
The next time you are searching for a sweet treat, eat blackberries. This fruit is not only delicious, but it’s packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Instead of taking pills and supplements, you can rejuvenate your body thanks to a handful of blackberries. Keep reading to learn more about the ten health benefits of blackberries.

Regulate Menstrual Health

Do you have symptoms of PMS? From experiencing painful cramps to feeling sick and sluggish, that time of the month can be challenging, to say the least. Eating more blackberries might help. They are packed with vitamin K, which regulates hormone function throughout the body. In turn, it can reduce cramps and clot excessive bleeding. Foods high in calcium and manganese can also help alleviate physical PMS problems, and blackberries are a rich source of both manganese and calcium.



Improve Vision

Blackberries have anthocyanosides that not only enhance your vision, but also help protect your eyes from diseases like cataracts, night blindness, and macular degeneration. Besides that, blackberries can attribute to the presence of lutein, which forms a layer behind the retina to prevent damage from free radicals, oxidative stress, and high wavelengths of ultra-violet light radiations.

vision eat blackberries


Promote Healthy Skin

Did you know vitamin C promotes collagen production and glowing skin? It also helps decrease the instance of dry skin and the onset of premature aging such as wrinkles. As mentioned before, it also fights against damage from ultra-violet rays that can damage the skin. Blackberries also help with the health of skin beyond appearance. For example, the nutrients have an antiviral effect on certain conditions such as cold sores.

healthy skin eat blackberries


Aid in Weight Management

Blackberries are high in fiber, which means you will feel fuller quicker when eating them. They are also low in sugar. Therefore, eating a handful of blackberries will kick your hunger to the curb without packing on the pounds. If you are counting calories or trying to lose weight, reach for a healthy helping of blackberries.

eat blackberries health benefits


Strengthen Bones

Did you know blackberries were a rich source of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus? The calcium strengthens bones while the magnesium helps absorb the calcium within in the body. Phosphorus regulates the calcium and contributes to proper cellular functions. These vital minerals found in blackberries work together to make bones healthy and strong.

bones eat blackberries


Regulate Blood Circulation and Clotting

Being rich in vitamin K, blackberries are ideal for healthy blood circulation. This vitamin also helps with normal blood clotting, which means excessive bleeding from slight injuries is rarer. Any wounds will heal faster thanks to vitamin K. Blackberries assist with protein modification and play an essential role in protecting bones from osteoporosis.

blood sugar eat blackberries


Slow Cancer Growth

Blackberries are considered a cancer-fighting food. Why? Blackberries are full of antioxidants including polyphenols. A specific polyphenol called anthocyanin is found in blackberries, which are known to slow cancer growth. Cancer, in general, is complex and involves the mutation of healthy cells. Eating blackberries can help prevent cell mutation, especially with colon, stomach, and prostate cancers.

cancer eat blackberries


Improve Brain Function

Did you know blackberries have the potential to increase brain performance? They are considered brain food, which helps with short-term memory retention and motor skills. Manganese is also vital to brain function, and blackberries are full of it. A manganese deficiency is connected to epilepsy and other brain conditions that deal with synapses.

brain function eat blackberries


Reduce Inflammation

Since blackberries are full of antioxidants, they do a great job of fighting oxidative stress and diseases caused by chronic inflammation. Your body will experience inflammation as a natural response to ward off harmful cells that cause illness. Blackberries help your body respond to inflammation. A study once extracted the specific antioxidant known as ellagitannins from blackberries to show how they help protect against stomach ulcers caused by damaging free radicals.

inflammation eat blackberries


Promote Heart Health

The vitamin K found in blackberries is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system. They help to carry calcium from your arteries and prevent buildup, which can harden the arteries and cause serious diseases. The antioxidant anthocyanin can help fight against heart failure and endothelial dysfunction, which involves the blood vessels restricting and dilating improperly.

blood vessel eat blackberries

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