
Incontinence may seem like a minor problem in our society, but it affects more people than you may think. More than 25 million Americans have problems with their bladder, which can cause embarrassment and pain. Incontinence doesn't affect men and women equally - in fact, around 80% of all patients are women. Luckily, there is a broad range of treatments for incontinence that involves both mental and natural therapies. Find out the top 10 treatments for incontinence.


This innovative method involves using relaxation to create a state of heightened concentration. This application is known as hypnosis, and it allows the therapist to perform mental exercises to promote better control of the body. For incontinence, this means making the muscles of the bladder easier to control. Medical research has backed up to use of hypnotherapy, including a study published in the British Medical Journal. Even though some people might seem skeptical about hypnotherapy, you should be open-minded and give it a try; it might just be the perfect treatment for you. Moreover, hypnosis can be performed alone at home with practice.



Reduce Coffee Consumption

One of the many culprits of incontinence is excessive coffee consumption. Many people depend on constant consumption of coffee to keep themselves awake. Besides making you likely to become anxious or nervous, coffee can also increase incontinence because it contributes to bladder irritation. Also, because coffee is a diuretic, it can cause muscle contractions, which contribute to incontinence. When coffee stimulates the brain, it also causes bladder control to weaken, giving you the feeling of bathroom urgency. Instead of completely cutting off coffee consumption, try reducing your intake to an acceptable level that won't cause too much incontinence.

coffee incontinence


Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for your body's health. It has far-reaching consequences for both mental and physical health. Drinking plenty of water is necessary to keep our bodies from becoming dehydrated. Dehydration can cause irritation in the bladder, which contributes to incontinence. You should aim to drink eight glasses of water per day. Other beverages, such as coffee, soda, or milk, also count towards this goal. To ensure that you're getting enough water, try consuming a glass of water once every few hours. In the morning, drinking two glasses of water can help you to wake up and feel refreshed.

treating incontinence



One of the most exciting treatment options for incontinence is acupuncture therapy. This form of therapy uses needles that are placed in certain parts of the body to promote healing and other beneficial effects. When you experience incontinence, there is an imbalance within the body, causing irritation in the bladder which leads to incontinence. Acupuncture therapy targets this imbalance and fixes it. When using acupuncture therapy, it's important to get a consistent treatment by a licensed therapist. Many private acupuncture therapists offer help in case of incontinence. Be sure to consult your doctor before getting any acupuncture treatment.

home remedies incontinence


Give Up Smoking

One of the most common factors that increase incontinence is smoking. Because cigarettes contain nicotine, they can contribute to higher levels of incontinence. Nicotine is considered an irritant, and when you smoke on a frequent basis, you also end up going to the bathroom more often. Many medical studies have shown that people who smoke are prone to suffering from incontinence more than non-smoking population. Another fact that makes smoking problematic is that it causes smoking, which is likely to result in stress which leads to incontinence. If you smoke, try using nicotine therapy to reduce your dependence on cigarettes.

natural remedies for incontinence


Vitamin D

If you want to reduce incontinence and relieve symptoms, you can take certain vitamin supplements, one of which is Vitamin D. Vitamin D is known to promote calcium intake as well as promote good bone health. Some research has also established a link between Vitamin D intake and lower levels of incontinence. Many people lack a rich and balanced diet that includes vitamin D. One of the best ways to receive your daily doses of this vitamin is by getting plenty of sunlight, which is an excellent source of vitamin D. Try walking outside for at least 30 minutes each day to get sufficient sunlight.

vitamins for incontinence



Another important element that can help you take back control of your bladder function is magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral that ensures proper functioning of the muscles and nerves. That's why it's beneficial in controlling the muscles of the bladder and relieving the symptoms of incontinence. Also, magnesium is believed to stop the bladder muscles from spamming, therefore making it easier to sleep at night without interruption. To benefit from magnesium, you can take supplements. Be sure to check with your doctor before consuming any medication. You can also incorporate more magnesium-rich foods in your diet, including bananas and corn.

vegetables for incontinence


Control Your Weight

With almost 70% of the adult population classified as overweight, obesity and other weight-related issues are one of the largest medical challenges facing our society. Having too much weight can have detrimental consequences for your health, including bladder control. Excess weight puts pressure on the bladder which can cause a sense of urgency. When combined with other treatments - such as adequate vitamin intake and exercise - weight loss can be a powerful tool against incontinence. To help lose weight, consume plenty of water and cut down on highly processed foods. Stick to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

weight loss incontinence


Bladder Control

Believe it or not, your brain is a powerful machine that can be manipulated to help relieve incontinence and related symptoms. Training the bladder is something that takes practice and dedication. When performed consistently over time, this can help you to overcome symptoms of incontinence. To train the bladder, try resisting the urge of going to the bathroom. Do this by delaying urination by 10 minutes when you develop a sense of urgency; gradually increase this figure over time. Don't hold it in if you feel too much pain. Before attempting to train your bladder, consult your doctor first.

bladder incontinence


Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercise is another type of treatment you can perform to help control your incontinence. This kind of activity involves using certain muscles to stop the urinary flow, providing relief and comfort. Kegel exercises flex the muscles that control the bladder. It may sound easy, but it's important to perform these activities in a consistent way over time. Some people need up to 12 weeks of practice to completely feel the effects of Kegel exercise. To know how to perform a Kegel exercise routine, consult a physical therapist. This should be done under the supervision of your doctor.

kegels incontinence

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