No, mangosteen isn't a smaller version of a mango. It is a super fruit that's been harnessed for centuries for therapeutic and nutritional purposes in South East Asia. The fruit is used to treat infections, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diarrhea, dysentery, and even wounds. It is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-viral, and rich source of catechins. The west first discovered the plant in 1855 by Germans researching dysentery. Mangosteen is in the same family as Saint John's Wort. Mangosteen has a wealth of phenolics and tannins which encourage free-radical scavenging which may prevent cancer, inflammatory responses to foreign compounds, and may even slow the aging process.
Don't confuse the mighty mangosteen with mangoes. Mangoes are a delicious fruit with many health benefits, but they pale in comparison to mangosteen. Studies findings illustrate that mangosteen may inhibit the advancement of several types of cancer cells. Mangosteen acts as a free-radical scavenger and reduces the potential damage the low-density lipoproteins has on the human body. Mangosteen has at least 20 known xanthones that are found in the pericarp (fruit wall) of the plant. The leaves, bark, and fruit of the plant are used for treating a wide variety of conditions and diseases. The xanthones in mangosteen, primarily alpha-mangostin and gamma-mangostin were tested on animals. Results indicate these compounds have a therapeutic effect. Mangosteen slows down the progression of prostate cancer and is a considerable enemy against colon cancers.
Extract from the mangosteen plant illustrates a high potential for battling skin cancer. The xanthones in the fruit is a natural chemo-preventative component and are being tested in research laboratories around the world as a potential cancer drug. Xanthones are amazing healing tools. They fight tumors by managing cancer cell division. Theoretically, mangosteen's xanthones can prevent cancer cell formation, initiation, elevation, and progression. Xanthones may stop cancer growth by stimulating cancer cell death, preventing inflammation and cancer metastasis. Research demonstrates that animal subjects benefit therapeutically from the xanthones in the mangosteen fruit.
Mangosteen is utilized as a natural way to ease pain and discomfort caused by inflammation. Inflammation is the body's response to foreign bacteria and viruses that endanger our health. The mangosteen has 20 xanthones in the pericarp and a whopping 40 in the entire plant. Mangosteen has the highest percentage of xanthones than of any other fruit. Alpha-mangostin and gamma-mangostin are two of the most powerful xanthones and produce anti-inflammatory effects. Xanthones hinder the production of prostaglandin, a link between pain and inflammation. Mangosteen acts as a COX-2 enzyme inhibitor and can reverse the process of inflammation by reducing the level of this enzyme, which triggers our immune's systems inflammatory response to bacteria, oxidation, and viral invasions.
Studies have proven that mangosteen is a powerful defense against allergies. One study in Japan compared a current allergy medication with mangosteen and found that the mangosteen performs better as an inhibitor in the release of histamines and prostaglandin. Mangosteen is gentler on the liver and kidneys than many prescribed medicines. The plant does not meddle in the body's blood clotting abilities, nor does it hurt the kidneys, liver, or cause stomach ulcers. In fact, it may help heal ulcers. The xanthones in the fruit are a selective COX-2 inhibitor which naturally eases the presence of compounds that cause seasonal allergies and discomfort.
Many soaps, lotions, and skin care products have Garcinia Mangostana (mangosteen) in them these days. The fruit is ripe with polyphenol antioxidants. Free radicals rob your cells of electrons causing disease, wrinkles, and expedited aging. Mangosteen has the strongest free radical scavengers than any other fruit (including durian and rambutan). The queen of the fruits (mangosteen) is a hypoallergenic substance which repairs and protects skin cells from damage. This wonderful plant is topped with the powerful antioxidant catechin which helps tighten skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Because mangosteen is also fantastic at fighting bacteria it can even help get rid pimple outbreaks. Eating mangosteen is the tastiest way to protect your skin.
Mangosteen is a popular treatment in Malaysia for maintaining menstrual health. The rind and root are ground up to reduce PMS symptoms like pain, dizziness, mood swings, and hypertension. The anti-inflammatory nature of mangosteen aids in preserving blood vessel health. Mangosteen can strengthen blood flow by aiding in the dilation of blood vessels. Mangosteen helps the production of red blood cells and prevents anemia. Menstrual cramps can be serious enough to keep a woman from her regular activities. The pain is caused by the uterine movement when prostaglandin and leukotrienes destroy the older lining of the uterus. The pain starts when this tissue travels through the cervix. Mangosteen inhibits the production of prostaglandin and relieves menstrual cramps in the process.
The magnificent mangosteen is also good for your heart. Oxidative stress and a deficit of antioxidants both play a factor in cardiac events like heart attacks and strokes. Oxidative stress is the imbalance between the production of free radicals and our natural ability to kill toxins using antioxidant compounds. The Department of Pharmacology at Central South University in China conducted a study that proved that mangosteen's xanthones help protect the heart following a heart attack or myocardial infarction. Patients given xanthones recovered significantly in heart function in comparison to the control group who didn't receive the mangosteen compounds.
100 grams of the mangosteen fruit has the following nutritional value:
Mangosteen has astringent properties that are excellent in defeating bacteria and viral infections. The bark and leaves of the mangosteen plant help to treat thrush and urinary tract infections. As the richest xanthone fruit, mangosteen helps balance the human body by providing a powerful source of free radical scavenger. Free radicals have missing electrons. They attack cells trying to obtain those missing pieces and doing so causing disease, accelerated aging, and pain. Free radical scavengers locate the free radicals and donate electrons to them. Then the body safely processes the threat without any harm done to its fragile biological system.
Mangosteen is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C which help protect the lens of the eyes. These vitamins improve eyesight and can lower the possibility of developing night blindness, cataracts, and glaucoma. Vitamin C lowers the blood flows pressure behind the eyes which prevent cataracts and help prevent damaging the optic nerve. Glaucoma is the 'silent thief of sight' because it develops over long periods without symptoms. Glaucoma doesn't just rob older people of their vision; it affects everyone from newborns to the elderly. The xanthones in mangosteen attack the free radicals and maintain blood vessel health which all contribute to the longevity of the eyes.
Most of us aren't lucky enough to live in a place warm enough for mangosteen to grow naturally. In fact, for a long while mangosteen was banned from being imported into the United States because it was believed to be a carrier of a destructive insect. The ban is gone, but you might not be able to get mangosteen fruit in your chain grocery store. Even if you do find the fruit, it may be expensive. A wide range of herbal medicinal brands makes mangosteen extracts and supplements. You might want to avoid mangosteen juice if you're trying to avoid sugar. Happy, free radical scavenging.
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