
Historians tell us that chickpeas were one of the first cultivated crops. Most people are familiar with them as a popular ingredient in salads or the hummus beloved in Middle Eastern cuisines. The public at large remains unaware that chickpea also makes excellent flour even though this is far from a new discovery. While western countries have made flour from wheat and other grains, other countries have produced flour from chickpeas for hundreds of years. Improving the quality of our diet lies behind the rise in popularity of chickpea flour outside its traditional Asian origins.


1. A gluten-free alternative to regular flour

A significant number of individuals experience allergic reactions to products containing gluten. Some suffer from celiac (gluten intolerance), where eating gluten brings serious health risks. Foods made of wheat and other grains contain gluten, and this severely restricts the diets of those with such health issues. This need to avoid problematic foodstuffs makes it a challenge for them to get sufficient proteins and nutrients while enjoying varied meal plans. Chickpea flour is free of gluten so it enables these people to enjoy safely a range of nourishing foods they could otherwise not eat.

Chickpea flour gluten free


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