

This disease causes the thyroid gland (located at the front of the neck) to overproduce hormones. There are several reasons why this might happen. In the majority of cases, the cause turns out to be an autoimmune illness called Grave's disease. In this situation, the immune system starts to harm the thyroid instead of protecting it. However, hyperthyroidism might also occur as a reaction to certain medications, or for some other reason.



This excess of hormones in the body affects heartbeat and also raises body temperature. Typical symptoms include insomnia, feelings of general weakness, rapid changes of mood, loss of weight and a swelling in the neck. Although nobody is immune to hyperthyroidism statistics, show that it most commonly affects women in their 20s and 30s. Fortunately, this condition is usually relatively easy to treat. In some cases medication is sufficient, but in other situations, the patient might have to undergo radiation treatment or even surgery.


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