassicaceae is a type of plant has too many leaves. It is closely related to cauliflower, kale, and radish. Depending on where you are in the world, you may know this leafy vegetable but with a different name. Aside from arugula, other names include colewort, roquette, and rocket. To those who don't really know much about arugula, it may seem like a fancier type of lettuce. But keep in mind that not all greens are equal; in particular, this vegetable with many names has a lot of health benefits too. This is why a lot of people choose to consume the cruciferous vegetable frequently. The nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals in arugula have these health benefits:
Arugula is an excellent source of antioxidants which is why it's a great detoxifier. It can significantly increase the oxygen radical absorbance capacity of the body. This is a way of measuring the capacities of antioxidants. Antioxidants work to maintain the healthy balance of all the enzyme reactions within the cells. They do this while actively searching for and fighting off free radicals which cause diseases. These free radicals are very harmful to the body because they attack the different systems and make them weaker. Consuming arugula will also help improve the defenses of your body against simple and complex illnesses.
This vegetable has a lower level of oxalate as compared to other well-known leafy greens. This is a unique benefit of arugula as an oxalate may inhibit the body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. Because of this, your body will be able to absorb all the healthy components that arugula contains more effectively. Aside from iron and copper, arugula also contains vitamin A which is a type of antioxidant. Arugula contains a lot of this vitamin which, when absorbed by the body, helps improve the condition of the eyes, teeth, and bones.
Another healthy component that arugula contains is vitamin K. This gives the body an anti-inflammatory boost. Vitamin K helps stimulate osteotropic activity in the cells which, in turn, promotes the formation of bones. Also, this vitamin slows down the degradation of the neural pathways. So, consuming arugula which contains a lot of vitamin K may help prevent Alzheimer's disease and similar conditions. Because of the lower oxalate levels of arugula, it helps improve the body's ability to absorb minerals. Since the vegetable also contains a lot of minerals and healthy components, it will definitely promote bone health. Regularly consuming arugula will help ensure the health and strength of the bones to prevent deterioration.
People who try to lose weight always try to incorporate more greens into their diet. But seldom do people add this particular green into their meals. This is quite sad because including arugula in the diet would also help promote weight loss. The cruciferous vegetable has a lot of nutrients but minimal calories. This means that it can help you maintain your health and balance the system without having to make drastic modifications to your diet. Aside from being very low in calories, arugula also doesn't contain a lot of carbohydrates. This makes it an excellent food for weight loss. You can use it as the base for meals as a replacement for grain products like bread and pasta. The vegetable has a rich and peppery flavor which will make your meals a lot more interesting.
Arugula contains a lot of essential vitamins and minerals. All these help to strengthen the body's defenses by giving the immune system a boost. The copper in arugula stimulates the body to produce white blood cells. Aside from this, the vegetable also contains other components which make the immune system stronger. As arugula makes the body stronger, it seeks out the harmful free radicals which cause damage. Then the body becomes more efficient at eliminating these harmful components from the body before they have a chance to cause any damage. When you have a strong immune system, it will help prevent illnesses and diseases better.
One major antioxidant arugula also contains is vitamin C. In fact, just 100 grams of arugula contains about a quarter of the recommended daily intake. This vitamin also helps eliminate free radicals just like the other antioxidant components. It also plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the skin and protecting the cardiovascular system.
Besides giving the immune system a boost, arugula can also help enhance the metabolism. This leafy vegetable contains B-complex vitamins which promote a healthy metabolism. Also, these B-vitamins take part in all the different activities of the cells. They help in the production of energy, synthesizing fats, and red blood cell production. They're also essential in a lot of other important processes involved in metabolic and cell health.
Arugula contains a variety of B-vitamins such as vitamin B9 and B12. Arugula and other dark-colored leafy greens are excellent sources of folate. It's a lot better to acquire folate and other nutrients from the food you eat rather than in supplements. Arugula contains more than 25% of the recommended daily intake of folate. This is important as it's involved in the production of red blood cells and of serotonin too. Also, there are studies which focus on this nutrient and its preventive effect against diseases. These include diabetes, depression, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease.
This healthy vegetable is also an excellent source of carotenoids. These are the naturally-occurring pigments which can help improve the eyesight. Carotenoids aid in slowing down the effects of macular degeneration. This helps ensure that your field of vision won't get compromised prematurely. Macular degeneration can also cause other eye issues. One of which is the development of cataracts which you would then have to deal with. Because of this, you should consider consuming more arugula. This would help slow down this common symptom of old age.
Finally, arugula also aids in cancer prevention it is because of the phytochemicals which the vegetable also contains. In fact, arugula contains large quantities of phytochemicals. These can inhibit the activity of the cells which cause cancer. Phytochemicals like sulforaphane, indoles or thiocyanates are very effective in fighting off cancer-causing activities. Even those which occur in the processes of the body. Studies have shown that they can also help fight and prevent cervical, colon, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers.
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