
Just like many other leafy greens, Swiss chard is rich in nutrients that can help prevent many life-threatening diseases and improve the quality of life in countless other ways. Despite its name, Swiss chard has nothing to do with Switzerland. It originated in the Mediterranean, where it is still widely used. It’s loaded with vitamins K, A and C, and contains three times the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, and over 40% of recommended daily dose of vitamin A.

Ancient Greeks and Romans knew this, and used this plant more as medicine, than food. Why not take advantage of this amazing vegetable, and include it in your diet? Whether you have it fresh, stir-fried, or stewed, you’ll be doing yourself a great favor. Swiss chard nourishes you (with vitamins and minerals), protects you (with antioxidants), and boosts your mental and physical power (with beta-carotene and iron). What more could you expect from simple green leaves?

It helps manage diabetes

One of the most important benefits of Swiss chard is its ability to regulate the blood sugar levels and keep them stable, preventing fluctuations that can be extremely dangerous for those who have diabetes, or for those at a high risk of developing diabetes.

Swiss chard contains an antioxidant known as alpha-lipoic acid which can increase sensitivity to blood sugar-managing hormones, and prevent oxidative stress-induced changes in patients with diabetes. It also helps by reducing the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy or autonomic neuropathy.



It boosts your brain power and prevents dementia

Swiss chard is very rich in both potassium and vitamin K, which are necessary for mental development. When you eat Swiss chard, you are feeding your “little grey cells” and boosting your mental performance, because this vegetable contains natural nitrates that help boost blood flow to the brain. Swiss chard is also known to prevent dementia in the elderly, thanks to the very high beta-carotene content.



Helps you maintain good heart health

Did you know Swiss chard can protect you from atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke? The anti-inflammatory components, phytonutrients, and antioxidants this vegetable combine to help reduce blood pressure, and indirectly improve functioning of your cardiovascular system. Besides, potassium in Swiss chard enables you to maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which directly affects the way your heart, liver and the digestive system work.



Strengthens your bones

We need healthy bones partly because they improve our posture, and partly because they provide solid support for our muscles. Swiss chard contains a significant amount of calcium, which makes it super-food for good, strong bones. Besides, as a rich source of vitamin K, it also helps strengthen weak bones, and regular consumption of Swiss chard is known to be able to prevent osteoporosis. This means that everyone with old, or damaged bones, should increase intake of vitamin K in their diet, and the best way to do this is to eat Swiss chard as often as you can. A calcium-rich diet can easily prevent bone-related diseases and infections.



Lowers the risk of anemia

Anemia is characterized by low levels of red blood cells in the body, which can lead to low hemoglobin levels. When this happens, your organs stop functioning properly. One of the main causes of anemia is iron deficiency, characterized by fatigue, weakness, stomach disorders, inability to concentrate, etc. Swiss chard is rich in both iron and copper, which are essential for healthy red blood cells. Although you can take supplements, a much healthier way of boosting your red blood cell count is by eating Swiss chard every day.



Helps destroy cancer cells

Like many leafy greens, Swiss chard has anti-cancer properties due to significant amounts of vitamins E and C, zinc, beta-carotene, quercetin, and many other vital nutrients. They help prevent many types of cancer, and Swiss chard is particularly good for patients with colon cancer. Ability to destroy cancer cells is due to the high content of phytonutrients, which are particularly important in prevention of liver, skin, colon, prostate, ovarian, pancreatic, breast, and lung cancer.



Improves circulation

Swiss chard contains many trace minerals that are crucial for proper circulation, healthy blood vessels, and heartbeat regulation. Swiss chard improves blood vessel constriction, blood pressure levels, and nerve signaling.



Prevents eye disease

In many countries,  the population is getting older, and eye diseases, some of which lead to blindness, are becoming more common. A diet rich in vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, and zinc can prevent macular degeneration naturally because these nutrients have the power to prevent and treat many chronic eye diseases. The best thing is that almost any problem with eyes can be corrected if you start taking Swiss chard daily.



Keeps your hair healthy

The condition of your hair and nails says a lot about your lifestyle. For shiny, strong and healthy hair, your diet needs to be rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables, because your body needs to stay hydrated throughout the day. The health of your hair largely depends on biotin (also known as B7), an organic compound that Swiss chard happens to be rich in. In fact, Swiss chard is one of the best natural sources of this vitamin.



It’s super rich in antioxidants

Swiss chard is loaded with powerful nutrients, many of which help prevent tumor growth. Besides, even if you do get cancer, consuming antioxidant-rich food, such as Swiss chard, will help your immune system repair the damaged cells.


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