ickle Cell Anemia refers to a group of diseases that affect the red blood cells. The condition leads to the formation of abnormal hemoglobin cells that have a crescent shape. The disease is genetic, and many family members are affected. Moreover, one person can have only one sickle cell gene and not have a disorder, but they can transfer the gene to children, who are at a higher risk of getting the gene if the other partner has it, too.
Sickle cell disease can affect anyone and often it doesn't have any symptoms. The most common sign is the sickle cell crisis, which is a sudden pain in the body. Moreover, acute chest syndrome is also a sign of the disease. Other symptoms include anemia, swollen hands, yellowing of the skin, spleen and kidney problems, and gallbladder disease.
The typical treatment includes educating patients about the trigger factors and taking regular tests to track the condition. People with Sickle Cell Anemia are prone to infection, and regular vaccinations can be necessary.
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