It seems that there are a million different diets these days. However, in the midst of this ocean of information, a new diet has risen to the top of popular. We're talking about the amazingly simple, but efficient 80/20 diet. So, what's this amazing dieting plan and how does it work? Well, the basic principles of this diet are very simple. 80% of the time, you have to pay attention to what you eat. The other 20% is for indulging in things that may be unhealthy. Why is this so effective? For starters, it solidifies the notion of balance and its significance. It gives you both what you need and what you like. Not many diets offer that.



Be meticulous and calculate

Many people fall into the trap of overestimating exactly how much is 20% of their daily consumption. You cannot estimate or make wild guesses. The 80/20 doesn't only make you slimmer; it teaches you an important lesson. By following it, you become much more attentive to details. You have to track every calorie and make plans for the day. This organizing pattern will keep you from overindulging and derailing your plans. It will be boring and hard in the beginning, but it becomes easy with time.



Don't be afraid to write down

Okay, you've realized that you have to track your calories, now what? You may convince yourself that you don't need to write anything down, but this doesn't help at all. Trying to remember everything only leads to confusion and mistakes. Don't leave anything to chance. Take a piece of paper or open a spreadsheet and try to devise a well-written plan. Print it out and put it in several visible places. That way, your entire day will be reminding you of your goals. Slip-ups are much less likely to happen this way.

80/20 diet


Mark your 20%

It might seem odd to plan your cheat meals, but it does pay off amazingly. You will see the highlighted cheat meals, and you will begin to anticipate them. The excitement will build up a lot, and you will be able to appreciate the meal much more. This is the best thing about the 80/20 diet. You won't get rid of what you love. Instead, you will only eat it in moderation and start appreciating it much. Much more. This is a great way to project a useful philosophy for other parts of your life.

80/20 diet tips


Cheat meals don't have to meals; they can be cheat days

This is the greatest thing about this diet. 20% can be 20% of any given quantity. It can be 20% of a day, a week or even a month. If you're doing it on bigger time periods, a week would be ideal. That way, you can relax for an entire day and have no consequences. For example, if you have five meals each day, that's 35 meals per week. Of those 35 meals, seven are cheat ones. It's a day and a half of delicious indulgence. Some people find the daily program more useful; some love this more. Opinions differ, don't they?

80/20 cheat meals


Educate yourself

Many people avoid the 80/20 diet because the idea of recording and planning all their meals seems daunting to them. You can't just leap into the program with no knowledge whatsoever. Before you start, you have to know which foods are healthy and which are not. There are many written resources about the diet and about the foods you should eat. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are a good place to start. Lean protein and fish are also the columns of the nutritional temple of this diet.

smart diet 80/20


Your cheat meals should be nutritious

This is a great way to make the diet even more effective. If you like burgers, for example, why not make them chicken burgers? They can be full of fat, but they will also contain protein. Also, if you love cake, why not make it with walnuts and other nutritious nuts? By sneaking in nutrients into your cheat meals, you will both get what you love and benefit your body. Plus, making alterations to your beloved meals will suit your palate and shock it.

nutritional cheat meals


The diet is only half the battle

The 80/20 diet is only meant to be a part of your journey to a fitter and better you. It won't help you reach your full potential unless you actually exercise. Losing fat through aerobic exercise will only increase the benefits from the food. Most of us follow strict fitness plans, but it doesn't have to be this way. You can enjoy breaking a sweat, not detest it. Make that workout fun and enjoyable. That way, you will have an undeniable source of motivation.

diet exercise


You don't have to use up the 20%, you know

As it is with everything, rules are meant to provide a basis, not the entire structure. The 80/20 diet follows this same principle. Many times, after a few weeks, you will find your cravings drop drastically. You don't need to use up the indulgence calories at all! That's the whole point of this dieting program. It's meant to soothe your cravings until they disappear forever. That way, you will only crave healthy and nutritious meals. Every diet is a journey that you have to learn from, not a mere shortcut. Keep that in mind.

tips and tricks diet


Persuade a friend to join you on your journey

If you're alone, it may be hard to keep focus and have the right amount of motivation always. It doesn't have to be this way. By finding an equally motivated companion, you will have twice the motivation. You may push each other and provide a helping hand in difficult moments. By following the same diet, you can exchange ideas, recipes, and experiences. Dieting doesn't have to be dreadful; it may be full of laughs too. All you need is a like-minded individual.

diet motivation


Make the meals smaller

When you're changing eating habits and getting rid of fat, you need a fast metabolism. The best way to achieve all this is to separate your calorie content into many small meals. That way, you won't overburden your stomach nor have that bad feeling of fullness. Also, your body will burn fat tissue much faster and much efficiently. It may prove to be the much-needed aid on your dieting journey.

smaller meals
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