
Strawberries grow in bushes and are popular around the world. There are different varieties of strawberries, but the common scientific name is Fragaria while the suffixes vary. For example, a wild strawberry is Fragaria vesca whereas a strawberry from Siberia is a Fragaria orientalis. Even though strawberries are easy to find, they are a seasonal fruit. The red berry is a delicious treat and can be eaten raw. It can also be used for a plethora of foods from jams and jellies to ice creams and cakes. You don’t have to feel guilty for consuming a handful of strawberries. They are just as healthy as they are tasty. They have antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutritious benefits. Pour yourself a glass of strawberry milk and keep reading to learn more!

Maintains Eye Health

Strawberries are packed with antioxidants like flavonoids, ellagic acid, and phenolic phytochemicals. They all help block free radicals from damaging the body, including the eyes. As you age, you can protect your eyes from these harmful effects by taking the proper nutrients. Eating strawberries can help prevent macular degeneration, vision defects, and other eye-related illnesses. The potassium found in strawberries might help alleviate any pressure you have within the eyes.

healthy strawberries


Aids in Weight Loss

One cup of strawberry halves is about 49 calories. It has around a half gram of fat and over one gram of protein. If you are trying to lose weight, strawberries are naturally sweet and delicious. You can eat them raw as a snack. Not only do they taste good, but the variety of nutrients can help stimulate your metabolism for weight loss.

weight loss strawberries


Boosts Immunity

Vitamin C can raise your immune system to fight against microbial agents like the common cold. As an antioxidant, the vitamin can also help neutralize free radicals that are responsible for making healthy cells cancerous. A single serving has about 150% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C. Eat more strawberries, and you might start feeling better.

vitamin c strawberries


Treats Inflammation

The antioxidants found in strawberries have been known to treat inflammation. Although more research is needed, this red berry can cure symptoms associated with diseases related to inflammation. If you want a natural anti-inflammatory, then add more strawberries to your diet. You might be surprised at how quickly you feel better.

inflammation strawberries


Cures Symptoms of Arthritis and Gout

Arthritis and gout are two specific inflammatory diseases. Free radicals can cause tissues and muscles to degenerate. They can also dry up the fluid that surrounds joints and cause toxics to buildup in the body. These are all symptoms of arthritis and gout. Eating strawberries can help detoxify your body. As mentioned, they are also packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help treat the signs of arthritis and gout.

gout strawberries


Reduces Hypertension

Do you have high blood pressure because of sodium or some other risk factor? Magnesium and potassium found in strawberries can help. The minerals can help improve blood circulation by opening blood vessels and allowing blood to flow easily. Since the rigidity of your blood vessels and arteries is reduced, your blood pressure is also lowered. Increase your intake of strawberries if you have hypertension.

hypertension strawberries


Improves Heart Health

Strawberries not only have high levels of vitamin C and B, but they are rich in folate and fiber. Along with antioxidants, that is an ideal combination for heart health. They strengthen your cardiac muscles and reduce cholesterol in the blood vessels and arteries. Therefore, your heart can function to its optional performance if you eat more of them.

heart health strawberries


Prevents Birth Defects

Pregnant women need to have a sufficient amount of folic acid in order to avoid congenital disabilities. While most ladies take prenatal vitamins to ensure optimal health, strawberries are a natural source of folic acid. They are also just as convenient as they are tasty. Eating healthy fruits and vegetables is ideal for expecting and breastfeeding mothers.

birth defects strawberries


Encourages Brain Function

As mentioned, strawberries can block free radicals from damaging your body. As you age, brain tissues may degenerate as nerves become weak. Eating strawberries can neutralize these effects thanks to antioxidants like phytochemicals and vitamin C. Iodine and potassium also play a role in regulating the function of the nervous system and brain as well as improving cognitive function by promoting blood circulation to the brain.

brain functions Strawberries


Delays Certain Cancers

Did you know that consuming strawberries on a daily basis may help reduce cancerous cells drastically? The red fruit is rich in flavonoids like folate, anthocyanins, quercetin, and kaempferol, which help fight tumor growth. They contain vitamin C and antioxidants. All of these nutrients have anti-carcinogenic properties and work together to help prevent cancer.


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