
Much like the name implies, bean sprouts are simply the sprouts that grow out of beans. While any bean can be sprouted, most of the time mung beans and soybeans are used to create bean sprouts. This fibrous dish is popular in Eastern Asia but can be easily found in almost every country. Bean sprouts are an easy way to add a lot of nutrients to your food and have been linked to numerous health benefits. Adding to their allure is the fact they can be easily added to almost any salad, soup, or sandwich.

Treat and Prevent Anemia

Mung bean sprouts are very high in iron, which is essential in the development of hemoglobin. Thus, regular consumption can help prevent anemia from developing or treat iron deficiency if you already suffer from it. Plus, bean sprouts are very high in Vitamin C, which the body needs to absorb iron. Therefore, bean sprouts are one of the best foods to add to your diet if you need to increase your iron intake.

Treat and Prevent Anemia

Maximizes Liver Function

The liver is tasked with cleansing the body of wastes and toxins, so if it is not working correctly, you end up with many harmful substances circulating in the body. Bean sprouts can help improve liver health due to its high concentration of lecithin. Lecithin consumption helps regulate the healthy and normal fats that circulate in the liver. Therefore, eating bean sprouts can help to avoid the development of diseases like fatty liver.

Maximizes Liver Function

Reduces Cholesterol

Bean sprouts are not only low in fat, but they are also a heart-healthy snack. Regular consumption of bean sprouts in place of other fatty snacks can actually help lower your LDL cholesterol count. This is the bad type of cholesterol that can build up and cause heart disease or strokes. At the same time that it is lowering your bad cholesterol, it is also helping to increase your good cholesterol, HDL cholesterol. The end result is a stable heart and blood vessels that will result in a very healthy heart. Additionally, bean sprouts can help prevent atherosclerosis.

Reduces Cholesterol

Helps Reduce Stress

These days everyone leads stressful lives, but you can stop that stress from making you an anxious person by regularly consuming bean sprouts. There have been fourteen studies conducted in the last few years to see if the consumption of Vitamin C can help reduce stress and anxiety in women. The news was positive, as the research proves that Vitamin C does help reduce anxiety. Bean sprouts are extremely high in vitamin C making them a great stress reliever. Plus, if you consume bean sprouts from the mung bean, you can enjoy more stress relief from the bioflavonoids contained within.

Helps Reduce Stress

Great Low-Cal Protein Source

Bean sprouts are known for their low-calorie count. Soybean sprouts for example only have about 85 calories, but pack 9 grams of protein into that low-calorie content. Thus, they make a great addition to normal foods if you are looking for a healthy protein punch. Plus, they are fat-free and contain fiber that can help clean out your digestive system to keep your weight down. You can even blend some into a smoothie for an extra protein boost.

Great Low-Cal Protein Source

Helps Reverse Aging

No one wants to admit that the signs of aging are starting to show in their face and body, but it is inevitable. Luckily, something as simple as consuming bean sprouts can help reverse the signs of aging and help prevent your age from showing. The high amount of Vitamin C in bean sprouts helps to keep the body from deteriorating. Additionally, Vitamin C helps to stimulate collagen production to help keep skin looking healthy and young.

Helps Reverse Aging

Strengthens Hair and Nails

Usually, hair with split ends or nails that appear brittle and break easily are caused by nutritional deficiencies. In particular, a lack of zinc, protein, and vitamins has been linked to poor nail and hair health. Mung bean sprouts contain all of these nutrients in high amounts making them a great way to treat your hair and nail problems. Add a cup to your diet every day and get ready to see the amazing results. It may take a while for your body to build up enough mineral and vitamin stores for you to see the results, so don’t expect immediate results.

Strengthens Hair and Nails

Boost Eye Strength


Macular degeneration is one of the largest eye problems that people face as they age. As the eye breaks down people slowly start to lose the quality of their vision. However, research has proven that a steady diet of Vitamin B12, folic acid, and Vitamin B6 can help reduce the effects of macular degeneration or prevent it from developing. Bean sprouts are high in folate and the B vitamins making it an excellent addition to the diet of anyone over the group of 50.

Boost Eye Strength

Fat-free Snack

As mentioned earlier, bean sprouts are very low in fat, and if you choose mung bean sprouts are fat-free. This makes that a great tool if you are trying to lose weight and want to cut down on your calorie count. You can easily eat a cup of mung bean sprouts and only consume 31 calories. Plus, they add a crunchy component to salads and soups, so if you want a topping that is healthy try replacing croutons with bean sprouts.


Fat-free Snack

Builds Up the Immune System

At this point, it is clear that bean sprouts have a great deal of Vitamin C in them, but this holds even more benefits for the body. Vitamin C helps to build and support your immune system. And it can do so even more effectively when combined with iron. The high concentration of iron and Vitamin C in bean sprouts makes them a great tool for building your immune system. Getting both iron and Vitamin C on a regular basis can help keep you healthy. And it can help you avoid infections that are going around.

Builds Up the Immune System

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