Support your heart by eating healthy. A balanced, nutritious and complete diet ensures and promotes heart health. Furthermore, a proper diet can help reduce the risk of heart complications, such as heart disease. You are also less likely to suffer from heart attacks if you follow a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole foods, and a minimum amount of processed foods.
If you like to start your day off with a bowl of hot porridge, you're on the right path to increasing your heart health. Oatmeal does many things for our heart: first of all, it's high in fiber - mostly soluble fiber - therefore reducing cholesterol from the body. Another benefit is that it gives you energy, and you can easily complement it by adding fresh fruits on top, for example, forest fruits. Try to eat whole grain oatmeal, and avoid brands that include lots of sugar or other additives. Oatmeal can be consumed as a healthy breakfast, but it also makes for a great snack food.
Soy is one of the healthiest foods for the heart because it contains low levels of fat and cholesterol. It is also used to make a variety of essential products such as milk, cheese, steaks, and so on. That's why it's easy to substitute many favorite products for soy, which is in most cases healthier and contains fewer calories. Soy is also an excellent source of fiber, as well as different vitamins and minerals. Consuming soy over an extended period of time can help lower blood pressure as well as improve overall health.
Dark chocolate and its bitter, sumptuous flavor may be healthy for heart health. This is due to chocolate's high content of antioxidants, as well as the copious amounts of healthy components that help to balance things in the body. Studies have also shown that dark chocolate may even reduce the risk of heart attacks, as well as help regulate blood sugar. Consume chocolate that is ideally 70% cocoa. On the contrary, milk chocolate lacks the flavonoids that help the dark chocolate to achieve all of its miraculous health benefits. Don't go overboard with dark chocolate: a few squares per day is sufficient.
Tea lovers will be pleased to know that some varieties of tea are immensely healthy for the heart. Amongst the healthiest teas is green tea, which has for a long time been a staple food in many parts of Asia, such as Japan. Drinking just one cup per day of green tea per day can considerably reduce your risk of heart complications, including stroke and cardiovascular disease. Other studies have also concluded that Green tea can contribute to lower levels of a heart attack. The most beneficial element of green tea is the large number of antioxidants found in its leaves, which help restore the body's health.
One of the best drinks for boosting heart health is coffee. Widely drank in Western cultures, coffee has many benefits to it, including its high content of antioxidants. Drip coffee, lattes, cappuccinos: they're all good, as long as you drink them every day. Some studies have reported even a 15% lower risk of suffering from heart disease if you drink coffee periodically. Always consult your doctor before consuming more coffee. Coffee may aggravate some health conditions, and it may even increase the risk of certain complications. Always drink coffee with the least amount of sugar and cream mixed into it.
Avocados are well-known to be amongst the healthiest fruits, due to their relatively high content of healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acids. Because of its healthy elements, avocado can also help to reduce the risk of different heart conditions, including heart disease. Consuming avocado can contribute to lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure. Moreover, avocados are high in antioxidants as well as other nutrients. They also contain fiber, making them a total health bomb. Consume avocado in smoothies, on salads, or just on its own. You can also make delicious guacamole for a healthy dip.
It's a good idea to eat a couple of different vegetables to achieve the maximum amount of health benefits. One of the best vegetables for heart health is tomatoes, which are abundant in many beneficial minerals and nutrients. Potassium, for example, is widely found in tomatoes and contributes to a healthy heart by reducing the risk of heart attacks as well as heart disease. Moreover, tomatoes can help regulate blood pressures as well as cholesterol levels. What's more, tomatoes are low in sugar, making them an ideal option for anyone looking to lose a few pounds.
It may sound too good to believe, but moderate consumption of red wine may, in fact, keep your heart-healthy. It is generally considered that wine contains a substance known as polyphenol known as resveratrol, which gives it that heart-boosting capability. This substance can also be found in non-alcoholic sources, such as grapes. Red wine is also known for its copious amounts of antioxidants and vitamins. It's important to mention that more than a few drinks are detrimental to good heart health, and you should consult your doctor if you consume too much alcohol.
Legumes are often considered an ideal source of nutrients due to their low content of saturated fats. They encompass a broad range of foods, including beans, lentils, as well as peas and are a fantastic source of protein as well, and weekly consumption can help lower the incidence of heart disease as well as blood sugar. Legumes are also rich in fiber, keeping the stomach clear of diseases and promoting optimal digestion of nutrients, which also benefits the heart. Over time, diabetes may also be treated by increasing legume consumption.
You may already know that salmon is one of the healthiest superfoods due to its omega-3 fatty acid levels. What you may not have known, however, is that salmon can also significantly contribute to heart health as well as good heart function. Omega-3 fatty acids can help normalize the heartbeat, as well as reduce the risk of developing certain heart complications. If you're in a risk group for heart disease, increase salmon consumption to a weekly level, and also aim for other fatty fish. Salmon also helps to ensure that the arteries remain free of plaque.
The nutrients, minerals, and vitamins found in dark leafy greens promote a healthy heart — thanks especially to folate, an essential B vitamin. Many studies show that folate is necessary to support the cardiovascular system and maintain its health. Leafy greens with the most benefits include spinach, kale, broccoli, bok choy, and mustard greens.
Almonds and walnuts are a tasty snack that promotes a healthy heart. Research shows nuts reduce blood clots that could lead to heart attacks. They also lower cholesterol levels, which keeps plaque from building up inside the arteries. To benefit from almonds and walnuts, eat a small handful daily or every other day. For a super heart-healthy snack, mix some nuts into a leafy green salad.
Eating a half cup of berries every week may be healthy for your heart. Studies show many berries have cardiovascular benefits, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, while also reducing oxidative stress. Their high fiber and vitamin C, paired with antioxidants, make berries an excellent choice. Because there are so many types of berries, try to mix them up and eat different ones throughout the week. Mixing berries with almonds makes a delicious heart-healthy snack from two superfoods.
Garlic is a tasty and pungent ingredient in cooking, but it's also a go-to natural health remedy. Studies show garlic supplements can be as effective as some prescription medications at lowering blood pressure in people who have high blood pressure. Although, it does take a high dose — equivalent to roughly four cloves per day — to experience the desired effects.
People who like eating fruit can also enjoy its heart-healthy benefits. Oranges contain fiber pectin, which lowers cholesterol, and potassium to help lower blood pressure. Papayas have high amounts of antioxidants, and their vitamin C content keeps the arteries clear by encouraging healthy blood flow. Just one cup of cantaloupe has enough fiber to help control blood pressure and lower cholesterol.
This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.