When you think of chocolate, you think of sweet, delicious candy treats. Real chocolate, however, is made from cocoa nibs, which are pieces of the cocoa bean from the cacao plant. Although most people think of chocolate as unhealthy, there are actually a lot of good reasons to eat cacao nibs. Whether you're simply snacking on a few cacao nibs throughout the day or using them to bake with, you can benefit from consuming this wonderful food. If you're still not quite sure about cacao nibs, check out this list of health benefits you'll get from eating them.


Weight Loss

Foods that are high in fats and sugar aren't generally the ones you want to eat when you're on a diet, but incorporating cacao nibs into your diet can actually help you lose weight. Cacao nibs contain a compound called MAO which is often used as an additive in weight-loss products.

2: Aid in weight loss

Dental Health

Keeping your teeth healthy isn't just important for having a good smile, it can have a significant impact on your heart health. Cacao nibs have crystalline in them which helps improve the health of the enamel on your teeth. This keeps your teeth healthier and prevents tooth decay that can occur over time.

Dental Health

Cellular Health

Oxidization is one of the primary factors in the aging of your cells. Luckily, many foods are high in antioxidants which help prevent the effects of oxidization. Cacao nibs have tons of antioxidants in them, which means eating them can be a good way to maintain or improve your cellular health.

Cellular Health

Heart Health

Some of the problems that occur in your heart and other parts of your cardiovascular system are a result of inflammation. Flavonoids can help fight this inflammation, and they're present in large amounts in cacao nibs. Eating cacao nibs can actually help raise your good cholesterol levels and decrease your bad cholesterol levels.

Heart Health

Mood Booster

One of the things that makes you feel good is a chemical called serotonin. Serotonin is released by the brain in certain situations and is responsible for helping you regulate your mood. Eating cacao nibs is a good natural way to help your brain release serotonin, making you feel better and improving bodily functions.

Mood Booster

High in Magnesium

Cacao nibs are one of the most nutrient-rich foods you'll find, so there are countless health benefits to adding them to your diet. One of the nutrients cacao nibs are naturally high in is magnesium, a nutrient that can help improve the health of your muscles, nervous system, blood pressure and more.

High in Magnesium

Improves Brain Health

Giving your body the nutrients it needs is always a good way to improve your brain function, but this is especially true when it comes to cacao nibs. There are many different nutrients in cacao nibs that can help improve your brain function, buy flavonoid is perhaps the most crucial.

Improves Brain Health

Good Source of Fiber

Eating foods that are packed with essential nutrients is the best way to maintain a healthy diet and make sure your body is in working order. Cacao nibs are a good source of all sorts of different nutrients, but they're particularly high in dietary fiber for their food group. If you need a bit of a fiber boost in your diet, try eating some cacao nibs.

Good Source of Fiber

Helps Metabolism

You need a range of different nutrients to make sure your metabolism is working at optimal levels. Cortisol is a hormone that can make us retain more fat than we should, and eating cacao nibs is shown to reduce cortisol levels. This gives your metabolism a boost and allows your body to burn fat easier.

Boost Metabolism

High in Potassium

Most people think of potassium as the thing you get from bananas, but there are plenty of other good sources too. Whether you're not a big fan of bananas or you're just looking for another good reason to try cacao nibs, the high potassium content of cacao will help boost your potassium intake.

High in Potassium
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