
If you have not yet heard of natto, now is the time to check it out because this healthy food carries some compelling benefits. Natto is a Japanese breakfast dish that is made out of fermented soybeans. It may not look like much, but it packs a huge protein punch as well as a dozen minerals and vitamins in just one small serving size. Keep reading to discover more amazing health benefits of natto.

Can Reduce Bone Loss

A lot of women suffer from bone loss as they age, and even some men depending on their health conditions. Natto can help reduce your bone loss by as much as 80% because of its high concentration of vitamin K2. Natto has almost 100 times more vitamin K than the standard serving size of cheese. Therefore, if you suffer from osteoporosis, natto may be the answer to your problems. One cup of natto contains 51% your daily recommended value of Vitamin K, add that to your current health regime and you will have the recipe for reversing bone loss.

Can Reduce Bone Loss Natto

Can Improve Heart and Brain Health

The powers of natto extend past bone health, however, as the high concentration of Vitamin K in natto can also help improve the health of your brain and heart. Regular consumption of Vitamin K can help prevent your arteries from hardening which can prevent heart disease and eventual heart failure in your future. In addition, Vitamin K has been shown to help prevent neurological degeneration, in turn helping to ward off diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. If this isn’t enough to impress you, Vitamin K also helps prevent the formation of kidney stones, just one more great reason to hold your nose and try out some natto!

Can Improve Heart & Brain Health

Natto is High in Probiotics

When most people think of probiotics, they automatically think of yogurt, but there are other great ways to incorporate probiotics into your diet and natto is one of them. To ferment soybeans and create natto, Bacillus subtilis is added to the soybeans. This bacterium produces enzymes that help the body in numerous ways and act like a probiotic. In fact, at one point in history, this bacterium was even a common antibiotic. Some of the many benefits of using natto as a probiotic are to prevent allergies from forming, fight cancer, increase the immune system, and treat common GI issues.

Natto is High in Probiotics

Fermentation Process Treats Numerous Health Diseases

Some people find the fermentation of soybeans hard to swallow, but this is the number one reason you should consider consuming natto. The fermentation process creates the enzyme nattokinase which has plenty of medicinal applications. Regular consumption of this enzyme can help treat many autoimmune disorders like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Additionally, consumption of the enzyme has shown to help aid treatment for cancer, endometriosis, muscle spasms, vitamin B deficiency, and uterine fibroids.

Fermentation Process Treats Numerous Health Diseases

Thins Your Blood to Reduce Heart Disease Risk

As mentioned, natto can be helpful in preventing heart disease, but in particular, it works by thinning your blood. The nattokinase enzyme breaks down a substance called fibrin in your blood to help make red blood cells less sticky. The result is that they are less likely to stick to the walls of arteries and turn into plaque. Long term, this can help reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes since plaque is the number one cause of both.

Causes: Cloudy Urine

Shorter Recovery Time

Natto is great food for those who are recovering from surgery, and some forward-thinking doctors use the same enzyme to help assist patients recovering from surgery. Instead of using a manufactured form of nattokinase, simply consume some natto after surgery to help reduce the risk of blood clots and further surgery complications. The result may mean a shorter recovery time and one that is not plagued by any other complications so you can be back on your feet.

Shorter Recovery Time

Keeps Skin Fresh and Young

Everyone wants to look younger, but instead of spending hundreds on anti-aging skin creams, you can eat your way to fresher skin. Natto is high in Vitamin PQQ which has been linked to skin health. The only source of Vitamin PQQ is diet, and given its superpowers, it is worth finding a steady source. Natto is packed with the vitamin and will help you restore elasticity to your skin and regain back a few lost years if regularly consumed.

Keeps Skin Fresh & Young

Reduces Cancer Risks

The enzymes in natto help to suppress the immune system, which long-term can help lower the risks of developing cancer. It also has a high volume of Vitamin K as mentioned earlier. High intake of Vitamin K helps to lower the risk of cancer. If one cup of fermented beans is all it takes to reduce your cancer risk, it only makes sense to add this treat to your diet. Science has only looked at natural forms, however, so while it may be tempting, natto pills are not known to have the same results.

Reduces Cancer Risks

Help Health Those with Celiac

One of the main problem that Celiacs face is the destruction of their intestines. Long-term consumption of gluten softens the villa in the intestines. This leads those susceptible to a host of diseases and eventually possibly cancer. Natto can help reverse the effects of the gluten diet faster. It increases the immune reaction of intestinal cells. Most people with celiacs find it takes a year or more to heal their intestines once they adopt the proper diet. Natto may be able to expedite that process.

Help Health Those with Celiac Natto

Reduces Symptoms of Constipation

Almost everyone suffers from constipation at one point or another. But for some people, chronic constipation is a way of life. Constipation medications have come under a lot of scrutiny over the last few years because of their high potential for undesirable long-term side effects. Natto offers a completely natural cure for constipation. Its unique composition of vitamins and minerals will help heal damaged guts. Plus, enzymes in the popular food help heal the intestinal tract. This helps to improve the overall health of your digestive system.

Reduces Symptoms of Constipation Natto

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