Diabetes is a serious, long-lasting condition that 442 million people worldwide deal with every single day. Though diabetes is a condition in and of itself, it can result in additional health issues, including high blood pressure, nausea, bruising, and fatigue. Symptoms of diabetes are easily recognizable and include frequent urinating, insatiable thirst, and sudden weight loss. If you begin to notice these symptoms, you should consult with your doctor immediately. If you have type 1, type 2, or pre-diabetes, these ten home remedies may help manage your symptoms. They can't cure you of the condition, but they can help you feel better and give you more energy.
It is widely known and confirmed by many nutritionists that raw vegetables contain more vitamins than cooked vegetables. This is true of both celery and carrots. Both of these veggies contain extraordinary antioxidants and are rich in many beneficial enzymes. They are also important sources of vitamin C. Celery and carrots help with preventing dehydration, hypertension (high blood pressure), and reducing liver, skin, and eyesight problems. To prepare carrot and celery juice, wash and peel one stalk of celery and two carrots, chop, and blend them.
One of the most effective home remedies used for treating and handling diabetes is cinnamon, as it is proven to reduce blood pressure. It also has a positive effect on blood markers, which is important for those with type 2 diabetes. When it comes to type 2 diabetes, cinnamon is a big help in lowering blood sugar levels. Cinnamon can lower your blood sugar by up to 29%. The best way to use all the qualities that cinnamon provides is the following: Put four cinnamon sticks into a glass bottle with room temperature water. Let it sleep overnight in a fridge and drink the cinnamon water throughout the next day.
Both green tea and lemon are highly recommended for their antioxidant content. Green tea helps to dissolve harmful fats in the body, which leads to another benefit: lowering blood pressure. Mixing a cup of green tea with a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice only enhances the effect green tea has alone.
Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon or karela, is a multifunctional plant—a vegetable to be precise. It offers twice as much calcium as spinach, as much potassium as a banana and a whole lot of beta-carotene. It is also rich in iron, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C—a real health-booster that significantly reduces blood glucose levels. There are many ways to prepare bitter gourd, but the most effective one is drinking it raw in juice. You can add a pinch of lemon juice and ginger to reduce the bitter taste, or you can enjoy it on its own.
Another gift of nature that is highly nutritious and full of various vitamins is the blueberry. Blueberries are full of manganese, proanthocyanidin, vitamin K, vitamin C, and many other antioxidants. This fruit plays an important role in maintaining the health of a person with diabetes. They regulate the gastrointestinal tract and decrease the risk of a heart attack—a risk higher in those with diabetes. Put a tablespoon of dry blueberries in a cup of boiling water and leave them for 10 minutes. Drink as often as needed.
There's one word that can describe the most important benefit of aloe vera: alkalinity. Because it is alkaline, aloe vera helps the body to balance its pH, helping to protect your body from illnesses. It also hydrates the body, which is crucial to proper liver functioning. Plus, being highly hydrating it successfully fights constipation and regenerates the intestinal tract. Wash aloe vera leaf and cut it to open the outer layer. Scoop the colorless gel and be careful not to catch any greenish gel. Store the gel in a jar. Add one teaspoon of it to a blender with fruit juice of your choice and drink the mixture once a week.
Figs are a healthy, delicious treat. However, many people do not know that their leaves can be used in medical treatments. Fig leaf tea is vastly beneficial when it comes to lowering blood pressure. They lower cholesterol in the body because they have high levels of potassium and fiber. They also regulate stomach acid problems. But the most well-known characteristic of a fig leaf is its powerful anti-diabetic effects. Put a tablespoon of fig leaves into a cup of boiling water and let them steep for 8 minutes before removing the leaves. You can drink this tea every other day.
Parsley is an herb that has numerous therapeutic benefits. It helps with water retention and detoxing your kidneys. It can be consumed fresh or dried, but its effects are most efficient if made into parsley water. Parsley water does a great job of treating hypertension, urinary disease, cardiac diseases, and gastrointestinal disorders, all of which have connections to diabetes. Put 8 tablespoons (1/2 cup) of fresh chopped parsley into boiling water and let it boil for 5 minutes. Let it cool and drink up to 3 cups daily.
As smelly as it may seem, garlic is your new best friend when it comes to regulating blood sugar levels. High levels of antioxidants found in garlic can regulate the blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Garlic also contains vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Crush one to three garlic cloves, depending on size, and mix them with a pinch of cinnamon for a better taste. Put it on a tablespoon and eat once a day for five days, then pause for two days and continue again. It can help to keep a glass of your favorite beverage nearby to wash down the mixture afterward.
Managing diabetes means needing to make some diet and lifestyle changes. You may have to stop eating some of your staple foods. Adding new foods to your daily diet may lead to indigestion or heartburn. In such cases, our grandmothers' favorite remedy should do the trick. Add one teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of room temperature water. Stir the fluid until it's combined. Drink a full glass at once, and all the overwhelming sensations will be gone before you can say "baking soda."
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