
Among the first fruits cultivated by humans, the humble fig features largely in history. Common food for ancient Romans, figs aren’t just delicious. According to a mounting accumulation of research, figs offer many different health and beauty benefits. Today, figs are grown in many parts of the world that include the Middle East, Greece, and even California. Typically eaten as fresh or dried fruit, figs are also featured in jams and jellies and used in a wide array of culinary dishes. Deliciously flavorful, figs can be a regular part of your diet where they can enhance your nutritional needs and even deliver some surprising health benefits.

Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease claims millions of lives each year around the world. Diet can play a significant role in reducing a person’s risk of heart disease. Figs have the power to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. Bad LDL cholesterol is associated with a risk for the development of heart disease. Figs are rich in the soluble fiber known as pectin. This fiber is adept at eliminating excess cholesterol from the digestive tract before it can make its way into the rest of the body to cause problems. Figs are also rich in healthy fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 that can help keep triglyceride levels in check to reduce the risk for heart disease. Make figs part of your heart healthy diet to enjoy their protective benefits.

Prevent Heart Disease Fig

Cancer Preventative

Figs contain many nutrients that are associated with cancer prevention. Figs are loaded with antioxidants, which are essential for reducing the number of disease-causing free radicals in the body. Free radicals are harbingers of diseases such as cancer, so reducing their existence in the body is always a positive. Additionally, researchers believe that the fiber figs contain can help reduce the risk for breast cancer. Women who eat figs after menopause may be able to benefit from the cancer-fighting properties of figs in particular.

Cancer Preventative

Help for Sexual Dysfunction

Since ancient times, practitioners have prescribed figs for the treatment of sexual dysfunction and also regarded this fruit to be a potent aphrodisiac. Figs contain a tremendous amount of nutrients and vitamins that are known to boost energy levels, which may be one reason why they are regarded as an aphrodisiac. Throughout many periods of history, practitioners prescribed figs to treat problems of sexual dysfunction like sterility and erectile dysfunction. Naturally, significant problems should be discussed with a healthcare provider, but if you are interested in natural remedies for these issues, you can give figs a try.

Help for Sexual Dysfunction

Treatment for Venereal Disease

In various areas of the world such as India, figs have traditionally been used to treat some symptoms for venereal diseases. For instance, folk practitioners have been used as a salve to calm the inflammation and pain of venereal disease. Today, of course, there are medicinal remedies for the treatment of these diseases, but there is still belief in many parts of the world that figs applied topically and eaten can sooth unpleasant symptoms of these illnesses. While more study is needed in this regard, it certainly can’t help to eat more figs while being treated for these illnesses.

Treatment for Venereal Disease

Promote Digestive Health

Fiber-rich figs are an excellent addition to your diet if you want to promote digestive health. Figs are regarded as one of the best foods you can eat if you are suffering from constipation. Eating a diet that includes figs can help keep you regular and prevent constipation from happening in the first place. Because fiber can add bulk to stools, it can also help to guard against diarrhea. To keep your digestive health on track, it’s important to eat foods like figs that are high in dietary fiber.

Promote Digestive Health

Strengthen Bones

Eating a diet that includes figs can be beneficial for your bones. Figs contain nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and potassium that are associated with optimum bone health. For instance, calcium is needed to keep bones strong. As we age, our bones can become brittle, and we are increasingly vulnerable to fractures. Diseases such as osteoporosis can also detract from bone health. Figs and their nutrients can protect bone health and reduce the risk of disease and age-related bone fractures. To obtain these bone-protective benefits, be sure to eat some figs each week.

Strengthen Bones

Help for Your Sore Throat

A sore throat may be a common nuisance that’s associated with the common cold or seasonal allergies, but it detracts from your day when you’re suffering from one. By eating figs, you may be able to reduce the pain from that sore throat. Figs contain mucilage which is known to soothe and protect the throat from pain-causing inflammation. Additionally, the natural juices contained in figs can even sooth strained vocal cords. For centuries, figs have been used to treat tonsillitis in many parts of the world. If you’re suffering from a sore throat or throat irritation, be sure to eat more figs to enjoy their pain-reducing benefits.

Help for Your Sore Throat

Treat Your Insomnia

Having trouble falling asleep? Insomnia plagues many people, but rather than turning to medications that could have side effects, consider trying some natural remedies like figs. Figs contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is associated with feelings of drowsiness. This amino acid is used by the body to create melatonin, which is essential for sleep. If you’re having trouble sleeping because you are stressed or because of age when melatonin production tends to slow, be sure to increase your intake of figs to see if they can solve your sleep woes.

Treat Your Insomnia

Gorgeous Skin

Figs have long been associated with skin health and skin beauty. Studies have demonstrated that figs can actually help reduce the depth of wrinkles and fine lines. Skin extract is known to help keep the skin hydrated, which can certainly enhance its health and beauty. Many cultures have used figs since ancient times to treat painful skin blemishes like boils by directly applying a fresh fig to the boil or abscess. You can also make a paste from figs and honey to apply to the skin to rejuvenate and refresh its appearance.

Gorgeous Skin Fig

Enhance Hair Health

Figs contain nutrients that are important to hair health like vitamin C, magnesium, and vitamin E. The nutrients contained in figs can promote circulation to the scalp, which can, in turn, promote hair growth. Fig extracts can also be used to effectively hydrate the hair to enhance the way it looks and feels. If you’re looking for natural solutions for hair beauty, figs have been an option that many have turned to for centuries.

Enhance Hair Health Fig

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