
Pineapples belong to the bromeliad family and are one of the few bromeliads that actually produce edible fruit. Pineapples grow in the ground and are naturally sweet, but also very healthy for you. They are low in calories and rich in vitamins and mineral. This yummy fruit also has enzymes and antioxidants that offer even more health benefits.

Pineapple: Unlocking 12 Ways It Improves Your Well-being

Aids in Digestion

Being rich in fiber, this fruit can encourage your food to pass through the digestive tract at a normal rate. In turn, this stimulates gastric juices to help dissolve food. As a result, the stool has time to become bulk, but loose. If you need a regular bowel movement, try eating more pineapple. It can help regulate the symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. Besides being a good source of fiber, the bromelain in pineapple also promotes digestion by reducing gut inflammation.

aiding in digestion Pineapple


Cures Symptoms of Cough and Cold

Both vitamin C and bromelain are known for helping prevent and treat respiratory illness. If you already have symptoms like excess mucus and phlegm, eating pineapple can help eliminate them from your body. If you feel a cold coming on, feast on some pineapple to avoid mucus and phlegm from building up in your sinus cavity or respiratory tract.

cold Pineapple


Strengthens Bones

Pineapple does not have a bunch of calcium, but it does have another mineral that is also associated with bone health, and that is manganese. In fact, it is the primary mineral found in the fruit. A serving of pineapple can give you up to 70% of the daily recommended amount of manganese. This mineral is essential for bone growth and repair.

Pineapple for bone health


Improves Oral Health

You already know pineapple can help strengthen your teeth thanks to the manganese. However, did you know eating this fruit can also protect against oral cancer? Pineapple has astringent agents that strengthen your teeth and gums. In general, astringents work to tighten tissues in the body from skin to muscles. It is also prescribed to help with loose teeth or retracting gums.

health benefits of Pineapple


Maintains Healthy Vision

Beta-carotene present in pineapple can help maintain a healthy vision. Therefore, eating this fruit can delay the onset of visual problems like macular degeneration and age-related eye diseases. More studies are needed, but consuming pineapple might not only prevent certain illnesses associated with sight, but it might be able to improve vision as well.

healthy Pineapple


Speeds Up Healing

Vitamin C helps create collagen, which is why pineapple is considered a healing fruit. Collagen is a protein base that is essential for organs, bones, skin, and blood vessel walls. If you have a wound, increasing your consumption of pineapple might speed up the recovery time. It can also fight off any infection or lingering illness that may follow an injury.

healing Pineapple


Treats Symptoms of Arthritis

The proteolytic enzyme known as bromelain can break down complex protein. As a result, it has anti-inflammatory effects on the body. If you deal with joint or muscle pain from arthritis, you should eat more pineapple. The bromelain might be able to reduce symptoms associated with the debilitating disease.

treating symptoms of Pineapple


Boosts Immunity

Pineapple is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, which stimulate your white blood cells to defend your body from dangerous byproducts like harmful free radicals and damaging oxidative stress. They can hurt your organs and interrupt their function as well as mutate your cells into cancer. If you add more pineapple to your diet, you have a better chance of boosting your immune system.

immunity Pineapple


Prevents Certain Types of Cancer

As already mentioned, pineapple is a rich source of antioxidants and bromelain along with vitamin A, beta-carotene, and other flavonoid compounds. It also has high levels of manganese, which plays a role in combating superoxide dismutase, a potent free radical that is linked to cancer. Pineapple might help you prevent certain types of cancers such as mouth, throat, or breast cancer.

preventing cancer Pineapple


Improves Blood Circulation

Besides being a valuable source of manganese, pineapple is rich in other minerals such as potassium and copper. Potassium can help increase blood flow throughout the body by relaxing your blood vessels to allow circulation in a less restricted manner. In turn, eating pineapple can help prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack. Copper is essential for red blood cell formation. A high red blood cell count can increase your cognitive abilities and ensure your organs function at optimal levels, which can lower the chance of neural disorders such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

circulation Pineapple


May aid weight loss

Pineapples are not just a feast for your taste buds; they're also allies in your weight loss journey. With their high water content and low-calorie count, pineapples make for an excellent snack that satisfies your sweet tooth without adding to your waistline. The natural sweetness of pineapple can help curb sugar cravings, making it easier to stick to a healthy eating plan. Plus, the fiber in pineapples can keep you feeling full longer and meet 10% of your daily fiber needs. So, next time you're looking for a guilt-free snack, reach for a slice of pineapple. It also has natural enzymes that may boost your body's fat-burning capabilities.

Diet weight loss fitness health care concept with measure tape, pineapple, water glass, fitness tracker bracelet. Pineapple, measurement tape metric ribbon on wooden background. Diet heathy lifestyle


Helps with hydration

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining overall health, and pineapples can be a delicious way to help meet your daily water intake. How much water do pineapples contain? The water content in pineapples is up to 86%! Thanks to their high water content, pineapples may boost your hydration levels, ensuring your body functions optimally. Proper hydration supports digestion, helps regulate body temperature, and even improves skin health. So, incorporating pineapple into your diet, can be a tasty and effective way to stay hydrated.

Pineapple floating in a turquoise Caribbean beach

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