
Venturing into the world of weight loss is a daring mission. Deciding to get out of bed and work on your body is no small feat. The essential part of every weight loss plan is a good diet. Of course, the basis of every such diet should be a substantial amount of healthy food. Lean protein, healthy carbs, and beneficial fats all play an important role. Of course, every good weight loss program should include something more. We're aiming for protein in this case. There are many good natural protein sources, but few of them are concentrated enough. To lose weight and gain lean muscle, you need a lot of protein in a small portion. This is why the best and most optimal supplement for your weight loss is protein shakes.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Protein Smoothie - 16 g protein

If you're a big fan of the childhood staple, the iconic sandwich, you will love this shake like no other. It bypasses the most significant downside of all protein powders - bitterness. With frozen berries and vanilla-flavored protein, this shake is the best companion. It combines excellent taste with almost no excess calories whatsoever. Natural peanut butter is a great staple of this drink and will gift it with a unique taste. Worth trying if you have a sweet tooth. Also, if you're a vegan, feel free to substitute normal milk for soy milk.


protein protein shakes


Spinach Flax Protein Smoothie - 19g protein

Spinach is one of the most beneficial plants on the planet. It has a distinct amount of iron and protein, staples of every healthy organism. What many people don't like about it is the somewhat unpleasant taste. In this case, you have a savior. A multitude of them. Mixing mango, pineapple, and banana with spinach and flax will solve the taste problem. A neutral-tasting protein powder would also be an awesome addition to this superb shake. Besides, you get almost the entire needed daily intake of the vitamin.

flax protein shakes


Key Lime Pie Shake - 42g protein

Key Lime pie may be detrimental to your waistline, but this shake surely isn't. With a delicious lime taste and a pudding-like addition, it is a real healthy treat. In addition to the taste, it also boasts a staggering 42 grams of protein. Even if you're the most avid gym-goer, this is more than half of your recommended daily intake. When it comes to the calories, it's very modest a cool 212. Something like this may very well be the missing ingredient on your weight loss journey. Cottage cheese in an unorthodox, but an excellent addition to this shake.

shake protein shakes


Dark Chocolate Peppermint Shake - 13g protein

Not many people choose to add Greek yogurt to their protein shakes. In this case, it proves to be a great addition to the already creamy chocolate and mint. You can add as many scoops of protein powder as you want; the chocolate taste will only get more intense. You can make it by mixing creamy milk and protein combined with Greek yogurt. Then, a little bit of mint extract will be good near the bottom. That way, the taste will literally evolve.

shakes protein shakes


Almond Butter Protein Smoothie - 7.5g protein

This smoothie right here is the best solution for a quick fix. If you don't have time to focus on the aesthetics, choose this protein shake. You only need almond butter, chia seeds, milk, and cinnamon. Chia seeds are a great immune system. This is due to their high omega-3 and antioxidant content. They are absolutely indispensable in this mixture, protecting you from everything. On top of all that, this simple shake is almost as tasty as it is healthy.

almond butter protein shakes


Blueberry Almond Butter Smoothie -19g protein

This smoothie may prove to be the missing link between the terms sweet and healthy. One thing that this particular shake is good for is the fullness it gives you. This is a crucial component when it comes to weight loss. A good shake isn't supposed to leave you hungry and craving junk food. The berries provide the fiber, while the Greek yogurt packs a mean protein punch. Because of an all-around beneficial effect, this shake is a valid meal replacement. You will feel like you've eaten three meal courses after this one. Also, the berries benefit your skin.

smoothie bowls protein shakes


Raw chocolate smoothie - 13g protein

This protein shake is great for one reason in particular - raw cacao. Cacao is different from processed chocolate for a multitude of reasons. It doesn't contain any detrimental carbs or saturated fats. Instead, it's filled with antioxidants and fiber. In this case, it's being driven by the tasty texture of the wonderful Greek yogurt. A creamy but chilly concoction is sure to bring a smile to your face during those mornings before work. 13g of protein is also good if you don't have much of an appetite in the morning.

smoothie protein shakes


Peach and oatmeal super smoothie - 11g protein

An extraordinary weight loss tool, that's what this smoothie is. It's a miracle out of a blender. All you need is frozen peaches, strawberry Greek yogurt and a good dose of bananas. It's supposed to be creamy and has a full taste. That way, you will be able to conquer about any breakfast dilemma in existence. It contains almost no calories but fills your body with fiber and quality protein. You can also drink it before or after a workout. Your muscles will surely be leaner than ever with that fat gone.

protein shake


Carrot cake protein shake - 10g protein

This beneficial shake is a rich source of healthy fats. On top of the fat content lies a small number of calories. If that isn't enough for you, then you'll be delighted to hear about the shake's Vitamin A content. One cup is enough to give you a day's worth. Also, a good source protein lies in the always-present Greek yogurt. Omega-3 fatty acids found in the walnuts are a great addition to this drink.

protein shakes


Orange and cottage cheese shake - 16g protein

If weight loss is your goal, then low-fat cottage cheese and vitamin C are your best buddies. This protein-packed healthy smoothie provides the necessary tools to shed fat and build muscle. Aside from that, the vitamin C from the orange gives you a great immunity boost. Whether you're an athlete or not, this shake is the real deal.

protein shakes natural

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