

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria that can infect both males and females. Women get chlamydia in the rectum, cervix, and throat. Men get chlamydia inside the penis, throat, and rectum. A person can get chlamydia during vaginal, oral, or anal sex with an infected partner. A woman can pass the disease to an infant during childbirth.


If you've had chlamydia, you can get re-infected. Young women are at higher risk of getting infected, as well as people who have many partners. Usually, chlamydia doesn't have any symptoms and people don't know they have the bacteria. People with chlamydia who don't have any symptoms can still pass the disease to other people.


However, some symptoms can appear several weeks after sexual contact with an infected partner. The most common treatment is antibiotics that cure the infection. Doctors can prescribe a one-time dose of antibiotics or one-week course of medication.


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