

Sarcoidosis is a disease that causes the development of small tumors called granulomas. It can affect many organs and systems within the body. There is still no clear understanding of what causes sarcoidosis. The disease is very complex, and scientists still can't explain why in the US African Americans are in the higher risk group while in Europe it mostly affects white people.   The cause of sarcoidosis is unknown. The granulomas are made up of cells from the immune system. Thus scientists think it is connected to it. But there are also theories that suggest infectious materials can lead to sarcoidosis, as well. However, why the body can't stop the immune response is still unknown. Sarcoidosis often occurs in family groups and genetics is one of the possible causes. Moreover, identical twins are more likely to develop the disease.   Some patients don't have any symptoms of sarcoidosis, which is later discovered by chance. More often, however, patients experience weakness, dry cough, and low energy levels. Pain in the breastbone can accompany a cough. Some patients develop fever and weight loss.   Many cases of sarcoidosis don't require medical treatment. However, when symptoms are severe, the application of steroid medications is necessary.


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