
Hot peppers have been used for centuries to provide a little extra food and for medicinal purposes. Thankfully the serrano pepper is no different. It offers about the same spice level as a cayenne pepper. But it can also boost your immune system and help your heart at the same time. Serrano peppers hale from Mexico but are grown in many places today and come in a variety of different colors. Most people consume them either plain or in a salsa, sauce, relish, or pickled.

Cancer Treatment Aid

Vitamin C has been found to enhance the effects of cancer-fighting agents such as chemotherapy. When used in conjunction with chemo, Vitamin C targets the bad cells in the body without causing any harm to the healthy ones. This helps the cancer-fighting drugs work more effectively. Serrano peppers are packed full of Vitamin C, especially for their low-calorie count. Additional research also suggests that Vitamin C plays a vital role in treating ovarian and lung cancer in particular.

Prevent the growth of cancer cells Serrano

Promotes Proper Brain Health

Serrano peppers are also extremely high in Vitamin B6 per serving size, and Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin when it comes to brain health. It is responsible for the development and proper functioning of the brain and supports memory function, cognitive abilities, and the prevention of dementia. Therefore, getting enough Vitamin B6 is vital in warding off certain types of brain disease like Alzheimer’s and dementia, and it may be as simple as adding some serrano peppers to your sauce.

Promotes Proper Brain Health

Relieves Sore Muscles

Capsaicin is the ingredient that gives peppers their heat, and when used on painful spots in the form of a gel, cream, or patch often it can help relieve pain. It does this by depleting the amount of neurotransmitter substance P in the skin which sends the message that you are in pain to the brain. Capsaicin has been used to treat many different forms of joint pain including pain from common diseases such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. With regular use, a study conducted in Germany found that joint pain was reduced by about 50%.

Relieves Sore Muscles

Boosts Your Immune System

As mentioned earlier, serrano peppers have a large amount of Vitamin C in them. In fact, they offer more Vitamin C than the orange which is commonly associated with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is the key to a healthy immune system and the ability of the body to repair tissue following inflammation. Serrano pepper has been ranked as one of the top peppers that helps to boost the immune system because of its high levels of antioxidants.

Immune Health

Instant Heat Relief

It may be odd to think of something hot cooling you down, but this is actually what the serrano pepper can do. A chili pepper like the serrano pepper is made hot by the capsaicin inside of it. This compound can actually help the body adapt to hot climates by instantly forcing your body to lower its temperature. This is because it sends a message to the brain that you are hot when you eat it. The intense warmth your body feels inside forces you to sweat which in turn helps to cool the body rapidly. The serrano pepper has been used in many hot climates for centuries to help natives cool down.

Instant Heat Relief Serrano

Promotes Heart Health

This same capsaicin found in the serrano pepper has also been known to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. This is because it aids in the body detoxing itself by prompting it to excrete unneeded compounds in the form of feces. Additionally, the peppers also help stop arteries from contracting which can cause problems with blood flow. Hot peppers have actually been found to help reduce the risk of someone suffering from coronary heart disease and are suggested as an occasional supplement.

Promotes Heart Health Serrano

Help Relieve Pain from Shingles

One out of every three people will contract the painful disease at some point. Even though there is now a vaccination for shingles. Shingles are extremely uncomfortable and cause a great deal of pain, but serrano peppers can help treat that pain naturally. Much like the previous example referring to joint pain, serrano peppers when applied as a cream can eliminate Substance P from the skin which will help reduce the pain that is felt from them.

Help Relieve Pain from Shingles Serrano

Protects Blood Vessels

The high concentration of B6 in serrano peppers can also help to regulate the levels of homocysteine in the body. This in turn, reduces the risk of blood vessel disease, heart attack, and inflammation. When the body is low in Vitamin B6, the homocysteine levels can build up and eventually start to attack the lining of the heart. By consuming fresh vegetables like serrano peppers that are high in B6, you can avoid plaque buildup and keep your heart healthy.

Protects Blood Vessels Serrano

Helps Treat Anemia

Anemia is the name given to someone that does not have enough iron in their blood. Sometimes this is caused by low iron intake; sometimes it is caused by the body’s inability to metabolize iron properly. Either way, cooper is needed to absorb iron and then use it properly. While iron supplements help, copper needs to be present in the body for the iron to be used. Serrano peppers are high in copper which can help ward off the development of anemia or treat it.

Natural source of iron Serrano

Help Digestion

Believe it or not, serrano peppers can actually be good for your digestion. That is if they are taken in small amounts on a regular basis. It is true that hot peppers can cause gastric discomfort, but they are also extremely high in both insoluble and soluble fiber and therefore help to prevent constipation and indigestion. If you drink plenty of water with your occasional peppers, you will find that it helps keep your digestive tract well regulated.

Help Digestion Serrano

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