
Have you heard of goldenseal? It may not be the most popular herb, but it's proving to have a range of health benefits. Plus it's easy to use since you can simply make a tea out of it, and more.

You can use goldenseal for everything from skin care to an anti-inflammatory supplement. If you haven't tried goldenseal yet, you should definitely consider adding it to your diet—here's why.

Skin Care

Goldenseal is packed with both antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This makes it a great skin care product as it can help fight against dry skin, psoriasis, and even eczema. You can use a goldenseal salve or lotion to treat areas of your skin that have any sort of infection, including fungal and bacterial infections.

Skin Care

Appetite Booster

Having a low appetite can be a real drag because even when you're hungry, you still need nutrients. If you're having trouble working up an appetite, goldenseal may be the cure you need. Making a tea from goldenseal powder or extract or taking a goldenseal supplement has been a proven way to improve your appetite for centuries.

Changes in Appetite

Fever Reducer

Being sick is never fun, but nothing is worse than having a bad fever. In fact, fevers can be very dangerous when they surpass a certain point. Goldenseal has been proven to help reduce fevers, and a goldenseal tea can be a nice hot drink to help ease the discomfort of your illness.

Fever Reducer

Improves Bowel Health

There are a lot of parts in your digestive system, and irregularity at any point can cause some pretty uncomfortable issues. No matter where you're having a digestive issue, drinking a bit of goldenseal tea once or twice a day or taking a goldenseal supplement with water can help ease the pain and improve your digestion.

Improves Bowel Health


If you've been taking steps to reduce inflammation in your body, you're on the right track to better health. Inflammation has been linked to a wide range of diseases, so keeping inflammation in your body in check can help prevent certain chronic illnesses and ease the symptoms of any conditions you may already have.

Goldenseal has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a great supplement if you're experiencing pain or other inflammatory-related problems.


Sinus Treatment

Perhaps the only thing worse than a bad headache is a bad cold that makes it difficult to breathe. Unfortunately, both of these issues can be caused by inflammation or an infection in your sinuses. Goldenseal has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it a good way to fight off both inflammation and infection in your sinuses.

Sinus Treatment

Immune Booster

Your immune system is responsible for protecting your body from a range of illnesses, so it's crucial to keep it in good health. There are a lot of natural foods and supplements that can help you improve your immune health, but goldenseal is one of the best of them. Take a goldenseal supplement daily or drink some goldenseal tea to help boost your immune system and fight off illness.

Immune Booster

Combats Parasites

Parasites are most commonly an issue in parts of the world that don't have clean water, but they can affect people in other parts of the world too. Luckily one of the health benefits of goldenseal is its ability to fight off parasites and eliminate them from the body. Plus it acts as a gentle laxative so it will further help remove the parasites from your body.

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Allergy Control

Among the many great benefits of using goldenseal is its ability to fight off allergens and help you feel better during allergy season. All you need is a little bit of goldenseal powder in a tea or a capsule—take it once or twice every day to keep allergens at bay.

Help allergies


Detoxifying your body is a good way to get rid of some of the harmful chemicals you've let in over the years. You can detoxify in a multitude of ways, including by drinking certain juices or buying pills made to help detoxify your body. However, one of the best ways to detoxify your body is by adding a bit of goldenseal powder to a tea or taking a goldenseal capsule once daily for about a week. Keep in mind that goldenseal powder is very powerful, so you'll only need to use a bit for detoxifying effects.


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