
With its large, ruby colored flowers that bloom in the morning and wilt by the afternoon, hibiscus can be a spectacular feature in any garden. In Asia, the hibiscus is held in high regard, and in the Victorian era, the flowers were often sent as gifts, highlighting the beauty of the recipient. Hibiscus tea has a delicate taste and unique healing properties and just might awaken peace and beauty in the drinker.

Lowers High Blood Pressure

In Africa and Asia, hibiscus has treated high blood pressure for centuries. Recent research suggests consuming hibiscus tea daily could help regulate blood pressure. Taking hibiscus tea once a day (ten grams, or about five teaspoons of crushed hibiscus flower) for 12 days, can lower blood pressure by 10%. Hibiscus has a relaxing effect on blood vessels and may act as a mild diuretic but it shouldn't be mixed with other diuretic or hypertension medications.

10 Reasons to Include Hibiscus Tea in Your Diet

Lowers Cholesterol

Hibiscus tea helps reduce LDL cholesterol and may help prevent atherosclerosis. Hardening of the arteries increases the chance of a heart attack because of the increased risk of embolism and blood clots. To protect blood vessels from cholesterol damage, people can try drinking three cups of hibiscus tea every day. Studies show this may contribute to arterial health.

10 Reasons to Include Hibiscus Tea in Your Diet

Diabetes Maintenence

Diabetes develops when the body cannot respond to insulin or does not produce enough of it, resulting in issues with blood glucose levels. Hibiscus contains natural chemicals that may help improve insulin sensitivity and insulin function in people with type 2 diabetes. Also, the antioxidants in hibiscus may help protect the body from the effects of harmful lifestyle choices that contribute to diabetes.

10 Reasons to Include Hibiscus Tea in Your Diet

Protects the Liver

The liver is essential for metabolizing food, producing proteins and enzymes, and helping the body remove internal and external toxins. However, lifestyle factors such as excessive drinking or smoking, obesity, or misuse of medications can contribute to liver damage. Traditional Indian and Chinese medicine encourages drinking hibiscus tea to help ease various liver problems. The flower is rich in antioxidants, which can destroy free radicals before they incur permanent damage.

10 Reasons to Include Hibiscus Tea in Your Diet

May Reduce Cancer Risk

Many experts agree it is best to consume foods naturally rich in antioxidants because these are more likely to have healthy quantities and balanced nutrients. It is the antioxidants in hibiscus that can help reduce the risk of cancer. Additionally, protocatechuic acid can help kill or slow the growth of cancer cells by encouraging apoptosis or programmed cell death.

10 Reasons to Include Hibiscus Tea in Your Diet

Aids in Weight Loss

Obesity is a prominent issue in North America, as are many of the conditions it can cause. While there is no shortage of weight loss options on the market, hibiscus extract could help naturally, when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. The extract contains natural compounds that inhibit the absorption of carbohydrates and starches, helping to reduce weight gain from foods high in these substances.

10 Reasons to Include Hibiscus Tea in Your Diet

Anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial Properties

It ihelps to boost the immune system when one is becoming sick or has recently fought off an infection. Hibiscus tea is rich in vitamin C, which both activates and protects the immune system. Drinking hibiscus tea during the flu season could reduce the risk of catching a cold or the flu.

10 Reasons to Include Hibiscus Tea in Your Diet

Reduces Depression and Anxiety

There are many ways to manage the stress and anxiety so prevalent in our modern world, and not all these methods are healthy. Luckily, numerous healthy ways to find calm do exist. In addition to mindfulness and meditation, drinking hibiscus tea could also help alleviate stress. The plant is rich in flavonoids, which are known to have mild antidepressant properties.

10 Reasons to Include Hibiscus Tea in Your Diet

Improves Digestion

Hibiscus tea has helpful properties that can make it a useful natural choice when one needs to regulate bowel movements. The plant acts as a mild laxative and, if taken regularly, can relieve chronic constipation. Staying "regular" can protect the body from various gastrointestinal disorders. Hibiscus tea also has soothing, anti-spasmodic effects and can help even with irritable bowel syndrome.

10 Reasons to Include Hibiscus Tea in Your Diet

Satiates Thirst

Hibiscus tea has both warming and cooling properties and can be consumed hot or with ice. In warm climates, it can help regulate body temperature and many cultures in Northern Africa and India drink it throughout the day. During the winter months, it helps the body stay warm and boosts the immune system. Hibiscus tea also has many antioxidants, vitamin C, and numerous other nutrients. Many Ayurveda (Indian medicine) remedies are based on the healing properties of hibiscus tea.

10 Reasons to Include Hibiscus Tea in Your Diet

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