Sometimes referred to as microalgae, phytoplankton are drifting marine plants that are found in oceans, seas, and freshwater ecosystems. These photosynthesizing microscopic plants are typically too small to see, but when they occur in large numbers, they appear as colored patches on the water. These micro plants, however, do more than float hither and thither. They offer a wealth of health benefits that range from help for depression to liver support. Of course, these plants also help create the lion’s share of the earth’s oxygen, which isn’t too shabby either! If you’re looking to ramp up your health, consider including phytoplankton in your diet.
Depression affects many people. Its symptoms can range from mild to debilitating. In studies, a number of participants have reported improvements in their depressive symptoms after adding phytoplankton supplements to their diets. Research conducted by the University of Utah found that study participants experienced an elevation in their mood and energy levels when they took these supplements each day. If you are depressed, you should talk to your healthcare provider about adding a phytoplankton supplement to your diet. Some people do require antidepressants for their condition, but some people experience reduced depressive symptoms simply after making changes to their diet.
Just as phytoplankton oxygenate and detox the waters around them, they can also do the same for you. Scientists have suggested that these micro plants have the power to detoxify our bodies to reduce the levels of toxins in our bodies. We come into contact with toxins each day. We are bombarded with air pollutions, preservatives in much of our food, and cigarette smoke. These toxins can get into our bodies and leave us feeling sluggish and unwell. By taking phytoplankton, you can propel these unwanted toxins from your system due to plankton’s detoxifying properties.
When it comes to keeping toxins at bay, the liver is the body’s first defense. A healthy liver, therefore, is essential to good health. However, as we age, the toxins that enter our bodies can leave the liver overworked and overwhelmed. Because phytoplankton can play a detoxifying role in our body, it gives the liver a bit of a break. Moreover, it cleans our cells and reduces the toxic accumulation that bogs down the liver and, consequently, bogs down our health.
Researchers have determined that one of phytoplankton’s biggest claims to fame is its ability to promote cellular regeneration. While our cells are designed to regenerate on their own, the progress to do so can slow as we age. When our cells don’t regenerate efficiently as they’re supposed to, we can become more vulnerable to disease. Rich in antioxidants, phytoplankton supports your body in ways that include the body’s most basic features—its cells.
For such tiny organisms, phytoplankton are a rich source of antioxidants. Studies have demonstrated that a diet rich in antioxidants can help protect you from cancer. Specifically, phytoplankton seems to have anti-tumor properties. Ongoing research suggests that these mini marine plants could provide potent treatments for various types of cancers. Antioxidants can also help guard against many other diseases too.
As a rich source of antioxidants, amino acids, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, phytoplankton can support your heart health. Phytoplankton can reduce the risk for heart disease as well as stroke by helping to decrease blood pressure. The omega 3s contained in phytoplankton are also known to lower triglycerides, increase good HDL cholesterol levels, and help prevent dangerous blood clots. Moreover, these omega 3s also help keep arteries in good health by reducing the risk of artery-hardening plaque.
Phytoplankton, as you’ve read, can improve your mood, but it can also enhance cognitive function by improving your focus and mental clarity. It appears to have the power to reduce the risk of dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at bay. Many people who take phytoplankton supplements have reported experiencing a boost in mental alertness. It can even help your memory!
Inflammation can lead to intense pain for people who suffer from conditions like arthritis. Inflammation can also cause muscle stiffness and soreness. Taking a phytoplankton supplement can help reduce inflammation. Phytoplankton can reduce pain because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. If you suffer from conditions associated with inflammation, consider taking natural phytoplankton to gauge its results when it comes to pain relief.
Your immune system is essential for keeping you healthy. Phytoplankton supports your immune system’s optimum functionality. Phytoplankton can boost the production of T-lymphocytes. These cells, a type of white blood cell, help your body combat viruses and bacteria in the blood. Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, nucleotides, and other nutrients, this plankton can bolster your immune system so it can do its job protecting your body.
Many of us are looking for ways to feel more energized naturally. While phytoplankton gives the brain a boost of energy, it appears it can also boost your physical energy. Plankton is rich in nucleotides. These compounds are biological batteries because they have the power to recharge the body’s cells. The nucleotides don’t get caught up in any digestive processes; their tiny size allows them to migrate directly into cells to give them a quick energy boost.
This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.