The health benefits from tea drinking helped ensured this drink's popularity in eighteenth-century Europe and, and it remains one of our favorite beverages. Tea drinkers seem to have become more health conscious in recent years. The growing market for herbal teas provides a clear sign of how this drink's health benefits are once again widely recognized. Research shows how different types of tea may improve resistance to various diseases. Also, the possibility that tea drinking might help people lose weight attracts an increasing amount of interest. Everyone wants to know which tasty drinks they can enjoy while losing those extra pounds or kilos.


The wonders of green tea

If you ask someone to name one herbal tea, expect him or her to answer "green tea." This is probably the most widely used and best known of all the herbal teas. Although green describes the drink's color, it also brings positive associations with nature and purity. An advertising agency may not have invented the name, but it does wonders boosting the drink's popularity. There is sufficient evidence to show how this drink is successfully incorporated into diet plans. It makes the body burn up fat that much faster. One investigation found that those who drank four or five cups of green tea daily and exercised for 25 minutes, lost two pounds more than other dieters who only exercised.



The refreshing mint tea drink

This herbal tea competes with green tea in the popularity stakes. It principally helps dieters by reducing their hunger. The temptation to snack can be one of the biggest challenges facing anyone trying to lose weight. Mint tea enthusiasts claim that a sniff of the peppermint is enough to quench hunger pangs. Everyone finds the scent of the tea pleasant, and most enjoy its taste. Its benefits for weight watchers deserve further study, but it is definitely worthwhile to make your own experiment.



A cup of exotic Matcha tea

This Japanese green tea is one of the lesser-known herbal drinks, but it could be one of the most beneficial for dieters. Studies show that is many times richer than regular green tea in a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This EGCG does a fine job breaking down fat, especially in the stomach area. Also, it helps to prevent new fat cells taking shape. It also scores very high marks on protein content with four grams in a single cup.



Stress-reducing Kava Kava tea

The connection between stress and weight gain needs little elaboration. We all tend to eat more when we are under stress. It follows logically from this that a substance that reduces stress should also help people lose weight. Drinkers of this herbal tea find that it relieves their worries and aids them to get a night of healthy sleep. With much of their anxiety removed these people no longer feel the need to snack so often. However, as is the case with many beneficial products you can get too much of a good thing. A little too much of this tea poisons the liver so make sure to enjoy its benefits in moderation.

Kava Kava


Stay slim with the help of ginger tea

This is another of the more popular herbal teas whose health benefits have become widely appreciated. It has a number of traditional medicinal uses. The ability to relieve stomach cramps is one of ginger tea's best-known properties. The anti-inflammatory qualities of ginger tea qualify it to be a dieter's favorite. Besides enjoying its distinctive spicy tang, you can also drink it to reduce body bloating.



A pleasant-tasting glass of chamomile tea

The delicious taste of this tea makes it a firm favorite of herbal tea lovers. Although perhaps its popularity might not equal that of green tea, there can be very few people around today who could say that they have never heard of it or drank it on occasion. Chamomile tea's value to anyone trying to lose weight deserves more publicity. Studies have found that it reduces the stress-related inflammations that may lead to fattiness and even diabetes. However, the widespread belief that it helps overcome insomnia lacks supporting evidence.



Your best mate to help you lose weight

Maybe you have never heard about the South American herbal tea called mate, but if you need to need to lose weight, you should investigate how it might help you. Research shows that it speeds up the body's calorie consuming process. It also makes it easier to lose weight by increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin. Additional health benefits include antioxidants that improve resistance to infections, and it gives a welcome boost to vitamin B levels.



Fight that fat with Oolong tea

This might be another unfamiliar herbal tea name, but its potential contribution to weight reduction should encourage you to find out more. Scientists in researched how oolong tea affects the fat absorption process. They found out that the sample of people tested absorbed up to a fifth less fat after using oolong. A similar study came up with comparable results. This latter study included over a thousand participants for ten years, so the results are certainly encouraging. Relief from high blood pressure problems is another important benefit from drinking oolong tea.



White tea's fat burning power

White tea challenges the common impression that herbal tea needs to be green to bring health benefits. White tea apparently contains certain compounds that assist the body burnt up fat. It also helps to stop the development of new fat cells. Experts recommend that you apply white tea extract to your skin before putting on the sun lotion. They claim this can reduce skin aging.



Mood-enhancing Ashwagandha tea

The name of this herbal tea gives away its Indian origins. Some doctors claim that it assists weight loss by reducing stress. Studies in show how that there are links between stress and inflammation. This in turn easily develops into unhealthy weight gain, and it increases the risk of diabetes.

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