
Radishes have long been known for their medicinal purposes. They are known as an edible prebiotic root crop. All parts of the radish are useful for medicinal purposes including the pods, flowers, and seeds. They are as juicy as they are pungent or sweet depending on the type you choose. Radishes come in white, red, purple or black flesh. Their shapes vary from long to round and may be eaten cooked, raw, or pickled. Their first known cultivation periods date back to prehistoric times even before the Great Pyramids in Egypt. They were initially cultivated in Europe and China but are very common in Egypt. Radishes contain the following components: Fiber, Vitamin C, Folate, Potassium, Magnesium, Copper, Calcium, Manganese, and B Vitamins. Fun Fact: Mexico has a Radish Festival called the Noche de los Rabanos or Night of the Radishes in honor of this root vegetable every year.

Hydration and Skin

Radishes contain high levels of water. Vitamin C, phosphorus, zinc, and some components of the B-12 complex. These ingredients are vital to maintaining proper hydration and standard skin conditioning. They are also beneficial to relieving constipation, improving your digestion system, and maintaining an adequate intake of the nutrients from the food you eat.

Radish health benefits


Improves Immunity

One of the most significant benefits of radishes is the improvement to your immune system. One half a cup is equal to 15% of your daily intake of Vitamin C. Ensuring that you eat your allowance daily will ensure that your immune system is refreshed. Many of the white blood cell and antioxidants that combat colds and diseases are then replaced. Vitamin C and thus Radishes are immune system boosters. It also adjusts your metabolism and then changes your fat into energy. The vitamin C that is derived from the radishes is also responsible for the creation of collagen and reducing of heart disease,

Improves Your Immune System Radish

Treatment for Jaundice

Radish leaves are an effective treatment for jaundice. While radishes, in general, are beneficial, the leaves are the most effective. If you choose to eat the radishes over the leaves, the black radishes make the best choice.  They help to remove the bilirubin and to check its production in the blood. Radishes will monitor the destruction of red blood cells by increasing the oxygen in the blood. Building the oxygen within the blood will assist in removing the yellowing of the skin and eyes. You should drink one cup of the juice from the radish leaves per day for ten days to recover quickly.



Treatments for Respiratory Problems

Radishes have a robust natural spice and a pungent odor that is good for preventing illnesses. The pungent smell acts as an anti-congestion by clearing the sinuses. It is beneficial in decreasing the overall congestion in the lungs. Radishes have a volatile compound that is called ether. It is responsible for reducing the phlegm and subsequently as an additional aid in the congestion. The juice of radishes and carrots can assist in the cleansing and healing of respiratory organs. It is rich in vitamins and provides the disinfectant properties that decrease the irritation to allergies, infections, colds and more.

Treatments for Respiratory Problems Radish

Prevents Piles

Radishes are a known remedy for piles otherwise known as hemorrhoids. Radishes have been a proven way to cleanse the system.  This helps in relieving the inflammation and pain associated with piles. Radishes can be used in one of several ways as a juice, with honey or as a paste.

Prevents Piles

Weight Loss

Radishes are at the top of the weight reducing food chain. The overall water and fiber content are high and ensure that radishes remain at the top of this "diet list." They are both filling and satisfying. The fiber naturally regulates the bowel movements to flush out toxins and prevent constipation. Radishes can be eaten raw or cooked.

Weight Loss Radish

Improves Cardiovascular System

Radishes assist in reducing cardiovascular diseases through the anthocyanins that contain anti-inflammatory properties. These properties reduce cardiovascular disease and the effects such as heart failure and peripheral artery disease. Radishes aid in cleansing and purifying the blood. They also assist in circulating the metabolites that protect against other heart problems.

Improves Cardiovascular System Radish

Treats Cancer

Holistically speaking, radishes induce apoptosis or cancer-killing properties. There are several types of cancer that it is believed to have been effective in fighting. Some of these cancers include colon, stomach, and oral cancer. The compounds isothiocyanates and anthocyanins fight cancer. The fiber in radishes is helpful in preventing and battling colorectal cancer. Radishes appear to decrease the risk of many cancers by inhibiting the growth of carcinogens in the body or by blocking the interaction with soft body tissue.

Treats Cancer Radish

Aides in Digestion

The juice of the radish and carrots assists in cleaning and healing the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Radishes stimulate the production of bile and regulate the output of bilirubin production and flush the excess from the blood. The fiber content in the radishes assists in moving the bowels and aides in prevents constipation.

Aides in Digestion Radish

Lowers Blood Pressure

The most important purpose of radishes for medicinal purposes is for its ability to lower an individual's blood pressure. Radishes are a natural and high source of potassium. They and are known for their ability to assist in reducing high blood pressure. The leaves of the radish are its most significant source of nutrients as well as the compound ethyl acetate that is an antihypertensive action that reduces the blood pressure. The arterial contractions are safely and consistently eased. A good tip to always keep in mind with your blood pressure is that sodium raises it and that potassium is a diuretic and lowers it. Eat both the leaves and the roots of the radishes for the best antihypertensive results.

Lowers Blood Pressure Radish

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