Wheat has been a staple of our diet from the earliest days of recorded history. Although the most popular use of wheat remains in the production of bread and other baked goods, more people have come to recognize the high nutritional value found in wheat germ. This foodstuff extracted from the midst of the wheat seed provides many minerals and vitamins vital for our health. You find wheat germ available as an addition to breakfast cereals, or it is possible to buy it in liquid or gel forms. Some also use it to make a healthier topping to desserts or yogurts.


Improve your nutrient intake

Far too many North Americans and Western Europeans fail to get a sufficient supply of nutrients in their regular diet. The popularity of high calorie, junk foods is a significant factor accounting for nutrient deficiencies. Adding wheat germ to meal plans is a good way to rectify this imbalance. This food is particularly valuable to those who lack vitamin B for it contains good concentrations of zinc, phosphorous, potassium and iron. Key benefits include boosting energy levels and helping to keep blood pressure at a safe level.

Improve your nutrient intake

Good news for those trying to lose weight

There seem to be very few people around these days who are not trying to reduce their weight or think they need to do so. Obesity has become a serious health issue in the developed world with a particularly worrying rise in child obesity statistics. Wheat germ has a role in weight reduction programs because it provides a valuable vitamin B-5 source. This vitamin helps the body to consume all those unwanted calories and thus lower weight. However, eating healthier foods and getting sufficient exercise remain vital to weight reduction.

A sensible choice for people who need to lose weight

Reduces digestive problems

Many digestive problems come from poor diet and eating habits, especially taking hurried meals without sufficiently chewing food before swallowing it. Only lifestyle changes can remove these indigestion causes, but wheat germ can help alleviate some of the symptoms. The fiber it contains helps the body to get rid of waste more efficiently. This valuable fiber also assists in eliminating harmful bacteria from the digestive system to improve its operation.

Reduces digestive problems

A powerful antioxidant

Our bodies naturally contain compounds known as free radicals. An insufficient intake of essential nutrients, environment pollution, and various other factors bring about situations where free radicals attack body tissue. The resulting damage opens the way to infection and disease. Antioxidant compounds oppose the attacks of the free radicals, so the balance between them has serious health implications. Wheat germ is an important source of vitamin E. Since this key nutrient possesses powerful antioxidants, it strengthens those elements in the body resisting infection.

A powerful antioxidant

A way to lower the risks of heart disease

With heart disease one of the leading, if not the most common, cause of death in western countries, any substance that reduces risks is clearly very beneficial. Evidence presented to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) convinced them that wheat germ oil assists in cholesterol control. Accumulations of cholesterol block arteries and this often leads to heart problems. The positive benefits of wheat germ for keeping weight down and maintaining healthy blood pressure levels also contribute to good cardiovascular health.

A way to lower the risks of heart disease

A diabetes-friendly source of nutrients

The rising numbers of diabetics and those on the verge of developing diabetes encourages research into foodstuffs suitable for diabetic diets. Findings indicate that wheat germ is one of the foods that people in these situations can safely use. The dietary fiber it contains helps to keep blood glucose levels under control. It seems likely that wheat germ could help lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The potential benefits to large numbers of people in the pre-diabetes stages make further research in this area a high priority.

A good food choice for diabetics

Brings relief from constipation

Constipation may be a common and usually a relatively minor medical issue but that in no way diminishes the pain and stress regular sufferers must confront. Insufficient fiber absorbed in foodstuffs is the chief culprit in a good number of constipation cases. The rich fiber content in wheat germ can resolve this deficiency, so that bowel movements regularize. Unless you need to follow a gluten-free diet, consider including wheat germ in your daily meal plans to make constipation a problem of your past medical history.

Brings relief to suffers from constipation

Helps you to keep your hair looking fresh and healthy

So many people spend a great deal on hair care products but perhaps adding wheat germ to their meal plans could answer their needs. The connection between wheat germ in the diet and hair quality is no folk tale but rather has a basis in biological science. You find that a couple of tablespoons of wheat germ contain 0.27 mg of the thiamin substance. Although thiamin likes the high profile of the better-known vitamins and minerals, experts recognize the benefits it brings to the hair and skin, and it is good for your bone structure.

Helps you to keep your hair looking fresh and healthy

Useful for problems of a menstrual nature

Many women find that wheat germ helps to alleviate physical and emotional pains linked to their menstrual cycle. Besides an abundance of colloquial evidence, academic research supports claims of how this food reduces tensions at these times. Except for celiac and those who have grain allergies, wheat germ offers a more natural and safer option for coping better with stressful hormonal changes.

Useful for problems of a menstrual nature

Could benefit those experiencing fertility problems

The possible benefits of wheat germ to those with fertility issues is one of the most intriguing and potentially important of all its benefits. One of the claims made is that the vitamin E and zinc it contains improve the operation of the reproductive organs. Some experts believe that it might have a role enhancing male potency. However, fertility problems are highly individualized, so it is impossible to know if it is going to of value to any specific man or woman.

Could benefit those experiencing fertility problems
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