Rice may seem like a vapid staple food abundantly found in kitchens across the world. However, when used as a flour, it is, in fact, one of the healthiest alternatives. Besides fiber, rice flour contains numerous minerals that are highly beneficial for the body. Moreover, they have a handful of cosmetic purposes, improving skin appearance and ensuring freedom from pesky skin diseases. You can find rice flour in many specialty stores. Just make sure you aren’t allergic to it. Find out ten health benefits of rice flour.



Skin Exfoliant

Most notably, rice flour is an ingredient that can be used for multiple cosmetic purposes. For exfoliating - the process of removing dead skin cells and debris from skin - rice flour makes for an excellent and highly effective option. Just like any other face mask, rice flour can clean and scrub dead skin cells away, leaving you with a bright and youthful appearance. To make a skin exfoliant with rice flour, you should mix a suitable amount of rice flour with honey and sugar. Add water to liquefy the mixture, and you can even try adding in a few drops of lemon.


Skin Exfoliant

Removes Dark Circles

Dark circles are a huge problem to deal with - and they never seem to disappear. However, with rice flour, dark circle under the eyes are a thing of the past! The nutrients found in rice flour, as well as its rich content of vitamins, can help the skin to appear brighter and tighter. By applying a mixture of olive oil and banana mixed with rice flour, you can see considerable results after consistent use. To correctly use this treatment, apply the mixture on for up to five minutes and rinse. If you feel any irritation, stop using the treatment.

Removes Dark Circles

Tightens the Skin

One of the most renowned applications of rice flour is its tightening effect on the skin. Having tight skin is considered a huge plus, especially as one becomes older due to the loosening of the skin. With rice flour, you can put an end to this process and ensure the attractive appearance of your skin. If you notice some part of your body that needs extra tightening, you can apply a mixture of water and rice flour over the affected area. Allow the mixture to dry for around ten minutes, and rinse the area. Repeat as necessary, and consult your doctor if you notice any symptoms.


Tightens the Skin

Rich in Fiber

Fiber is a fundamental part of any healthy diet, and rice flour is an excellent way to ensure a sufficient amount of it in your diet. Fiber has many benefits: it facilitates the digestive process by moving food along the gastrointestinal tract, and it helps to reduce your risk of developing stomach problems. If you don’t get enough fiber, you might have constipation, as well as cramps and even diarrhea. Rice flour can be a healthy substitute for regular wheat, as many people find it helps them to digest food faster. Moreover, it can be used to thicken food.



Keeps Bones Healthy

Rice flour is a good source of calcium, as it contains around 10mg of calcium per 100 grams. Thus, if you combine rice flour with other sources of bone-boosting calcium, then you will easily reach your daily recommended value of calcium. Many cultures across the world use rice flour, for example, in Asia. This is thanks to the gluten-free nature of rice flour, making it easy on the stomach. Moreover, frequent consumption can help to lower your risk of developing bone problems such as osteoporosis. Consult your doctor to see if rice flour is safe for you.


Helps Prevent Osteoporosis

Facilitates Digestion

Indigestion is a common problem among the general population. Many things can cause constipation, but most of them are related to insufficient consumption of fiber. Fiber helps to promote good digestion by transporting food throughout the intestines. Rice flour can, therefore, be of use for people that suffer from digestive issues. One of the largest collectives that might benefit from rice flour are individuals with celiacs disease, who cannot consume gluten. If you think rice flour is a possible treatment option for you, consult your doctor.


What is the Post-Absorptive State?

Good for the Liver

The consumption of rice flour has been shown to aid correct liver function by supplying the liver with key nutrients and minerals. One of rice flower’s most potent components is choline, which is essential in getting cholesterol from the liver to other parts of the body. Thus, choline is important for good liver functioning. Moreover, rice flour isn’t hard on the body, so it’s safe to consume for nearly anyone. You can try using rice flour in some baked dishes, as well as a thickening agent for sauces and soups.


Risks of liver damage

Rich in Zinc

Magnesium, zinc, and iron. All of these are important minerals, and they share a common denominator: people have difficulty consuming (or finding) food sources that contain them in abundant quantities. However, rice flour is a wonderful source of zinc, and as such should be on the plates of all health-conscious individuals. Zinc has many benefits for health: it can reduce the length of colds, and overall, it improves the strength of the immune system. For ideal results, combine rice flour with other mineral-rich foods.



Rich in Zinc

Optimal for Celiacs

Millions of people are opting for gluten-free diets in the hopes of losing weight or boosting health. For others, however, eating non-gluten foods isn’t a choice. In such cases, celiacs disease is to be blamed, and it causes an inability to process gluten. Gluten is a protein that gives many baked and cooked products their consistency, such as pasta or bread. Even though celiac patients cannot enjoy such products, they can safely consume the gluten-free equivalents. In this regard, rice flour makes for a flawless substitute because it contains no gluten. Contact your doctor to see if rice flour is a healthy alternative for you.


Optimal for Celiacs

Full of Protein

One last but very important advantage of rice flour is its significant protein content. This makes rice flour a top choice for people who are looking to add a bit of extra muscle, as protein assists in that process. Try to substitute regular flour with rice flour for an added protein boost. Moreover, if you can, opt for darker rice flour as this is more beneficial as far as minerals and nutrients are concerned. Darker rice flour contains higher traces of zinc and magnesium, and if you add that together, then you get a powerful health boost.


Full of Protein
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