During pregnancy, the umbilical cord is the lifeline between mother and baby. It connects the baby to the placenta and provides the oxygen and nourishment they need for those first nine months.
When the umbilical cord first forms, it is made up of two arteries and two veins. In most cases, one of the veins atrophies and forms a three-vessel cord. This leaves one vein that carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus and two arteries that carry blood from the fetus back to the placenta.
Not only does the umbilical cord serve as the vital connection for oxygen and nutrients, but it is also structured in a way that allows the fetus to move around in the womb. It is mechanically strong yet flexible enough to promote neuromotor development. The umbilical cord begins to form around the fourth week of pregnancy and grows to about 22 inches
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