
Kale is famous for being one of the world's healthiest foods. Kale is a crucial part of almost every green smoothie, either as a main or additional ingredient. Experts recommend that people should consume kale on at least a weekly basis. They vouch that kale can fit into any diet and that it will make a major improvement in one's health. This makes people wonder, is kale really that good? Is a food this healthy a hoax or the real thing?

Vision Improvement

The macula is a small part of the retina that allows us to have three-dimensional vision. Every second, this minuscule organ takes oxidative damage by simply touching oxygen. There are also the high-energy blue light photons that scientists claim can make our eyes more vulnerable. Eye pigmentation, macula improvement, and overall vision enhancement are all directly related to the intake of lutein, which kale contains more than any other food. Scientists theorize that lutein can also allow us to detect polarized light, which is a phenomenon of the human eye.

polarized light Kale


Inflammation Relief

The anti-inflammatory health benefits of kale are unquestionable. The omega-3 acids that kale contains have an anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body. Only 100 calories of kale can provide over 350 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acid, which basically beats every anti-inflammatory medication out there. Vitamin K also plays a large role in reducing bodily inflammation, which kale also contains more than any other food. The combination of vitamin K and Omega-3 fatty acids means that kale is the ultimate natural suppressant of chronic inflammation and similar health issues.

inflammation kale


Cancer Prevention

Glucosinolates are chemicals that still take part in numerous cancer studies. There is a lot of research to back the fact that glucosinolates prevent various kinds of cancer, such as colon cancer and breast cancer. However, bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer also show susceptibility to the presence of glucosinolates. Kale is the only food that contains at least five of them. As a result, kale comes out on top in many anti-cancer food studies, and it is yet to disappoint. Unlike the standard folk medicine that makes everyone feel skeptical, kale's effectiveness has scientific confirmation.

Kale cancer


Cardiovascular Support

Arteriosclerosis is one of the top causes of heart attacks and vascular issues worldwide. It occurs when the arteries clog up so much that blood can no longer run normally. These clogs often form when oxidation or chronic inflammation affect the artery walls and make them smaller. To prevent this occurrence, we need to ingest antioxidants. Kale is a highly concentrated source of antioxidative and anti-inflammatory nutrients that do a great deal in unclogging our arteries. Experts suggest that regular consumption of kale lowers the chance of a heart attack by even 60%.

heart attacks Kale



Kale contains isothiocyanates (ITCs), which consists of the aforementioned glucosinolates. The toxic level of the body increases whenever one consumes a processed food or a vegetable or fruit that contains pollutants or pesticides. Kale can erase the risk of any complications that can occur due to a high level of toxicity. The mentioned antioxidants primarily disintegrate these toxins that are then removed by glucosinolates. It acts as the janitor of a  human body.

Kale toxins


Brain Development in Infancy

Folic acid supplements are a synthetic version of a natural folate. While these are good, they do not compare to the folates in food.  Folate is crucial for early child development, as it helps form the neural tube, the face, the heart and proper body size of the baby.

pregnancy and kale


Bone Repair and Enhancement

No matter whether a bone is broken or whole, the fact is that nutrients like calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin K will help it become stronger. Since kale is one of the biggest vitamin K and calcium sources that exist in nature, everyone in the process of bone healing should incorporate this vegetable into their diet. Regardless of bone condition, athletes should eat it almost every day. Studies show that those with a regular kale intake are much less likely to have a fracture, and even if that happens, their bones usually heal much faster.

kale bone health


Fatigue Removal

Some of the time when a person feels tired even after a good night's sleep, it is due to their iron deficiency. As fresh air comes into the lungs, it gets put into hemoglobin, which then goes into red blood cells to carry the oxygen around the body. Hemoglobin is extremely dependent on the amount of iron that our bodies contain. A great number of cases where people feel some fatigue happens due to a condition called iron deficiency anemia. It's a better idea just to eat kale on a regular basis since it is loaded with iron.

Kale supplements


Skin Improvement

Since it is also rich in vitamin A, it's safe to say that it will help out with any skin condition. Vitamin A consists of retinal, retinol and retinoic acid, all of which are found in kale. This vitamin has multiple roles when it comes to the skin. It has benefits such as protection against UV damage, aging reduction, encouragement of healthy cell growth and infection prevention. Those that suffer from various incurable skin conditions may also experience an improvement in symptoms.

UV kale


Overall Immune System Boost

Those that wish to maintain a healthy body know the significance of vitamin C. This water-soluble vitamin is one of the few that our bodies do not store. Instead, we need to maintain a diet that incorporates vitamin C into our eating habits, along with another one. However, vitamin C is probably the most important vitamin. Our bodies need it to rebuild all kinds of tissue, from salivary glands to the bones and teeth. Kale is one of the best sources of vitamin C in vegetables, so potent that one decent portion of it is enough for the entire week.

immune iron deficiency

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