
Our kidneys are instrumental in filtering out impurities and unwanted substances. They keep our bodies balanced and healthy, but sometimes they develop issues such as kidney stones, which form when excess amounts of minerals gather in the organs. Large kidney stones can cause a lot of pain and may even block urine flow. Medical treatment is often necessary for this condition, but some home remedies can help speed the recovery along.

Stay Hydrated

The first home remedy on this list is also the cheapest and easiest. The kidneys need water to do their work, and staying well-hydrated is an essential step in treating and preventing kidney stones. If you're uncertain how much water is enough for you, talk to a doctor. The amount of water a person needs depends on their total body weight, lifestyle, and any medications they're taking.

woman drinking a glass of water


Lemon Juice and Olive Oil

Lemon juice contains vitamins and minerals that are instrumental in proper kidney health, such as vitamin C. Olive oil is rich in healthy fatty acids, which are an important component of a healthy diet. To make this remedy, mix two ounces of olive oil with an equal amount of lemon juice and drink. Afterward, drink a whole glass of water to improve the effectiveness. If you have kidney stones, be sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

treating Home Remedies for Kidney Stones


Pomegranates are a popular go-to for kidney stones thanks to their astringent properties, which may aid in easing kidney stone symptoms. Pomegranate juice can deliver some of these properties, though eating fresh pomegranate seeds is the best way to get the most out of all they have to offer.

pomegranate Home Remedies for Kidney Stones


Basil tea is known for having a positive effect on kidney function. Basil works because it contributes to balancing the fluid, mineral, and uric acid levels in the body. Try mixing basil juice with a teaspoon of raw honey. Drink the mixture each morning until symptoms improve. It is also important to remember to drink plenty of water. Consult your doctor before using this natural remedy, as basil can increase bleeding and cause low blood pressure in some people.

fresh basil on a cutting board


Change in Diet

Fast food, refined food, and highly processed foods are contributors to kidney stones, so one of the best ways to ease future symptoms is to reduce the sugary beverages, alcohol, and fried foods in the diet. Opt instead for foods that have a lot of fiber and other essential nutrients. Be sure to drink enough water each day—being well-hydrated helps the kidneys filter blood more efficiently.

diet Home Remedies for Kidney Stones


Horsetail can help to remove excess water and uric acid from the kidneys. High levels of uric acid are known to increase the likelihood of kidney stones. To treat kidney stones with horsetail, drink up to four cups of horsetail tea, available at health food stores, per day. Another option is dried horsetail capsules, which can be taken in the mornings. Always talk toa doctor before taking any new supplements.

natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is full of good acids and minerals that play a role in removing kidney stones. Consuming two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with water each morning can improve kidney health and help prevent kidney stones. This sour liquid is also good for other organ functions and immune health. Never drink the vinegar without mixing it in water.

health Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Chanca Piedra

Studies have found that the chanca piedra plant was effective in treating kidney stones and impeding their formation. It can also make it easier to pass existing stones, which reduces the pain of the condition. The reason for its usefulness appears to be chemicals that help relieve spasms and increase urine, as well as its bacteria- and virus-fighting effects.

natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

Kidney Beans

Here's an easy-to-remember remedy: kidney beans have been shown to help treat kidney stones. They are an excellent source of magnesium and other minerals that reduce pain and discomfort. They are also high in fiber, which is important for many healthy body functions. The versatility of these beans means it's easy to consume them in salads, soups, and dips.

cooked kidney beans on a plate


Uva Ursi

Though research is minimal, for centuries, people have been using the uva ursi plant for many medical reasons, including kidney and bladder stones, thanks in part to its diuretic properties. Indigenous peoples used it to treat urinary infections long before antibiotics were invented. As with any herb, talk to your doctor before taking uva ursi for kidney stones, as it could interact poorly with existing health conditions or medications.

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

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