Most health-conscious people know that the best diets are not carb heavy. Nonetheless, it can be hard to cut bread out of your diet completely. This is where Ezekiel bread enters the picture. You can still get a tasty bread and a lot of nutrition without all the guilt of consuming carbs. In fact, Ezekiel bread has less carbs than average bread at only 80 calories per slice. And it packs a lot of nutrients into that slice. Here are just a few of the many benefits that come from working Ezekiel bread into your diet.
One of the main reasons that people are told to cut bread out of their diet outside of outside health concerns like Celiac, is the fact that wheat is high on the glycemic index. However, Ezekiel bread is made out of sprouted grains and legumes. This makes it a complete source of protein much like milk or eggs. It also offers nine essential amino acids. The end result is that you will feel full from the mix of fiber heavy legumes and grains and still receive a high nutritional benefit.
One of the main reasons to consider Ezekiel bread is the fact that it does not depend on just wheat for its thick composition. While 100% whole grain bread is better than plain white bread, it cannot compete with Ezekiel bread. Ezekiel bread is made out of millet, wheat, spelt, and barley. This allows it to pack in a variety of great health benefits which include antioxidants, digestive tract benefits, and even the promotion of bone and tissue growth.
There is a reason why sprouted grains are used in Ezekiel bread. When they germinate the grain is home to many biochemical reactions. These reactions increase the amount of healthy nutrients that are found in the grain while at the same time reducing the amount of harmful anti-nutrients that may have been present. In other words, sprouting the grains instead of just grinding them into bread helps improve the benefits and decrease the negative side effects of consuming too many grains
As mentioned, Ezekiel bread contains two types of legumes. Both of which quickly amps its nutritional value. Soybeans and lentils are both sprouted and used in Ezekiel breads. Soybeans offer fiber and magnesium to the mix while lentils have been linked with improved gut health, weight loss, and fighting cancer. Plus, they both offer a higher protein content to the bread versus regular 100% whole grain bread.
Almost every commercial bread on the market contains a high level of sugar. Whether it is marked in the ingredient list as date syrup, high fructose corn syrup, or date syrup. It is a well-known fact that people consume too much sugar. And when your main meal staple contains a high amount of sugar you basically have no chance of keeping your consumption under the recommended 40g a day mark. However, Ezekiel bread does not contain even one gram of sugar in any form. This is one of the many reasons why the bread has been linked to weight loss.
Ezekiel bread is packed full of protein making it a great way to balance blood sugar and help you feel full longer. The sprouting legumes found in the bread increase the protein level of the bread by over 50%. Ezekiel bread has 5g of protein per slice while still remaining within 80 calories per slice. It also sports 18 amino acids and nine essential amino acids allowing it to be a low calorie complete protein option.
One of the top reasons that Ezekiel bread is so healthy is because it is preservative free. Due to this fact, it is kept in freezers at the store and you should keep it that way as well. The good news is that it will last for about two weeks in the fridge or up to a year in the freezer. Therefore, you can easily stock up on it and simply toast a slice when you need it. This makes it easy to store and easy to keep fresh.
One of the many reasons that people feel so full after they eat Ezekiel bread is the fact that it is packed full of fiber. Each slice sports four grams of fiber making it better than most other commercial options. It is a high fiber bread without any preservatives that is only made out of natural grains. Add a bit more fiber and protein punch by topping it with some almond or peanut butter.
A lot of people that are health conscious will only buy organic foods, and the good news is that Ezekiel bread is completely organic. This is even more important if you are choosing to consume soy because you don’t want to eat anything that is genetically modified. Ezekiel bread is completely organic and certified so you can rest assured that you are receiving the health benefits of soy without receiving any of its harmful side effects.
If you are a vegan, then Ezekiel bread may be your saving grace. This healthy bread is made without one trace of butter, milk, or eggs in its ingredients. Plus, Ezekiel bread is packed full of protein, iron, and calcium which are three nutrients that are hard for vegans to incorporate into their diet because of the lack of animal products. This makes it an excellent choice for almost any type of diet.
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