So many people in the western world live in urban environments where they have little contact with farm animals. Apart from visits to the countryside, they are only likely to see a goat in a children's petting zoo. Perhaps they do not even appreciate that the goat has been a valuable source of milk throughout recorded history. Today most urban dwellers only use cow's milk. Although goat's milk is now more readily available in health shops and other outlets, only natural living enthusiasts are likely to buy it. However, goat's milk will become more popular as knowledge of its advantages over cow's milk spreads.


Easier to digest than cow's milk

Sufferers from lactose intolerance, and others who experience difficulties digesting cow's milk find that goat's milk is easier on their stomachs. Scientists know that its similarity in composition to mother's milk is a key to explaining why the human body responds better to goat's milk. The fact that goat's milk contains double the amount of positive fatty acids that cow's milk contains aids digestion. If cow milk products disagree with you, doctors recommend switching to goat milk products. Once you make this move, you should soon notice a radical improvement in these areas.

goat's milk


Produced in a healthier environment

If you visit a modern cow milking plant, you notice that production takes place in a factory-like environment. The cows receive the same mass-produced feed instead of being allowed to graze freely in the meadows. Modern milking sheds provide sterile conditions, but this does little to diminish public concerns. Goat milk production is on a much smaller scale. It is easy to obtain goats' milk from small farms where the goats graze freely, and they are milked traditionally. These facts lead health-conscious people to consider goat's milk a more natural and hence healthier alternative to cow's milk.

lactose intolerance goat's milk


Strengthens bone structure

The calcium content of milk is important for a strong bone structure. Both cow's milk and goat's milk are rich in calcium, but goat's milk provides this calcium intake in an easier to absorb manner. One of the characteristics of the goat is its nimbleness while in comparison cows are slow moving and heavy. Goat's milk contains a substance called bioorganic sodium. This element contributes to the goat's agility, and it enhances human beings' joint health.

bones goat's milk



The presence of valuable anti-inflammatory properties provides another good reason why many make the dietary change from cow's milk to goat's milk. Scientists have investigated and proved the positive role of goat's milk in this regard. Its composition includes a special enzymatic element that reduces inflammation in the gut. This is why drinkers find that they suffer much less from stomach upsets from goat's milk when compared to cow's milk. Research continues to see if these anti-inflammatory benefits extend to other bodily organs.

inflammation goat's milk


Higher nutrient value

While both cow's milk and goat's milk provide rich sources of essential nutrients, the latter has a distinct advantage. To obtain the same amount of nutrients you need to drink much more cow's milk than goat's milk. The reason for this discrepancy is that a single cup of goat's milk is much richer these nutrients than the single cup of cow's milk. For example, some estimate that you can get a fifth of your daily dose of vitamin B from a cup of goat's milk. It also contains healthy amounts of potassium and phosphorous as well as copper and iron.

nutrients goat's milk


Contributes to heart health

Since heart disease has become one of the leading causes of mortality in western countries, a perfectly safe way to enhance heart health is good news. Goat's milk contains almost double the amount of positive fatty acids as you can find in cow's milk. This helps reduce cholesterol and thus reduces the risks of dangerous blocked veins. At the same time, the rich deposits of potassium in goat's milk help to lower blood pressure and reduce heart tension.

heart health and goat's milk


Strengthen the immune system

You might compare the human immune system to a country's air defenses in the way they protect the body from attack (infection). Selenium is one of the elements that help improve the effectiveness of the immune system. Since goat's milk contains a substantial amount of selenium, it is logical to assume that it helps boost immunity. This is another of those areas where additional research should shed light on the extent that goat's milk has an impact.

immune system goat's milk


Free from toxins

Many health-conscious individuals are concerned today about the presence of toxins in the commercially produced foods and drinks they consume. This poison builds up in the body, and it can cause all kinds of health complications. Goat's milk, therefore, appeals to them as a pure substance. Most cows are kept in factory farming conditions, and they are fed bovine growth hormones to boost milk output. Goats are not raised in this way, and so their milk is purer.

toxins goat's milk


Make the environment better for everyone

As well as a rise in personal healthy-consciousness, many people have become much more environmentally aware over the last thirty years. If you care about your surroundings, you should be aware that herds of cows produce a great deal of methane gas. Some scientists believe this contributes to global warming and other climate change problems. If you show a clear preference for goat's milk, you also get the satisfaction of knowing this is the more environmentally friendly option.

environment goat's milk


Lose weight with goat's milk

Goat's milk is also advantageous for people who need to reduce weight to include in their diets. One of the reasons for this is that it has a low-fat content so you can enjoy a nourishing drink without worrying about that weight problem. It would be interesting to compare weight loss statistics for those who drink cow's milk and goat's milk to see the extent a change in drinking habits can aid weight reduction.

losing weight goat's milk
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