The Tilapia is native to the Nile and North America but is farmed throughout Asia, Canada, Ecuador and the United States.  It has been well documented throughout history in its health benefits ranging from weight loss to growth and development. Tilapia is a very mild fish and offers very little if any "fish" flavor. It is probably for that reason that many people prefer this flaky white fish over so many others. Prepared healthy and properly, the benefits are numerous.


The Weight Loss Factor

Everyone loves to hear weight loss associated with food and this one is no exception. Tilapia is low in calories and fats and is often a go-to "diet" food. Naturally high in proteins, it replenishes the body's necessary nutrients and allows it to function properly.  In one 4oz serving, you will enjoy 29.5 grams of protein. That is more than half of your day's protein. We are not saying forget about the stair-stepper, but you are onto a good thing here if you are looking for a healthier body with leaner muscles.


The Weight Loss Factor

Keeping Heart Healthy

February would never be the same without that special beat of your heart. The selenium, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids found in tilapia are heart healthy. They work to maintain your blood pressure, HDL cholesterol as well as to warding off potential artery clogging heart disease. Tilapia is one of the most seasoning friendly fishes. Flavor it how you like it and grill it up all summer or bake it to perfection, the heart will love it.Tilapia makes a great addition to salads, arugula, grilled or baked is best for weight loss. Add lots of color to your plate, and you will have the healthiest meal.

Keeping Heart Healthy

Pumping Muscles

Tilapia does the muscles as good as it does the heart. The lean proteins fuel the muscle without introducing excessive fats, while the potassium helps to keep the cramping away. With the lean protein and potassium-packed white meat, your muscles are being fed a nutrient-rich diet that keeps them from withering away. Let’s not forget the importance of the niacin, a B vitamin- your muscles will thank you for the transformation of food to energy.  You can allow your energy to be burnt off faster rather than being stored as fat, with these super ingredients. This is one of the main reasons bodybuilders will often prefer Tilapia over other fish in their diets.

Pumping Muscles

Reducing Inflammation

Whether you have arthritis or generalized swelling, tilapia can be a natural beneficial source to aid in the relief of the swelling. The unsaturated fats in tilapia reduce the inflammation in the body. There is approximately 1.3g in a 4oz serving. According to seafood watchers, you want to purchase your tilapia from a sourced area in Canada, US or Ecuador and China being a secondary alternative. The manner in which they are fed is dependent on the amount of saturated fat that is in their diet.

Reducing Inflammation

Growth and Development

Not to outdo the individual heart, muscle and other components of the body is the overall growth and development benefits of tilapia. With the value of the protein making up more than 15% of your daily intake in one serving, your need for harder to break down proteins is virtually eliminated or greatly reduced. The protein in tilapia is known to be beneficial in the development of organs, membranes, cells, muscles, muscle growth, cellular repair, and proper metabolic activity many other organs.

Growth & Development

Reduces Risk of Prostate Cancer and Selenium

6. The element of selenium in tilapia is known for its prostate prevention capabilities. It is by nature a natural antioxidant. Studies have shown its effectiveness in reducing prostate cancer but not necessarily a specific type. As men age, their levels drop and need to be replaced. Always consult your physician before relying on any information obtained. Enjoy your tilapia with a beautiful side salad with nuts and olive oil, balsamic vinegar or Italian dressing.

Reduces Risk of Prostate Cancer & Selenium

Healthy Bones

Everything from your teeth to your nails depends on the phosphorous found in tilapia. This vital element is critical to the development of your bones. As you age, your bones will naturally weaken, and the phosphorous found in tilapia can cut the risk of osteoporosis or the degradation of bone mineral density. It is the essential mineral for a healthy skeletal system. Enjoy your Tilapia with spinach or collard greens for that extra punch in power for your strong bones.

Healthy Bones

Healthy Brain and Nervous System

Tilapia contains potassium and omega-3 fatty acids. The potassium and the omega-3 fatty acids in the fish boosts brain power and increases oxygenation and enables nervous reactions and nutrient deposition to the brain. A healthy nervous system will enable better communication of your entire body. Your brain and your spinal cord make up your central nervous system and must work well with each other. Without these ingredients and the fluids they create, the chemical balance gets thrown off. Eating tilapia once a week could reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss. A healthy brain has more grey matter.

Healthy Brain & Nervous System

Immune System and Thyroid Function

The vitamins and minerals in tilapia are beneficial to the immune system and the thyroid. Selenium increases the activity of white blood cells and fight against toxins within the body. It assists in regulating the thyroid and controls many hormonal functions within the body. The selenium within tilapia plays a vital role within the human body but play the biggest role within the immune system. Pair your tilapia with sweet potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, garlic, spinach or a rich berry fruit salad for the ultimate in antioxidant immune boosting protection.

Immune System & Thyroid Function

Premature Aging

The selenium found in tilapia is a natural antioxidant that stimulates the vitamin E and C in your body. These vitamins are vital to the health of your hair, nails, and skin. One 4oz serving of tilapia provides 20% of your daily needs to improve their health and appearance by stopping the free radical damage. Cut down on the creams and lotions and add natural foods to your diet. Add these side vegetables to your tilapia plates to help stop premature aging spinach, carrots, broccoli, red bell peppers, green cabbage, tomato, and pumpkins.

Premature Aging
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