Kiwis are a small, but delicious fruit. You can eat it whole, including the skin, but some prefer their kiwifruit skinless. In that case, simply cut the tiny brown fruit in half to expose the inner flesh. Scoop out the green fruit with a spoon and enjoy. Kiwi is a tasty topper for everything from pancakes to ice cream. Besides being delicious and convenient, kiwi is also healthy. It is loaded with nutritious vitamins as well as antioxidants and phytochemicals.
Did you know that eating kiwi can induce sleep? The fruit contains serotonin along with flavonoids like naringenin, rutin, catechin, quercetin, and epicatechin. They alter your sleep-inducing receptors and are used in plant-based sedatives. Kiwi can also help improve your sleep quality by reducing sleep disturbances. Some natural sleeping agents are actually made using the skin of kiwis.
Kiwi can help prevent iron deficiency disorders as well. Antioxidants found in kiwi, such as vitamin C as well as phytochemicals, such as zeaxanthin and lutein, aid in iron absorption. One example of how to incorporate kiwis is to pair it with an iron-rich breakfast cereal in the morning. Some studies show that the properties in kiwis work even better to increase iron in the body than that of bananas.
Vitamin A along with the phytochemicals zeaxanthin and lutein, found in kiwis, are also essential for vision. The fruit can help protect the eyes from cataracts, macular degeneration, and other age-related disorders that affect your sight. Add some kiwis to your smoothie to promote your vision.
This little fruit can play a big role in digestion for several reasons. Kiwi is a yummy source of fiber, which can help relieve constipation. As a natural laxative, it softens and adds bulk to your stool, stimulating a bowel movement. Kiwi also helps with the growth of lactic acid while it blocks the development of E. coli bacteria.
Folate, found in kiwis, is essential for brain and cognitive growth in fetuses. Folate, along with flavonoids and Vitamin K, C, and E, also help prevent certain congenital disabilities. Ladies who are pregnant should have a diet rich in folate to protect their babies. Kiwi would be the ideal fruit.
Kiwi has antioxidants, too, which block harmful free radicals and oxidative stress from aging your skin. The vitamin C in kiwi helps keep your skin firm and speeds healing of cuts and abrasions. The appearance of wrinkles or fine lines may be reduced due to the vitamin E in kiwi. Vitamin E also tries to reserve damage from ultraviolet radiation.
If find yourself susceptible to being sick, consider eating more kiwifruit. It can help fight against seasonal ailments and infections caused by microbial or fungal germs. Studies have discovered extracts of the fruit even combat strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pyogenes. Kiwi can also reduce your cold or flu symptoms. If you have an upper respiratory tract infection, studies have shown that this fruit can work to fight inflammatory and increase cytokine activity.
If you have diabetes, you might already know that kiwi has a low glycemic index (GI). Eating the fruit may even help with the regulation of fat cells. Studies show that this function helps prevent diabetes because adipose tissue dysfunction can make the body develop a resistance to insulin. The next time you eat yogurt, top it off with some slices of kiwi.
Although more research is needed, extracts of this fruit have been known to slow the growth of cancerous cells and shield DNA from damage. Kiwifruit is cytotoxic to malignant cancerous cells but does not harm healthy cells. Fiber, vitamins, carotenoids, and antioxidants found in this little fruit also contribute to fighting or healing cancer. The phytochemical known as catechin found in kiwi may be responsible for stimulating bone marrow proliferation.
Besides being rich in vitamin C and E, kiwifruit also has potassium and polyphenols. This healthy combination can help lower the number of triglycerides in the blood. Eating a couple of kiwis each day can also reduce the risk of blood clotting. The kiwis cause the blood vessels to undergo a fibrinolytic effect, which dissolves clots, dropping the chance of experiencing cardiac diseases like atherosclerosis.
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