
Trying to stick to a diet but your stomach is always rumbling? There is a high chance that you are just choosing the wrong foods – counting calories alone is really not sufficient. Include in your diet some of the filling and nutritious foods below that won’t make you fat but will help you to lose some weight while keeping you satisfied and happy!


Although there was a bit of confusion about eggs raising cholesterol levels, you are safe. And what is more, they might help you lose some weight! According to studies, people who consume eggs for breakfast eat roughly 330 fewer calories daily compared to those who eat cereal, toast, or bagels for their morning meal. Eggs are ultimate superfoods containing the “complete protein,” which refers to the nine essential amino acids contained within a single egg. This collection of amino acids is what suppresses the appetite and tells your brain and body that you’ve reached food capacity. They are also very versatile and can be prepared for breakfast, lunch or a quick dinner.




If you got rid of all the fruits from your diet in order to cut back on sugar, think again. Pears are packed with fiber (approximately 6g per fruit) and antioxidants. They improve healthy gut bacteria in the colon, preventing Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease, since they’re packed with non-digestible dietary fiber, which aids the stability of normal metabolic processes (i.e., appetite).




There is nothing better than oats – they are tasty and filling and will leave you satisfied and happy for longer. Oats stall mid-morning snack attacks because they absorb liquid (i.e., water, milk, almond milk) like a sponge—meaning you’ll eat fewer calories but feel full until lunchtime. Choose original, wholegrain oats instead of the quick cooking options. They take much longer to work their way through the digestive system, which compared to the quick fix you’ll get with most breakfast cereals, quells hunger pangs and regulates blood sugar so you’re satisfied for much longer.




They are naturally sweet and will help you get through your sugar cravings if you’ve decided to cut out refined sugars in favor of natural sweetness. Figs are thick and fleshy for a satiating, quick bite. That means you’ll get the sticky-sweetness without the added calories. Figs are also a great source of dense, filling fiber. For instance, one fig contains about 37-calories and 1 gram of fiber to stall the release of sugar into the blood steam and prevent hunger cravings from spiking following meals.




The time when dieticians encouraged getting rid of potatoes from the healthy diet is long gone – but it’s still all about how you prepare them. Sure, they are quite starchy but a healthy boiled, baked, or grilled potato (not fried) will satisfy hunger for quite some time. In fact, potatoes squelch hunger for about the same duration as brown rice or whole wheat bread—at far fewer carbohydrates than both. Potatoes also contain a ton of nutritious fiber and vitamin B6, potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, niacin, and phosphorus.



Greek Yogurt

One study that monitored the weight and dietary habits of 120,000 people over a 20 year period found Greek Yogurt to balance blood sugar (and curb cravings) and satisfy hunger for longer. In fact, the same study found that those who opted for protein-packed Greek yogurt got rid of unwanted, extra pounds without changing any other habits (i.e., diet or exercise). Keep in mind that Greek yogurt contains double the protein, no whey, and a sliver of the sugar compared to any other type of yogurt. You can use it in soups as a replacement for cream or have it for breakfast with a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts and drizzle of honey.




Lentils are extremely versatile and can be used in soups, stews, and chilis or simply as a side dish. This hearty legume will also help to keep your appetite satiated after a meal, so you won’t feel the need to snack on sweets in between. Additionally, if you are trying to reduce your starchy carbohydrate intake, a recent study explains that incorporating one serving of lentils into your meal will keep you 31% fuller after a meal compared to fast-digesting foods (i.e., pasta and bread).



Wheat Berries

Wheat berries are the whole-wheat kernels which are super rich in both protein and fiber compared to most other grains. A serving of wheat berries contains roughly 6-grams of protein and 6-grams of fiber—meaning twelve times the appetite satiating power. Foods like wheat berries and quinoa trigger the release of ghrelin, a hormone that indicates to the brain that we’re full.




Avocado is versatile in nature and packed with healthy, plant-based fats that help improve cardiovascular health. Avocado is also rich dietary fiber that fills you up and prevents hunger cravings, while reducing inflammation in the body and even lowering the risk and pain of arthritis. You can use avocado literally in everything – make it for breakfast on a toast with eggs, add it to salads, make a salsa out of it. You can also serve it sweet – make an avocado chocolate cream or avocado ice cream. There is no limit to what you can use avocado for!




Many diets suggest reducing intake of red meat or even avoiding it completely. However, you can still enjoy lean cuts, like tenderloin, top round, and sirloin. Lean beef is a great source of high quality proteins - a 4-ounce sirloin steak offers satiating amino acids and over 30- grams of protein. Eating lean cuts of red meat in moderation is fine; just keep it moderate to avoid the high saturated fat content.


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