Herbal tea, made from the leaf, seed, flower, or root of a plant, has been around for thousands of years. There are hundreds of varieties, and each has unique potential benefits ranging from fighting viruses to easing anxiety. In addition, herbal teas are packed with antioxidants and other nutritious properties, and they taste delicious.
Whether you simply like the flavor or want to reap the powerful medicinal properties, check out these 10 healing benefits of herbal tea.
If you have a stuffy nose, scratchy throat, or a heavy cough, drinking herbal tea can provide relief. Some studies even link herbal tea to reducing similar symptoms associated with asthma.
Thyme tea contains thymol oil, which can help relax a cough, combat bronchitis, and fight against other infections. Elderberry tea can speed recovery from viruses, and ginger tea can soothe sore throats and nasal congestion.
Most herbal teas, no matter which plant they're made from, are rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants prevent damage from free radicals in the environment that cause harm to our bodies, from our skin straight down to our cells. Herbal teas are considered effective anti-aging agents because they slow down the aging process of your cells.
Chamomile, hibiscus, and rooibos teas are often sought for their potential anti-aging benefits. Green tea, which is technically a "true tea" because it is brewed from cured leaves (like black and white teas), is also a popular variety for this purpose.
Pregnant women experiencing morning sickness, as well as anyone dealing with nausea as a symptom, might find relief by sipping certain herbal teas. In some cases, the relief can be almost instantaneous.
There are several herbal teas not recommended for pregnant women, but ginger is one good option to deal with frequent nausea. Other teas that can help soothe a roiling stomach include honey lemon, peppermint, and fennel (avoid this last one if you're pregnant).
We all get a little bit stressed out from time to time, but did you know that people who drink tea often experience a calming sensation? Studies reveal that drinking certain herbal teas can ease symptoms of anxiety.
Chamomile is often recommended as one of the best at-home remedies to relieve stress and anxiety, but if you're not a fan of these flowers, give lavender, valerian, or lemon balm a sip.
Herbal tea can help break down fats in your digestive tract, which moves the digestive process along smoothly. If you tend to get constipation or other digestive issues, then herbal tea might help.
Peppermint tea is ideal for soothing stomach muscles and intestines so they can do their duty. It can even help calm stomach disorders and inflammatory bowel disease.
Bilberry and sage herbal teas are shown to assist in lowering blood sugar levels. These particular beverages are also used in diabetic neuropathy. Other teas recommended for people with diabetes include chamomile, rooibos, and peppermint.
There is also some evidence that black tea (again, this is a "true" tea, not technically herbal) might help reduce insulin resistance!
Herbal tea has some natural anti-inflammatory effects. Ginger tea is ideal for reducing pain associated with arthritis. Holy basil can help with inflammation, too, including uric acid buildup that causes gout. If you are looking for a natural option for an inflammatory condition, give turmeric or rose hip tea a try, too.
The better your kidneys function, the healthier you will feel, so giving them a bit of help with the right herbal tea is a great idea. Dandelion tea has phytonutrients that might assist kidney function and could even help get rid of kidney stones. You can also look for sambong tea, made from a flowering shrub in the Philippines and India.
If you find that herbal tea helps ease symptoms of stress and anxiety, and some related to more physical ailments, it's probably not surprising to learn it can actually help with depression symptoms too.
Valerian tea can help ease stress and insomnia, both of which exacerbate symptoms of depression. The University of Maryland reported a study that revealed passionflower tea had the same effectiveness as oxazepam, or the drug Serax, for treating some symptoms of mental health conditions.
Herbal tea might not have caffeine, but many types have lots of phenols and flavonoids. These antioxidants might play an important supplementary role in easing high blood pressure, which is directly linked to many cardiovascular conditions.
Hawthorn tea, in particular, is known for its antioxidant and medicinal purposes. Green Rooibos tea with lemongrass has the powerful antioxidant chrysoeriol, which can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
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