When you are dealing with the symptoms of urinary incontinence, one of the most important things to stay ahead of the condition is to be informed. Some of the terminology may be a bit confusing, because, let’s face it, this isn’t exactly something that we all sit around and discuss over cocktails! Plus, there may be some words that really require more in-depth definitions and explanations, if nothing else but to be certain that you completely understand what may be occurring with this condition and how to effectively manage it. So, let’s take a look at a few terms that are “musts” when understanding urinary incontinence.
Incontinence is the inability to maintain absolute control over one or more of the body’s excretions. While this term may also be used to describe rectal functions, it is typically used when making reference to urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is not so much a medical condition as it is a symptom of other underlying medical problems. Often times, urinary incontinence may be temporary, in direct correlation to particular medications, foods or drinks, but in other cases, it may be a symptom that will hang about as long as the medical problem that it is related to. Sometimes, medications may help, or a physician may definitely speak with you about products that may assist you while suffering from urinary incontinence.
Estrogen is a female hormone that is mostly produced by the ovaries. When it applies to urinary incontinence, estrogen can be a very important factor. When women begin to enter menopause, their bodies may produce less and less estrogen, and the bladder and urethra may become less healthy. In fact, it can lead to tissues in the bladder breaking down over time, which can then be a contributing factor for urinary incontinence. Of course, medications that can be distributed by a physician during menopause may help with estrogen levels, therefore also assisting in the severity of urinary continence that is experienced.
Stress incontinence is a form of incontinence that, like its name, is caused by stress or stress-related situations or conditions that may be temporary or permanent. This mostly refers to the young or the elderly, and may be connected with particular medications at times. However, the cause is most commonly linked to mental health situations. Many conditions may inadvertently lead to urinary incontinence, which is exemplified as a symptom of the underlying psychiatric issue. Nervous dispositions often lead to urinary incontinence, even going so far as to pop up during particular situations or during activities that produce an abnormal amount of stress.
Urge incontinence is a form of urinary incontinence that can follow the urge for urination or the absolute lack of an urge for urination. When some patients experience the urge to go and cannot reach a bathroom immediately, they are sometimes unable to hold the urge. On the other spectrum, some patients may not feel an urge to urinate whatsoever, so they are not expecting it when, somewhat out of the blue, they have an urge to urinate that they cannot suppress. Typically, when individuals experience urge continence, physicians will suggest that they look into experimenting with some form of protection.
A urologist is a physician that deals especially with diseases and conditions of the urinary tract. Patients who are experiencing urinary incontinence, for whatever reason, are typically referred to urologist, who will run tests and research the exact cause of the incontinence. As mentioned above, it is important to discover exactly why a patient is experiencing the incontinence, so that treatments may be formulated. In some cases. The incontinence may be temporary, and the discontinuation of a certain mediation might just do the trick. If the cause is more serious in nature, a urologist will be able to discover this and set out a course of treatments to attempt to relieve this symptom.
A stricture is a narrowing of a passage within the body, and it is typically considered to be abnormal in almost all cases. A stricture may come into play in the case of urinary incontinence when there may be a form of blockage that is narrowing the urinary canal, thereby causing the urinary incontinence to occur. Strictures are often connected with blockages or, in more serious cases, with tumors or forms of cancer. In many cases, the removal of the blockage, via the use of medicine or through a surgical procedure, will result in the ceasing of the urinary incontinence.
Urinalysis is a test that can be completed to test the urine that is excreted from the body. Toxins and other unhealthy agents are constantly being dispelled from the body via the urine, so often conducting a form of urinalysis is the best way to get at the root of many health problems. When it comes to urinary incontinence, a urinalysis may typically offer suggestions as to why the incontinence may be occurring, whether it is urge or stress related. Remember that continence is merely a symptom of an underlying problem, so finding out what that problem might be is usually the quickest route to recovery.
The urinary tract is made up of the organs within the body that emit, produce and store urine. This includes the kidneys, the bladder and the urethra. When it comes to urinary incontinence, the urinary tract can obviously play a very important role. However, when we are discussing temporary incontinence that is not food or medicine related, it can be one of the key factors leading to the incontinence. Urinary tract infections, whether treated or left to heal of their own accord, can be a leading cause for urinary incontinence. Whenever experiencing the symptoms of a urinary tract infection, it is best to see a physician for treatment options.
The urethra is a part of the body that most people probably couldn’t locate if put to the test. The urethra is the tube or passageway that begins at the bladder and leads outside of the body in women and outside of the vagina. It is through the urethra that urine is dispelled. In males, the urethra leads out of the penis, and it carries urine, as well as semen, out of the body. When it comes to urinary incontinence, the urethra is a body part that you may hear mentioned pretty frequently, as that abnormal conditions originating there may lead to urinary incontinence.
When it comes to urinary incontinence, neurological conditions do not instantly pop into the mind. However, they can be one of the most frequent causes of the symptom. Many neurological disorders can block the nerve signals that are sent to the bladder. When the bladder doesn’t get the signals, it can cause several abnormal reactions, one of which is urinary incontinence. Many neurological disorders that can produce the symptom of urinary continence are multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, tumors, strokes, spinal or brain injuries and some orders that are a result of psychological disorders. However, chances are that if these disorders are regulated, the urinary incontinence can be less intensive.
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