TBI or Traumatic Brain Injury happens when a head injury causes brain damage. The worst injuries can lead to death or permanent brain injuries. Most TBIs are from motor vehicle accidents. Symptoms can vary depending on the injury. Sometimes, they may not appear until days following the injury. Then headaches and neck pain appear followed by nausea, dizziness, and tiredness.
People with severe TBI can experience repeated vomiting, headaches, inability to wake up, dilated pupils, slurred speech, and convulsion. The consequences of the Traumatic Brain Injury can include swallowing issues, physical, cognitive, and sensory problems. These problems limit the ability to live independently. The symptoms can vary depending on the location of the injury.
To diagnose TBI, health care providers use imaging tests and neurological exams. More severe injuries require emergency treatment which depends on the location and severity of the injury. People need rehabilitation to prevent further complications.
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