Marigolds are bright orange, and yellow flowers are one of the gardener's favorite species. They add a brilliant touch of color to flower beds, and their scent is very pleasant. Most will be surprised to discover that marigolds are much more than an attractive plant. This flower also possesses valuable curative properties that people were using as far back as the Greek and Roman eras. Even Charles, Prince of Wales, and heir to the British throne has acknowledged the marigold's health-giving qualities. Marigold tea is one of the most popular ways of using this flower in herbal cures. Please note that Americans are more likely to use the plant's Latin name – calendula.
The use of marigolds in treating wounds is one of this flower's better-known medical uses. Modern science backs up this traditional knowledge. Scientists have discovered how glycoproteins, nucleoproteins and other substances that they contain improve the body's ability to replace damaged cells quickly. They help to reduce swelling, bring blood to promote skin healing and refresh dried-out skin. The benefits are so apparent that conventional medicine uses marigold derivatives to speed up the healing process for patients who have undergone surgical procedures.
Another of the proven health benefits from marigold products appears in its use as an antiseptic. The treatment of ear infections is one of the most popular ways that the marigold is so used. Earache sufferers are delighted to find that they can relieve their pain when they put a few drops extracted from the plant into the affected ear, It frequently only takes a few days for the treatment to fully succeed. It could also save the patient having to take antibiotics. The antifungal compounds found in marigolds make it an appropriate treatment for jock itch and other fungal infections in the area of the groin.
Conjunctivitis, or red eye, is one of the most common bacterial eye infections; infants frequently develop this condition. It is not dangerous if it is promptly treated. The conventional medical approach uses antibiotic eye drops. Research made on laboratory animals suggests that the antibacterial properties found in marigolds could provide alternative natural treatments. In addition to curing eye infections, some scientific evidence indicates that marigold products might help to protect eyes from damage from strong UV light, for example, brilliant sunshine. It might even be able to slow down the deterioration in vision that comes naturally with aging.
Even bodies that appear externally to be perfectly healthy are involved in a struggle to prevent accumulations of toxins from damaging cells. Everyone has a certain amount of free radical compounds naturally present in the system. The delicate balance shifts in a negative direction when environmental pollution, poor quality diet, and other factors bring large amounts of toxins into the bloodstream. The antioxidant compounds that protect cells against damage need reinforcing. Researchers have found that antioxidant properties found in marigolds enhance the body's natural defenses against attack from bacteria and viruses.
The fact that the scent of marigolds drives off pests is another good reason to plant them in the garden. As well as driving away flying insects, they discourage the crawling insects that damage crops. This same property makes marigold products a suitable insect repellent to put on the skin. People with skin too sensitive for the application of other kinds of repellent can safely use marigold derivatives. They are especially valuable for protection against irritating mosquito bites. Only the few who are allergic to these flowers might be unable to take advantage of these products. It is also not clear if pregnant and nursing women can use them freely.
Given the fact that marigold extracts help to heal damaged skin, it comes as no surprise to discover how they also have a wider skincare role. Marigold products could perform a range of skincare functions. Some use them to relax the skin after a shave, or they apply them as a lotion to rid the hair of dandruff. Others find that these creams help to remove the unsightly look of skin affected by vein problems, and they may help to clean up the kind of skin discolorations that come from scarring.
While hemorrhoids may not be the most dangerous of conditions, they certainly cause a significant amount of pain and distress. Fans of natural health treatments know that marigolds contain compounds that reduce swelling and hasten the healing process. Applications to hemorrhoids and anal fissures bring relief faster than some more conventional therapies. Laboratory studies made on animals showed how putting ointment derived from marigold on open wounds healed them in just over a week in almost nine out of ten cases.
One of the most exciting uses of marigold oil concerns their effectiveness in treating arthritis pains. A doctor in London has used marigold oil successfully with his arthritis patients, and he finds it also really helps those suffering from painful bunions. These treatments offer a far more attractive alternative than injections. The award to this doctor presented by England's Prince Charles shows that the benefits of marigold medications have begun to be more widely recognized.
The natural pains that occur during the menstruation process do not generate the same health concerns as sicknesses, but women still need to take medications to cope. It appears that marigold products exert positive influences on these bodily processes by steadying the menstrual cycle. Women who take them get a measure of relief from associated pains and stresses. However, it is important to warn against using these products while pregnant or nursing.
Many hundreds of years ago, someone stung by a bee or wasp might use the marigold to treat this pain. Today people are more likely to use a product from a pharmacy, but the old-fashioned cure still works. It is also completely safe to use with a few exceptions. The exceptions are people who have an allergy to this plant and those who might develop a serious allergic reaction to insect stings. Those in the latter category need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
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