
A member of the tree nut family, walnuts are cousins to Brazil nuts, pecans, cashews, and pistachios. However, they have a distinctive taste all their own. Walnuts are deliciously dense with healthy essential fatty acids and protein, so it’s not surprising they’re associated with many health benefits. Eaten raw, toasted, or tossed in sweet and savory dishes, they offer you a nutritious boost. Get to know all the wonderful ways that walnuts can enhance your health and wellness, then be sure to keep them on hand.

Good for Your Heart

Walnuts are an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids like oleic acid and linoleic acid contribute to heart health. They help prevent coronary artery disease. A diet rich in walnuts can lead to a reduction in bad cholesterol and a boost in good HDL cholesterol. If you’re concerned about heart health or know that heart disease runs in your family, it’s essential to adhere to a heart-healthy diet that includes the consumption of walnuts. You can eat these tasty nuts raw or use them in your favorite recipes.

Good for Your Heart Walnuts

Diabetes Control

Individuals who have diabetes should consider adding walnuts to their diet. Medical studies out of Yale have demonstrated how they can help people control Type 2 diabetes. According to multiple studies, walnuts can improve the function of blood vessel lining, reduce fasting insulin levels, and improve diabetic neuropathy. Additionally, The New York Times reported that a diet rich in walnuts appears to help women cut down their risk of Type 2 diabetes by 24%. There are many ways to introduce these delicious nuts to your diet. With just 8 ounces of walnuts per month, you can reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Control Walnuts

Reduce Inflammation

You might not notice how chock full these nuts are with phytochemical substances and polyphenolic compounds, but your body will! These healthful substances can reduce inflammation in your body. While it’s important for good health to reduce inflammation, it’s even more vital to adopt a diet that reduces inflammation if you suffer from a disease like rheumatoid arthritis. Among nuts, walnuts have the most omega-3 fatty acids. Many diseases share an underlying component: inflammation. By eating foods that reduce inflammation, you can reduce your risks for many of these diseases and enhance their control if you incur them.

Reduce Inflammation Walnuts

Mood Enhancer

Research has demonstrated that people who lack omega-3 fatty acids can show irritability and other mood disturbances. Adults who may be battling anxiety and stress should try to incorporate walnuts into their diets. Their rich makeup of omega-3 fatty acids can boost and balance mood. Omega-3 fatty acids enhance the functionality of neurotransmitters in the brain like serotonin and dopamine. When these neurotransmitters are bogged down and do not move freely throughout the brain, symptoms of anxiety and depression ensue. Ensure that your mental health remains resilient and include more walnuts in your diet.

Mood Enhancer Walnuts

Gorgeous Skin

Walnuts have a range of nutrients that are essential for skin health. Rich in antioxidants, they help prevent the oxidative stress that can lead to skin damage. Our skin is continually put in harm’s way with its exposure to everyday elements like UV rays, pollution, and even dust. Walnuts, with their healthful fatty acids and antioxidants, have the power to combat these common skin stressors. Moreover, the nutrients contained in walnuts help you maintain your glowing, moisture-rich skin too. The potassium in them, for instance, can reduce the appearance of puffy skin and their protein can help heal cuts and abrasions more quickly.

Gorgeous Skin Walnuts

Sleep Aid

If you have difficulties sleeping or suffer from full-blown insomnia, you should include walnuts as a diet staple. They contain the antioxidant melatonin. Melatonin helps regulate the hormones in the body and also helps regulate your internal clock. When that clock is thrown out of whack, it can be difficult to fall asleep. While walnuts may not have enough power to cure a bout of insomnia, their inclusion in your diet might help prevent those periods of sleeplessness from occurring in the first place. For people who have difficulty falling asleep, consider snacking on walnuts an hour before bedtime to enhance the power of melatonin to induce that delicious feeling of drowsiness.

Sleep Aid Walnuts

Weight Management

Too often, people get the mistaken notion that walnuts are fattening. This is unfortunate because they are ideal foods to promote weight management. While they do contain carbohydrates, calories, and fat, studies have shown that they do not lead to weight gain. Instead, these nuts have the power to improve metabolism, inducing the body to burn those calories instead of storing them in the body. Harvard Health recently reported that walnuts could reduce the risk for heart disease and obesity, and it may be because they help control appetite. By eating a few of them between meals, you might be less inclined to reach for less-healthy snacks that don’t pack anywhere near the health benefits that walnuts do.

Weight Management Walnuts

Cancer Prevention

Medical researchers have found that the phenolic compounds and wealth of antioxidants contained in walnuts can help control the growth of cancer cells. These measurable anti-cancer benefits should not be ignored. Particularly by people who may be at risk for prostate cancer and breast cancer. These are the two types of cancer that have been studied most closely in conjunction with walnuts. Scientists suggest that its antioxidant properties can reduce the oxidative stress that is integral to cancer risk reduction. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of walnuts further help to reduce that risk, making these nuts a powerful disease-fighting force.

Cancer Prevention Walnuts

Enhance Bone Health

Walnuts have a great concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. That makes them ideal foods for promoting bone health. The omega-3 fatty acids in the nuts have the power to boost the absorption of calcium. Which is integral to bone density. With optimum calcium, bones stay strong. Additionally, medical studies have shown that walnuts inhibit the growth of osteopaths. These are cells that can detract from bone health. They also contain important minerals and nutrients like copper, manganese, and boron. They are also associated with good bone health.

Enhance Bone Health Walnuts

Cognitive Benefits

As we age, we all need to be concerned about protecting our cognitive function and health. Medical researchers believe a diet that’s rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, and polyunsaturated fats play a vital role in reducing the risk of inflammation. And it reduces oxidative stress associated with diseases like Alzheimer’s. The National Health and Nutrition Examination has tracked data demonstrating how walnut consumption is linked to walnut intake. No matter the circumstances, you will enjoy greater cognitive function with a diet rich in walnuts. Sprinkle them on your morning oatmeal or snack on them at work; they’re jam-packed with disease-reducing potential.

Cognitive Benefits Walnuts

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