Gout is an arthritic condition that causes severe pain in the joints. Flare-ups occur unpredictably and with varying frequency, beginning when excess uric acid develops in the blood. Under normal circumstances, the body dissolves uric acid and removes it via the kidneys and urination. Trigger foods prompt excess uric acid to build up and crystalize at the joints. People prone to gout should avoid or minimize specific foods to reduce flare-ups.


Red meat

Some meats are high in purine. The body breaks down purines into uric acid, but too much can get into the bloodstream and cause gout attacks. Red meat has a higher purine content than white meat, but of the red meats, lamb is the most problematic. People attempting to avoid gout flare-ups should try not to consume too much beef or pork, limiting meals with these foods to three times a week at most. Those who do consume lamb should choose chops instead of the leg meat.

What Foods Can Cause a Gout Flare-Up?



Certain fish are rich in purine, and people with gout should avoid them. Problem seafood includes herring, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies. Salmon is a good, low-purine alternative that is generally considered safe for people with gout in moderation. People with gout should eat fish no more than twice a week.

What Foods Can Cause a Gout Flare-Up?


Wild game

People prone to gout should avoid the meat of wild game, especially rabbit, venison, quail, pheasant, and goose. Like beef, pork, and lamb, these animals have high purine content that increases the risk of gout attacks. Instead, experts recommend white meat, which most consider safe to eat in moderate amounts when paired with plenty of vegetables.

What Foods Can Cause a Gout Flare-Up?



Healthcare providers encourage people with gout to avoid seafood such as scallops. Other fish high in purines include shellfish, sardines, herring, anchovies, codfish, trout, and haddock. Better options are lobster, shrimp, salmon, and crab, as they have lower purine content. A person's total seafood intake should be no more than six to eight ounces a day. People with gout can enjoy scallops occasionally but should opt for a less problematic delicacy if their flare-ups increase.

What Foods Can Cause a Gout Flare-Up?


Organ meats

There has been discussion in recent years about the benefits of organ meats for general health, but these parts of the animal are not recommended for people with gout. It is best to cut out tongue, liver, brains, kidneys, and sweetbreads to minimize gout attacks.

What Foods Can Cause a Gout Flare-Up?



People with gout should avoid drinking beer. The breakdown of beer in the body causes a spike in uric acid levels. Beer also dehydrates the body and slows the elimination of uric acid. Most experts suggest people with gout skip alcohol wherever possible, but an occasional glass of wine is generally fine.

What Foods Can Cause a Gout Flare-Up?


Sugary drinks

Sweet beverages usually have a lot of high-fructose corn syrup, which can stimulate uric acid production and increase the risk of gout attacks. Fresh-squeezed juices and herbal teas are healthier alternatives to packaged fruit drinks and sodas. It's a good idea to avoid all foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup when trying to prevent gout attacks.

What Foods Can Cause a Gout Flare-Up?


Certain vegetables

Though experts recommend people with gout eat a diet rich in vegetables, some produce is high in purines, including asparagus, mushrooms, peas, spinach, and cauliflower. Eating these vegetables may not trigger an attack as readily as other problem foods, but doctors may still recommend avoiding them, as well as dried fava and garbanzo beans, as a precaution.

What Foods Can Cause a Gout Flare-Up?


Certain fruits

Like fructose-bearing drinks, some fruits trigger increased production of uric acid. Dates, prunes, lychees, plums, and pears are on the list of fruits to avoid. However, experts suggest that, as with high-purine veggies, most individuals prone to gout can consume them in moderation as long as they take care to avoid other purine- and fructose-rich foods in the same day. If they do seem to cause a problem, it is best to avoid these fruits in the future.

What Foods Can Cause a Gout Flare-Up?


High-Fat dairy products

There is some conflicting evidence regarding how dairy products affect people prone to gout attacks. Most studies show that eating more cheese, yogurt, and ice cream could decrease the risk of gout. However, an excess of high-fat dairy products can cause various issues and may contribute to flare-ups.

What Foods Can Cause a Gout Flare-Up?

Help prevent gout flares with weight loss

In addition to avoiding problematic foods, there are also many steps people with or prone to gout can take to help reduce their chances of flare-ups.

Harboring excess body fat increases the risk of gout. Uric acid is eliminated through the kidneys, and being overweight or obese decreases their functionality and efficiency. The major culprit behind this is belly fat. This isn't the fat that sits directly under the skin; it's the visceral type that wraps around the organs. Visceral fat releases chemicals that promote systemic inflammation and lead to related metabolic diseases, including insulin resistance. Weight loss reduces inflammation and gout attack risk.

Weight loss visceral belly fat Peter Dazeley / Getty Images


Complex carbohydrates can keep gout away

Complex carbohydrates can reduce gout flares, but it depends on what form they take. Fructose is a type of sugar in honey and fruits. Its breakdown almost immediately increases serum purine levels and the risk of a gout attack. Fruits, whole grains, and vegetables are complex carbohydrates that are great for managing gout because they are digested slowly. While fresh fruits are beneficial, people with gout need to limit or avoid naturally sweet fruit juices with their high concentrations of fructose.

Complex carbohydrates fructose whole grains happy_lark / Getty Images


Ease gout flares by hydrating

Staying hydrated is the most readily available means of managing gout. Hyperuricemia occurs when the blood has too much uric acid. A number of conditions and circumstances can cause this, including diseases and medications. Drinking water dilutes uric acid levels in the blood and flushes the organs. The more water consumed, the more uric acid excreted, decreasing the risk of urate crystals in the joints.

Hyperuricemia hydration water flush organs Guido Mieth / Getty Images


Healthy fats can minimize symptoms of gout

Certain healthy fats decrease the number of recurring flare-ups. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential fats that humans must consume because the body can't make its own. There are times when gout medications manage the disease but do not lower the recurring gout attacks. Omega-3s are well-known anti-inflammatories that are helpful in managing other arthritis conditions, too. However, not all sources are as effective. Two or more servings of cold-water fish, such as mackerel or salmon, are better at lowering recurrent gout attacks — by at least 33 percent — compared to fish oil supplements.

Healthy fats omega-3 salmon mackerel milanfoto / Getty Images


Consume lean protein to prevent gout flares

One of the keys to managing gout is to choose proteins that are low in purines since they can increase uric acid and trigger gout flares. Beef, shellfish, and organ meat have high levels of purines, while eggs, nuts, seeds, and tofu are safer choices.  There was a time when doctors thought that milk was also a hazard, but it turns out that low levels of vitamin D are linked to hyperuricemia. Integrating low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt also decreases the risk of gout attacks.

Lean protein low-fat milk yogurt ATU Images / Getty Images


Certain types of beans

Some types of beans have high levels of purines, which are compounds the body turns into uric acid and a major trigger for gout flare-ups. Avoid eating large quantities of lentils, great northern beans, and black-eyed peas if you want to keep your gout under control. These beans have more than 70 milligrams of purines per serving. Soybeans also have high levels of purines.

Lentils and spoon in a wooden bowl close up on an old table.


Certain condiments

Condiments can add flavor to your meals, but certain ones may trigger gout flare-ups. Use mustard in small quantities since mustard seeds contain purines, which can make gout attacks much worse. Hot sauce and salsa can irritate your digestive tract and exacerbate gout symptoms. Opt for milder condiments like olive oil or those made with non-acidic vegetables. Be mindful of your body's reactions, as everyone's tolerance varies.

 Mustard in a jar. Mustard Seeds Vegan concept. Healthy diet. Selective focus. Macro.


Excessive caffeine

Moderate caffeine consumption may not trigger gout attacks, but individuals prone to gout should be cautious and monitor their caffeine intake for other reasons. In some cases, drinking coffee can lower your risk of gout. However, you should avoid caffeine before bedtime to improve your sleep quality and overall health.

Coffee cup and coffee beans on table


Processed and fast foods

Processed and fast foods are typically high in salt, unhealthy fats, and refined carbohydrates. These can lead to obesity, which is a risk factor for gout. The more you eat, the harder your kidneys have to work to excrete excess uric acid. Opting for fresh, home-cooked meals with whole, unprocessed ingredients is a better choice for those looking to manage gout and lose a few pounds.

fast food and unhealthy eating concept - close up of fast food snacks and cola drink on wooden table
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