Only residents of the Amazon rain forests and frequent visitors to natural food stores are likely to have heard of this strangely named fruit. It resembles the familiar lemon in shape but it is only as big as a cherry, and it has a bright orange skin. Scientists call it Myrciaria dubia, and some people call it the cacari fruit. Very few people in Europe and North America knew about it. The Japanese are primarily responsible for its rising popularity. Although claims for its medicinal properties lack scientific backing, its reputation as a health-giving foodstuff continues to spread.
It is going to be hard to find anyone who has not heard about the importance of Vitamin C. This vitamin is so essential to protecting the body against the flu and similar infections that the British government once decided to supply free orange juice to schoolchildren to make sure they got a sufficient amount of vitamin C. The body cannot naturally produce its own vitamin C but needs to receive it through the food supply. Oranges are the most famous vitamin C source, but camu camu contains one of the highest vitamin C concentrations of any fruit.
Iron is another of the minerals that is so essential to our wellbeing. Those who lack iron suffer from severe fatigue and often get headaches and dizzy spells; they also risk becoming anemic. Camu camu is an excellent source of iron. Those who make it a regular item on the menu find it helps to keep their energy levels high and it prevents loss of hair color. However, just as too little iron leads to medical problems it is important to avoid overdosing. A surplus of iron in the bloodstream may cause rheumatic and cardiovascular problems.
A positive effect on the reproductive system might be one of the most significant of camu camu's benefits. Enthusiasts for this fruit claim that eating it can prevent infertility problems. However, this statement draws on traditional sources and anecdotal evidence without backing from legitimate scientific studies. There are hopes that researchers will eventually substantiate the fruit's value in this context. On the surface, it seems relatively simple to compare the fertility records of those who eat the fruit with other people in a scientific sample, but there is no record of such a trial to date.
The benefits that camu camu might bring to mental health is another subject that is worth investigating further. Since the fruit is so rich in vitamin C, it has an antioxidant effect on accumulations of plaque in the channels along which brain signals travel. Removal of these impediments could improve focusing abilities and information retention. This should be good news for anyone studying for examinations and business executives who need to make crucial decisions. It might also have a role in slowing down or even preventing the onset of dementia.
People approaching a certain age often desperately seek out ways to keep their skin's young and healthy looking. In the end, age obviously makes its marks apparent but many still want to delay this time as long as possible. The antioxidants found in camu camu could help to achieve this objective. They strengthen the body's capacity to resist the damage to skin cells from free radical compounds. Although free radicals are a natural element in the body's system, though good dietary and environmental choices it is possible to limit the damage they can do.
Foolish food choices and a chronic lack of exercise are two of the most important factors that account for the rise in the numbers developing diabetes. Evidence is emerging of how the ellagic acid found in camu camu fruit seems to reduce the risks of people getting diabetes. This finding is encouraging, but much more research needs to be done before we can say this is a definite as opposed to an apparent camu camu benefit.
Those who eat camu camu gain from its high protein content. Lack of protein is a serious health problem in many undeveloped countries, but it also affects those in prosperous countries who make bad dietary choices. Deprived of protein the body soon gets fatigued, so their physical and mental capabilities become impaired. The protein eaters obtain from camu camu should help to keep blood pressure stable. It also empowers the body to heal damage to skin and muscles that much faster.
Parents once encouraged their children to eat carrots by telling them how this improves eyesight. Now they could make the same statement about camu camu. This fruit contains compounds known as carotenoids. You may see a connection with the vision-improving reputation of carrots in the compound’s name, but in any event, scientists recognize that these compounds protect the eye against the development of cataracts and other aging-related illnesses.
Extracts from camu camu are included in some antidepressant treatments for their sedative properties. There do not seem to be any reports circulating about conflicts with other kinds of anti-depressant medication although taking unusually large amounts of any type of food might be unwise in these circumstances. If you have been feeling low for a while, eat some camu camu and see how it helps. If you already take antidepressant drugs, check with your doctor before introducing this fruit into meal plans.
The potassium that camu camu provides assists the body to preserve an optimum fluid balance and it also fulfills other important functions. This mineral is important to regulating blood pressure, and it is vital to the smooth operation of the kidneys. In addition, the body requires potassium to maintain a regular heartbeat and keep the nervous system efficiently operating so nerve impulses trigger the appropriate muscle movements.
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